当然还有关于奥巴马的笑话 (11:00 -- 12:15), marriage and same sex marriage (12:30-12:43), unemployment, health care reform, and he also poked fun of CSPAN and Sarah Palin-- 这家伙真的很有才!!
儿子知道的笑星很多,什么George Carling,Jerry Seinfield ,etc. 这是他第一次看中国人用英文讲stand up comedy (当然老爸的笑话不算),笑得前仰后合,还把不少精彩段子记录下来,说明天要和朋友们分享呢。
Yeah, I know. He did tell some of the same jokes at the RTCA dinner, but twisted them and made them more suitable for the audience and event. I agree with your comment on his accent - it is probably a dilemma he'll have to decide on - probably he should keep the accent, just to be unique. One of my son's favorite comedians is an Indian descendent (I forgot his name this moment), and he has distinctive Indian accent, which became his trademark. Just hearing him speaking with that accent makes me want to laugh:))).
Maybe he was joking about "preparin for the show for months", but even if that's true, I don't think that's a stretch. He's still a budding comedian, and this was a huge event for his career, so you can't over prepare. I could see some spontaneous acts though (like "that's not a joke" after someone laughed at his remark that he went to "Rice University"), which was good.
Boy, he has improved so much. He RCTA act was so good he brought down the whole house.
I can’t decide whether he’d be better with his “affectational” accent or a more natural American accent. His “foreign” accent in a comedy act sounds quaint now, but might become tiresome to the audience after a while. Besides his jokes are so good that even someone like Leno delivering them would sound great.
He said he “prepared for months” for this performance. That’s the “take away” for me - Rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse again.
Thanks! I think a good comedian has to be someone who has very keen observation of the things around him/her. He/she can find humor and irony in ordinary everyday happenings. This is what sets them apart from everyone else. Sometimes when I hear a joke from a comic, I would think "Well, I saw the same thing, but I didn't find anything funny in it!". Of course, the delivery is also very important. Like Duo Si, I can't help but laughing at my own jokes so I can't be a comedian material.
Looking forward to your Friday Jokes! I have some to contribute too - looks like it's going to be a funny "Good Friday"!!!! And it'll be in the 80's here in Chicago!! Hooray, Spring!