IT (包括员工的电子邮件功能)和数据处理功能全权交由古狗经营。这大概是全国第一例政府部门将自己的数据需要全权交给私营企业处理,也因此具有不小的意义。支持者认为此举将为洛杉矶市节省一笔不小的开支;在加州财政日益紧张的今天,这是一个有正面意义的举措;但反对者则认为,将这么重要的政府功能交给一个私营企业全面代理,会有很多想不到的后果。谁能保证古狗不会将一些公民的隐私材料和市政府一些需要保密的决策材料在特定的情况下转卖或者提供给有关机构或者公司呢(古狗在中国就曾经因为将一些用户的信息提供给中国政府而受到美国媒体的攻击,当然这是出于政治考虑,和LA 市政府可能会遇到的安全威胁还不大一样)。
NPR, 采访的正好是写过一本有关古狗的竞争秘密的作者。主持人当然不会放过这个“hot topic",问及他对古狗“take over" LA 市府的IT 功能的看法,以及他如何看待人们对以古狗为代表的800 pound corporate gorillas 权力的忧虑。这位作者的回答很有意思。他首先将古狗和微软做了一个比较。在他看来,古狗的公司文化和微软完全不同。后者是一个为了竞争什么都可以做的公司,因为它的创始人是一个hyper-competitive,对于竞争对手毫不手软的人;而古狗的两位创始人,则代表了新一代的entrepreneur。他们的终极目标,是provide the world with more efficient, and effective access to knowledge, 而不是利润和商业回报。因此,他并不担心古狗会滥用用户的信任和自己的power 来谋取自己的利益。
Thanks for visiting and commenting! You pointed out the very reason behind my writing - it's really just a way for me to "record" my thoughts and everyday life. If my writings are useful or helpful for other people, it's the added benefits:).
I agree that the anti-trust regulation will eventually catch up with Google if it does gets "too big and too powerful", just like what happened to Microsoft years ago. I don't doubt that there'll be a day when Google becomes the "evil", just because of its size and dominance, even though it does not intend to be "evil" (like Seewhy pointed out above). It's important to have the mechanisms in place to prevent such situation. With Obama administration's heavy hand on regulation in other industries, I think eventually they will pay attention to the consolidation in the IT industry too.
我也觉得这个“Do No Evil" 的理念很有意思,不过是否真的能够一直坚持,谁也 不敢打保票。”人的为善为恶,受法律但更应受道德、良心的规范。企业,特别是 以营利为最终目的的企业,有什么基本的保证可以永远自我规范而不至于有一天终 于强于任何控制?”Very good question! I have no answer, unfortunately:).
the more power we grant one entity, the less freedom we will have, and especially when this entity is profit oriented.
a few people will have the right to decide life for the common masses, hmmmm.... it can be very very dangerous, especially this day and age, the 21st century, days of the electronics, genomes, computers, internet, robotics and nanites.
what difference is that from living in a bubble like society?
I really enjoy reading your blog. It's like weaving all pieces together in life and at the end, resulting with a compilation of those forgotten and treasured memories. Anyways, I believe as much as Google wants to 'monopolize' the industry, I doubt it's going to happen. One, the U.S. is a country that will minimize the existence of monopoly (however, there's always this 'loop hole' due to the ambigious relationship between the government and the corporations). Secondly, I'm sure Microsoft and/or other IT giants are preparing themselves to avoid this to happen. I read a news a while ago about Microsoft team up with Yahoo (or another one?) to compete against Google's online library. Advanced-technology is a wonderful but scary thing. Just think about those authors spending perhaps years (or even half of a lifetime) to write and publish a story, now, it can be retrieve from online so easily simply because they want to "provide the world with more efficeint, and effective access to knowlege"? Oh well, there's always someone who needs to be sacrificed in order for making a group to be happy.
Coody: If you are so confident this will "never happen", I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore:))! I am sure like Mulan said above, there's going to be other companies "joining the pie", so it shouldn't be such a big deal after all. But they should act faster, otherwise the share taken by Google will be too big.
Google 将拥有全人类的精神财富,这话听上去不怎么悦耳。网络电子版会增加印刷版的需求量?像是有点自欺欺人。如果买书的越来越少,书价越来越高,会不会将来有那么一天就没有书了呢? 人们在追求快捷,便利,功能强大的同时,恐怕也要付出相当的代价。当然,好处也有,那就是地球毁灭之时,google 可以毫不费力地担负起保留人类文明火种的任务。