小提琴曲《流浪者之歌》(又名《吉卜赛之歌》)是十九世纪西班牙著名小提琴家、作曲家萨拉萨蒂的作品。 帕布罗·德·萨拉萨蒂(Pablo de Sarasate,1844-1908)幼年就开始学习小提琴。十岁开始登台演奏。1856年萨拉萨蒂进入巴黎音乐学院深造,毕业后在欧美各地巡回演出。他的演奏技艺精湛,被后人称为“帕格尼尼再世”。与他同一时代的著名作曲家如布鲁赫、圣-桑、维尼亚夫斯基、德沃夏克等人都曾创作小提琴作品题献给他。
I think this performance was somewhere in Europe, judging from the people who sat in the audience and the buidings around the stage. There's something about outdoor concert in the summer night that makes me so happy:).... We are going to see Lang Lang next weekend at the Ravinia. He's going to play Prokofiev. Can't wait.
Erhu playing Zigeunerweisen? That I got to see, hehe. I've seen erhu playing Intro and Rondo Capricciosso, impossible enough:)! How would erhu handle the lefthand plucking and pressing at the same time like she's doing here?
Actually, I never been Illinois , so no idea where it is. It's beautiful place and beautiful music. I posted one with Er Hu as well, quite different style.
This is what I meant by "More to Come" after "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso", hehe. There are more, much more to come, haha.
I remember you once posted this piece at your blog. Not a video, just audio clip. I guess you like this one too?
Can you tell where this performance took place? By the first look I thought it's Ravinia, but the stage and the surrounding seats threw me off. She's so mesmerizing, isn't she??!!!