CEO 真的值这么多钱吗”的博文。不过,那时金融危机还刚刚开始,美国经济还处在道指高于万点的“歌舞升平“状态,这个话题自然也没有引起多少人的注意。两年后的今天,随着金融和经济危机日益深重,华尔街高管们的“天价”薪酬自然也成为众矢之的;而联邦政府通过bail out 而成为一些大银行的“事实股东”之一后,也有了合理合法的权力对高管们的报酬进行限制。今年早些时候,政府推出了关于接受政府救助资金的银行必须限制奖金的发放的条例,对这些金融机构今年对管理人员的奖金额设置了上限。不过,华尔街的银行家们可是最有创造性的(那些什么金融衍生品,次贷包装等等不都是他们想出来的吗),你不让发奖金?可以,那我们就给员工涨工资!你总没有规定涨工资都不许吧?不过,道高一尺,魔高一丈,联邦政府还真的出台了一个新的条例,将对这些大银行高管的工资进行直接干预!
(花旗,美国,AIG, GM, GMAC,克莱斯勒, 以及Chrysler Financials)的25位最高薪管理人员(top 25 executive in each of these 7 companies),将被强行减薪。减薪的最大幅度可达90%!比如,在“灾难最深重”的AIG 的trading division, 高级管理人员的最高薪酬不得超过$20万(AIG 一共接受了将近$180 B 的联邦救助款);AIG 的CEO Robert Benmosche 今年的总报酬本来应该达到$8 M, 包括$1 M的“performance based incentives" (笑话吧?); 作为CEO, Benmosche 的报酬不会受到$200,000 的上限限制,但根据这个改革方案,他的$7 M 报酬中将只有大约$3M 是现金,其余的$4M 将会以股票的形式在今后五年内陆续付给。另外,方案还规定,超过$25,000 的“特殊费用”,比如特别的俱乐部会费,公司的飞机费用等等,必须通过有关监管部门批准才能使用。所以,GM 的高管们乘坐专机到华盛顿参加国会听证这样的“闹剧”,以后恐怕是不会再发生了,呵呵。
$16.7 Billions, 换算成人均数字就是$500,000 per employee. 花旗今年发的员工奖金总数是$5.3Billions, 美国银行是$3.3 Billions。 我认识的一个朋友的女儿去年刚大学毕业,分到美国银行在芝加哥的分行。上班没多久,就分到两万刀的奖金!害得我另外一个朋友一个劲后悔,自己”入错了行”, 呵呵。而早已成为国家接管的重灾户“二房”(FMC, FME),也不受这个法案限制,因为救助它们的巨额资金,不是来自TARP 帐户。因此,FMC 今年仍然将对CFO发放高达$5 M 的工资,其中包括$2 M 的“signing bonus"。
performance based compensation. 其实,以业绩作为报酬的基础在银行界早就不是什么新鲜事,但问题是以前的方法多是只看短期的业绩。比如一个贷款业务员的年薪和奖金和发放的贷款数量直接相关,却不管贷款的条例是否严格遵守,贷款人今后是否delinquent 等方面的表现。因此,就出现了只求“量”,不求“质”的现象。这种报酬制度所鼓励的追求短期效应行为,从一定程度上应该为两年前开始的次贷危机负一定的责任。因此,这个改革,在我看来是long time over due.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. Yes, agency problem is definitely part of the equation here, because the federal government now becomes a stakeholder of these banks through the bailout funds. It's always a problem when there's no effective corporate governance to make sure that the principles' (shareholders mostly) interests are taken care of by the agents (managers, CEOs, etc), especially when the board is becoming the rubber stamp of the top management teams. It's a problem without the government's involvement, but it's become even more complex with the government's involvement.
It's because of this same reason, I think the policies proposed in the two programs (the one targeting these 7 banks and firms) and the one targeting broader "audience", should be looked at differently. Because in the first group, the government is indeed a "stakeholder", and a principle; but in the second case, the government simply is an oversight body. so the roles played by FED in these two cases should be different.
Good article; but I do not think you hit the points. It is not about "干涉", it is about
1. an agency issue between shareholders (uncle sam) and CEOs; 2. whether the CEOs took excessive risks(induced by high compensation) which leads to the credit crsis.
if the government always bail them out, everyone will become the gambler and profit as much, as soon as possible, without any consequences. The financial policy is basically wrong, that encourage those peopla to gamble with other people's money. This is the "Achilles Heel" of this fake capitalism. This fake capitalism only protects those special interest, without fair competition and transparency. Imagine if someone gives you unlimited money to go to casino, what would you do?
With the development of capitalism, many big firms just beomes kind of state owned companies. Head I win, tail you lose.
This is not capitalism at all. 这是政府干预正常的自由市场,破坏了资本主义自由竞争,自由成功,自由失败的基本原则。设想一下,如果政府去年不去救助那些 too big to fail, 而且去调查他们的欺骗行为,没收他们的不法所得,你想以后他们还有谁敢轻易用别人的钱去赌博冒险。还有,如果放在公平,透明的环境里让他们竞争,而不是靠操纵黑市盈利,他们哪里会赚取那么高的盈利,那就自然不会发放天文数字的分红。 这正是几十年来,华盛顿保护华尔街赌博行为的恶果。
昭君,作为自由市场的推倡者,我是坚决反对政府对私人企业的干涉的,尤其是救助,工资限制,利率调整,cash for clunkers, 买房优惠,等等,因为这会干扰企业的正常运转,和影响资本主义的自由竞争原则。 政府应该做的主要是防止和处罚欺骗,维持市场公平和透明,限制垄断,调节纠纷,惩罚罪恶商业行为,像贿赂,商业赌博,等,但你可以注意到,美国政府应该做的没有做,反而包庇冒险的赌博行为,彻底破坏了自由市场的基本原则。但我并不是赞成任由华尔街分派天文数字的分红的,因为它们是用我们纳税人的钱生存下来的,华盛顿最应该做的应该是分拆这些“too big to fail”,让它们在公平的市场原则下竞争,如果他们能在那中环境下盈利,那他们如何分红就是他们自己的事了。