文章评论 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-01-25 16:56:54 |
Pearl: He's trying to woo the main street while attacking the wall sreet -的确如此。但是否能真的起作用,很难讲。就说这个child care credit 吧,如果父母双方有一个失业在家,就不能take advantage of it。所以说到底还是就业的问题。这是关键。但正如小U 上面说的那样,这又是最难的一点。
U: Very true. It's not just the tax policy. That's the dilemma |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2010-01-25 14:06:27 |
with immigration, it's not going to help if he grants all the undocumented people refuge, because those people will need jobs too, can the current Econ handle that ? if not then they will have to claim help as well.... |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2010-01-25 13:57:35 |
job creation is hard to do at this point i think, especially for these big corps, i think maybe he can like propose some plan for these businesses, for instance, like with every dollar or they gain or profit upon, there has be to .5 person been hired etc, like a trade.
just by cutting taxes i dont think is going to help anymore than it already has, because people will be focused on saving no matter what for the next 10 years |
作者:pearl |
留言时间:2010-01-25 10:23:48 |
他的下部计划是什么? 是要拼命地讨好中产阶级,好不要输了中期选举.为了这个目标,他向华尔街进攻,又给低收入的中常阶级税上好处 - 刚刚宣布了么,家庭收入少于$85000的托儿税可以双倍减免.说白了,就是 woo the main street, attack the wall street.
他的关键任务啊,是要把 job creation 弄上去.
奏效么? 咱们走着瞧. |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-01-25 08:27:03 |
Just read this from today's news, looks like he's trying to at least give the middle class something as a gesture. Too bad many of us still cannot benefit from these moves, because we are considered "too rich" by the statistics. We are increasingly becoming the so called "HENRY" class - "high earning, not rich yet", unfortunately. But I guess it is a move in the right direction. He cannot ignore the tightly squeezed middle class for too long. Otherwise, the drama in Masachusettes will play out again and again.
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Obama-to-announce-aid-for-apf-3970217791.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=2&asset=&ccode= |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-01-25 05:22:06 |
Thanks for visiting and commenting! I totally agree with your assessment of his first year. That's exactly why I said he was a bit arrogant - he has his own agenda, and keeps pushing it, despite changing circumstances. That's not very wise in my opinion. |
作者:流溪河 |
留言时间:2010-01-24 21:55:38 |
说重一点,奥巴马是有些政治上自私。按理说,在如此严重的经济危机下,国家最高领导最应关心的是经济就业问题。可是奥巴马却把最大的精力与政治资本花在了医改上。不是说医改不重要,但在当前经济状况下医改肯定不是国计民生首要问题。奥巴马之所以要抢在第一年作这件事,是他意识到民主党在国会的多数优势在第一年用收益最大。进入第二年国会面临中期选举,议员有压力,政治妥协的代价就要更大了。 所以他认为医改法案在第一年通过的机会最大,硬要强度关山的通过它。该法案法若通过了,将给奥巴马留下一笔重重的政治legacy。 但对大多数深受经济危机压力的民众,则显然是将国计民生议题的轻重缓急倒置了。他现在把就业问题放在前位也说明医改本来并非最急迫 。所以,奥巴马在第一年把其政治legacy 考虑放在了民众最急迫的利益前面,是有些政治上自私。 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-01-23 20:27:36 |
I agree that he is probably trying to give his supporters things he promised during the election/campaign. But the timing is just too bad.
Many members of the elites can be arrogant, that's true. But I think as a top politician, one has to learn how to be diplomatic and use tactics when needed. The impressions I have for Obama now is that he's increasingly getting impatient and that's only goin to make things worse.
College professors are arrogant group too? Hehe, I'm not offended at all, even though I don't think that should be over-generalized:). |
作者:欧阳峰 |
留言时间:2010-01-23 14:05:31 |
“比如他这次又说什么“准备好和华尔街做斗争”,这样的话听多了也就没什么意义了。More like ideological talks.”
哦,你也是大学教授。对不起,我不是针对你的啊。 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-01-23 13:10:11 |
百草园: 我其实对政治也一直不感兴趣,只是这两年越来越感觉到了解政治和政策的重要性。 否则被人卖了还帮着数钱都说不准,呵呵。
我也认为解决就业是当前的最大难题,好在似乎奥总也一直在努力在这方面有所行 动,只是经济一直没有好转迹象,企业公司不会轻易雇人, 成了一个死结。昨天好 像听见说他要组织一个Job Growth Task Force 还是什么,大概是要大张旗鼓地对 付这个问题了。只是不知他有何招数。
U: 就是,四面出击,东一榔头西一棒子,好像没有什么章法。让人替他着急。
欧阳: 是啊,he's learning by doing, but the learning curve is steep and the stakes are high!!!
有人说他是 一个实用主义者,也有人说他是一个理想主义者,说不好。他肯定比布 什在实用主义方面要强, 但感觉他其实也是一个很自负的,甚至有些arrogant 的 人。而且喜欢说一些“狠”话在前面,这样对后面可能的“退缩”并不利。比如他 这次又说什么“准备好和华尔街做斗争”,这样的话听多了也就没什么意义了。More like ideological talks. |
作者:欧阳峰 |
留言时间:2010-01-23 11:38:21 |
我觉得奥巴马主要问题是经验不够,特别是对华盛顿的政治环境。所以可以开始的表现就是过于自信,急功好利。但是他改正错误还是挺快的,比如上次黑人教授被捕的事,和这次把恐怖分子漏上飞机的事,他最后还是能do the right thing。在大事上,如医疗改革,他面对目前的局面也有松动的迹象。
以前哪个候选人说过,当总统没有受训期。看来也许他(她)不幸而言中了? |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2010-01-23 08:18:13 |
而且觉得他有些盲目了, 不得其所 |
作者:百草园 |
留言时间:2010-01-23 07:44:28 |
昭君 ,俺不懂政治,无法想到这位美国总统下一步会干什么。但从小老百姓的角度看,美国当前的最大问题是就业和中东战争,而不是医改。 |