)。下午学校还有一个讲座,请来奥总的健康问题顾问做有关医疗改革的讨论。本来因为这两天太忙太累(连着做了两天campus interview 的host,加上上课和其他的“例行工作”),不打算去参加的。现在想想,还是去听听,看看这个最新进展会不会shed some new lights? 尽管医改是国内政策,和平奖主要是国际事务,但总归是一个“whole package”,对奥总支持者的士气肯定是有不小的鼓励作用。也许真能借此东风,一鼓作气,把阿富汗撤军问题,中东谈判,国内医改都一起解决罗,那可真是大大的好事呢。
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the worlds attention and given its people hope for a better future," Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee said. "In the past year Obama has been a key person for important initiatives in the U.N. for nuclear disarmament and to set a completely new agenda for the Muslim world and East-West relations."
My interpretation: Its the "intention", "efforts", and "hope" of ones action that matters, not that much about his or her actual achievement in peacemaking. This is a new emphasis of the prestigious award in recent years.
Haha, Mulan, this is really interesting. The Nobel Prize committee members could well be benefiting from the "bull market" in the US stock market, for which Mr. Obama had significant contribution.
I also read a piece on WSJ, which argues that for many years, the Nobel Prize committee has been trying to make "political statements" against the "one hand" approach the US government has taken in global affairs, and mostly notebly, Obama's predecessor's moves in Iraq, global climate change, etc. The prize awarded to Carter, Gore, and now Obama, can all be seen as a slap after a slap to Mr. W. I think he's probably feeling pretty awkward now:(.
I just noticed the comment on yesterday's Barron's, cannot help from sending you this--just for a laugh.
There was considerable speculation among the punditry and even some smart folks as to wy the five-member nobel committee chose Mr. Obama. A strictly political move both to stick their tongues out at George Bush and curry favr wit his successor? We've a kinder, gentler theory. To wit:
The Nobel quintet in concert bought stocks at the bottoms in March. Being at some remove from Wall street and happily ignorant of momentum, inflection points, irrational exuberance and the rest of that arcane stuff, they attribute their mounting good fortune to what they considered an Obama Bull Market. So after a quick count of their enormous profits, hey decided to show their gratitude and reward to Obama. We can't say whether they can rescind the price should the market turn tail.
gsm0: Like I mentioned here, it seesm that the committee values "initiatives, intentions, efforts, and hopes" a lot more than actual results. I just read an article that argues the award can hurt Obama more than help him, maybe it's a different way to look at it. Here's the link:
I am very surprised too when I saw this Breaking news in my inbox this morning. I don't think he has done much in this area to get this hornor. I do agree with you that it's better awarded to him than those named in your blog. LOL