Give me a break!这是什么时代了,居然还有人会抓住第一夫人的短裤来说事!她又不是穿着像西南航空公司刚开张的时候空姐们穿的那种“热裤”,不过是一条司空见惯的休闲短裤,既不暴露,又不紧绷,有什么大不了的?再说,她又不是穿着短裤去见英国女王,或者穿着短裤去参加国情咨文发布会,她是和家人一起去大峡谷度假!你要她在一百来度的室外穿什么?连衣裙?西装外套?长裤?如果这些媒体不是因为没有事情可以报道而拿这不是新闻的新闻来大作文章,而是真心实意的认为在这种场合第一夫人胆敢穿短裤是“有伤风化”,我真要怀疑这些人是否生活在二十一世纪了。
密雪尔的“与众不同”,也表现在她独特的个人时尚和风格上面。早在竞选期间,美国人就开始注意到这位候选人夫人的既平民化,又十分高雅,而且不失个性的着装风格,媒体对此也大作文章。加上密雪尔和麦肯的夫人动辄穿几千美元一件的名牌设计服装不同,她大部分的衣服都是在大众化的商店买得到的,比如White House Black Market, J Crew就因为她穿了这些牌子的衣服上电视或者参加竞选活动而名声大噪。当然她也不是不穿名牌,但她喜欢的设计师大都是在行外不为人知的,美国本土的设计师,比如为她设计就职舞会礼服的台湾设计师Jason Woo. 也因为如此,有不少业内人士甚至希望,密雪尔会成为一股振兴美国时装界的新风呢
(Her "infamous" black J Crew cardigan worn to Buckingham Palace)
(her famous White House Black Market sundress at The View)
不管你喜欢不喜欢密雪尔,不管你支持不支持奥巴马和他的一系列政策,有点是不可否认的事实,那就是,密雪尔这位“历史性”的第一夫人,一个充满自信,omfortable in her own skin 的现代女性, 正在给整个美国社会带来很多改变。这种改变是顺应社会进步的潮流的。那种女性作为男性的附属品,只能唯唯诺诺作个花瓶摆设的时代早就过去了。不管你愿意不愿意,这是一个社会现实。密雪尔和众多的打破社会常规的女性们,只是这个现实的表现方式而已。
i like Michelle, i think she is a true first lady, first in the fashion sense, and first in a lot of other things, not afraid being oneself is what's important.
Haha! New York, just love your straightforwardness and sharp wit!!! I'm glad we share the same feeling about Lady Di's fashion style, but of course her early styles were reflections of the time, probably not her own choice. Aren't we all? Think about all the leggings everybody used to wear in the 80s in China (or maybe you are too young to know or remember them?)? OMG, that's one "fashion" piece that's very very picky, and I cringe everytime I saw one picture of my college days with the legging on (probably the only one I owned)!
I know a lot of people love to hate her. It's just the sad reality in this country. I don't even want to look at those sites because I know I wouldn't be able to stand those hate language people use there. After all, you can disagree with one's decisions and choices, but the basic level of respect is what we owe others in this planet.
By the way, I don't like her inauguration gown either -- it's highlighted her pear shape too much. I don't think her choice of outfit for the inauguration ceremony was too good either, nor was her choice of the dress (Narsico?) for the "victory night". So unfortunately her choices for the most important events weren't the best ones in her closet:).
Enough said about fashion:). I'm probably out of my inventory of named designers already:).
昭君: Well said. Michelle never said herself is drop dead gorgeous, it's those suck-ups keep comparing her to Jackie O. I think Jackie O is more sophisticated than Lady Di actually. If you look at Di's earlier choices of fashion - done by all the English designers - yikes! Including her wedding gown - waaaaay too puffed up, fairly tale or not. Thank God she discovered Versace! Anyway, if you google "Michelle Obama ugly", you will see tons of very strong hate messages about her, some even call her "a walking ape" - I'm stunned by such hatred in America. While I'm not a 100% fan of hers, I don't know why someone would so viciously verbally attack her! In terms of her pear shaped body - sigh - she certainly stretched that gorgeous Narcisco Rodriguez dress beyond recognition on the night of Nov 4. I was like, what the **** is this? The next day I saw its picture on a model - uhhh, is this the same dress? Same with the inauguration gown - it looks like torn-up toilette paper on her. Even though I'm impressed that she picked an Asian American designer - the dress is simply not for her. African Americans' hair is usually very corse - it's very hard to style. I don't like her hair in this picture with shorts on - it's a terrible thing to say, but in this picture she does sort of looking like a walking a*e.
Thanks for the comments! And obviously you have a lot of fashion sense, not surprising because you are in the center of the fashion world:). I don't pretend to know much about fashion, but I'm just commenting from the media's perspective.
I agree the media was a big “sucking up” when they were wooing and ahhing over everything she was wearing during campaign, and the compa rison to Jackie O was a bit over the top (at least they didn’t say she's another Princess Di, even though I personally don’t make that a big deal of Di either, hehe). She does have great fashion sense, especially when she plays with her great features such as her height, her hourglass figure, and her famous arms lower calves . But like most African American women, she is a bit heavy on the bottom half (the so called “the junk in my trunk” phenomenon), so if she wears something that is too puffy on the bottom, and nothing on the top to balance it out, it can be a little drapery.
To be honest, I’m not the fan of the sweater suit she wore to Buckingham either -- especially her hair - too coiffy and it lost the buncy and shiny quality she ususally has. I think of all the outfits she has sported in public (at least the ones I saw), that one and the one she wore when meeting Carla Sarchozi (the dark black satin coat with big red flowers) were my least favoriteBut that’s my opinion. She looks the best when wearing shvealing dresses that highlight her waist (oftentimes with a well placed belt) and her long, lean legs and long neck.
She's a very intelligent & independent woman. I think a lot of the conservatives are still trying to accept the first African American family in the white house. Some of the fashion people tried to suck up to Obama early on during the campaign by comparing Michelle to Jackie O, which I think it's a little bit over the top, cause she's smart & cool & all, but a fashion icon, I'm afraid not. But then there's the whole other side of people trying to attack her for anything she does or wears. While I don't see the big deal of wearing shorts on Air Force 1, I do think it was improper to wear a cardigan to the Buckingham. It's cool that she's so down to earth, but for God's sake, don't shun the designers either when the occasion calls for it. No one would wear a freaking suit or ball gown on their summer vacation to the Grand Canyon, but how many people would wear a shapeless sweater to see the Queen of England? She or her people have definitely had some miscalls on her fashion... In my opinion, some nice St. John suits will do wonders to her somewhat disproportional body shape, but then again, I doubt she'll ever wear it, cause people will attack her for wearing a $6000 suit. The dilemma for being the first lady of America, the first african american first lady of America... The land of free, but I don't think she has much freedom, but she's been a trooper so far. She consistently sends the message - I'm just like any American mom - not like John McCain's wife in all her Gucci & Oscar de la Rentas - "I'm better than you. Don't you touch me. I'll burst like a bubble..."