John McCain 的人选(有分析说共和党内真正能给希拉里造成威胁的是朱利安尼,但朱出线的可能性不大。这让我想起中国那个快马对中马,中马对慢马,慢马对快马的博弈故事来了,看来这选举的学问还真不少呢),而在新罕布什尔胜出之后,希拉里似乎有乘胜追击的势头,又拿下了南卡和内华达。不过最近她和老公对奥巴马的一些批评倒让人觉得不太大度,有点适得其反。不管怎样,我觉得如果美国真的选出一个女人做总统,也未尝不是这个社会的进步,至少,那些认为政治是男人的专利的人们可以改变一下看法了,呵呵。女同胞们,多关心关心政治吧,说不定哪天您就是第二个赖斯或者奥尔布莱特呢,嘿嘿。
to be honest, i kinda hope that obama gets it, however, i dont really agree with his expressed opinions on how to deal with China over international policy.... :(
I think we human beings are superficial. If usagi's friend is white, people automatically assume he/she is more qualified to teach English. Just look at the world at large, how many people live on their own talent? The impression one makes seems to be just as important as having talent. Isn't that how racial discrimination or prejudice starts? Everybody is talking about political candidates, especially Obama. I have been thinking, how much we konw about this guy. Is he really fresh air, or he just appears to be fresh air? sorry, this is probably too far away from the topic ZY starts. But I can't help it. I can talk about it all day. My daughter just did a project called 'skin deep'. It's about all fads in the society. The interesting thing is, these fads are having influencial effects on society (especially young folks)as any serious affairs. Maybe ZJ should start a topic on that.
my friends here used to make fun of me, (of course in a kind way), that you are totally americanize unless you tell us that you weren't born and raised here in the US, we wouldn't know the difference, we'd think you are totally an American. however, if you are back in China, they will treat you like a non-american in many ways to take advantages of you.
:P dont know if what i said made much sense, but i thought it was funny. full or irony.
I agree with you about Chinese rarely choose politics as their career. Of course we have the history reasons. Look at our recent history, almost nothing to be proud of. Each time when my daughter asked me how many presidents we once had, I cannot tell her the exact number. It is too complicated to explain all of this, so I just give up. How can we explain that Deng Xiao Ping was not a President but had the real power? While the President was just a symbol?
Hope our next generation will have more go to this field.
当今美国社会的种族人权利益是经过很多黑人的不泄努力得来的。可是如果回想18世纪与19世纪美国西部开发初期,绝大多数都是中国人,亚洲人来修铁路,因为种种原因,竟导致美国国会在1882年五月6日签署the chinese exclusion act, 但是120多年以后,却不见中国人发表对于它的言论。与二站结束后,为自己人权斗争的美籍日裔形成了鲜明对比。
Like this one too! I, too, don't like politics. In fact, each time when I cannot go to sleep very quickly, my hubby would tell me some politics. Five minutes later, I am already having dreams :). Then he would read whatever he wants to read in the Internet:). But I do hope Hillary could become the President, that way, the politics would be more interesting! I am also looking forward to your new article on finance, economics, and investment.
说到希拉里和奥巴马联合迎战共和党,当然是一个绝配,如果能够拿下白宫,那可 是两个“历史第一”哦。不过看现在两人争斗得这样,到时候希拉里是否能有这个 胸襟(女人的stereotype,呵呵)再请奥作为竞选夥伴也很难说。说不定又像上次一 样拉爱得华作副总统人选 (爱得华似乎就是这个命)。奥巴马即便这次不出线,也 当不了希拉里的副手,他的前途应该还是无量的。当然如果能像你所说那样,坐12-16年江山,it would be dream come true for him and the Democrats.