刚好一个礼拜前,踌躇满志的奥总才在哥本哈根遭受芝加哥奥运申请的华铁卢;一个礼拜后,却获得了诺贝尔和平奖的意外荣耀!真是冰火两重天啊! 今天晚上上课可有得讨论了:)。下午学校还有一个讲座,请来奥总的健康问题顾问做有关医疗改革的讨论。本来因为这两天太忙太累(连着做了两天campus interview 的host,加上上课和其他的“例行工作”),不打算去参加的。现在想想,还是去听听,看看这个最新进展会不会shed some new lights? 尽管医改是国内政策,和平奖主要是国际事务,但总归是一个“whole package”,对奥总支持者的士气肯定是有不小的鼓励作用。也许真能借此东风,一鼓作气,把阿富汗撤军问题,中东谈判,国内医改都一起解决罗,那可真是大大的好事呢。 至此,先后有四位在职和前美国总统获此殊荣(罗斯福,1906, 威尔讯,1919,卡特,2002)。当然还有前副总统戈尔在2006年因为全球环境保护方面的贡献而得到这个奖。 尽管不太明白奥总的和平贡献到底有多significant (阿富汗撤军?中东谈判?还是北韩救记者?不对,那应该是克卿啊?),这个奖给他至少比给达赖和热比亚,王丹什么的强,呵呵。 Interesting quotes: "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the worlds attention and given its people hope for a better future," Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee said. "In the past year Obama has been a key person for important initiatives in the U.N. for nuclear disarmament and to set a completely new agenda for the Muslim world and East-West relations." My interpretation: Its the "intention", "efforts", and "hope" of ones action that matters, not that much about his or her actual achievement in peacemaking. This is a new emphasis of the prestigious award in recent years.
Official story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33237202/ns/politics-white_house?GT1=43001 |