周日早上去OHare 机场乘中午的飞机到南方一所大学参加一个会议。刚刚进入机场的 driveway ,就看见迎面一个硕大的广告牌,上书 “United Airlines. No. 1 in on time arrivals”。看得我一愣 - 什么时候UAs on time arrivals 变成第一啦?那西南航空什么时候从第一的位置上掉下来了吗?心里正嘀咕呢,却看见大字下方还有一行小字 -- “ of the five largest global carriers in 2009- Ahead of US Airways, Delta, Continental, and American”, 让我不由哑然失笑 -- 这可是 "truth in advertisement" 的 经典注解吧,至少没有睁着眼睛说白话,不过不注意小字的过路人,恐怕就会被它蒙蔽了去啦。
呵呵,我希望我也能说出这样的“豪言壮语”,可惜的是,两周后还要到同一所大学参加另外一个为期三天的semnar ,机票主办方已经定好了 -- 您肯定也猜到了-- 还是UA ,因为飞这个中型城市的航班实在是有限。But maybe the third time is charm, and the same "disaster" wont happen again in June!!
这是典型的美国自信和自夸风格/文化 - 你永远都能找到一个第一名/最好的事情: I am/we are the best of ……。对于联航,我从来都没有好印象。记得多年前从欧洲来美国开会,对美国的第一印象是美国的警察都带枪,第二印象是航班(联航)的服务差,要个耳机还收了五块钱。第一次拖家带口来美国时,坐联航的飞机在上海临起飞时才发现机械故障,坐在机舱内在跑道口等了四个小时,最后返回候机楼改乘别的飞机。最后,在西雅图转机去最终到目的地时,还丢了两个大行李,过了两个星期才找到给我。也曾经说过“只要不是联航,其他航空都行”的极端话。
"Just how much do pilots at major airlines earn these days? FltOps.com, an information source for pilots, recently released a salary survey. On the low end, first-year pilots at US Airways would, theoretically, earn a minimum $21,600 a year. For that, they would work 72 hours a month at the controls of a plane (lots more hours are involved in flight preparations, overnights and sitting around waiting).
US Airways hasn’t been hiring pilots, so there aren’t any first-year pilots. But that’s the starting minimum by contract. Airline pilots typically can earn more with overtime, extra trips, per-diem allowances and bonus pay for international trips.
At the top end of the airline scale, Southwest Airlines has a first-year minimum of $49,572. Southwest typically hires more-experienced pilots than other airlines do, so it can demand thousands of hours in the logbook -– enough to qualify to fly as a captain -– from its applicants.
On average, starting pay at major airlines is $36,283 –- about double where many regional airlines start pilots, but darn low for mid-career professionals who likely take a pay cut from regional airlines to latch on to a major carrier.
And how big is that big payout they hope to get someday? FltOps said on average, captains top out at minimum salaries of $165,278.
The lowest top-scale captain’s salary was $123,480 at JetBlue Airways, and the highest among passenger airlines was again at Southwest: $181,270 a year. Many Southwest pilots pick up more trips than the minimum scheduled -– some fly right up to the federal limit of 1,000 hours of flying a year -– so their actual paychecks are higher.
The only airlines offering higher pay right now: UPS and FedEx. Their captains max out at a minimum of more than $200,000 a year.
At Delta, American, United and Continental, the top minimum for captains is between $156,000 and $167,000 per year.
The obvious lesson: A profitable company, whether UPS, FedEx or Southwest, can pay its workers more."
And here's a salary comparison for the pilots at the major airlines, as well as UPS and FedEx:
Looks like the "golden days" during which a pilot at a major airlines can earn up to $300,000 is long gone:).
美国大航空公司的员工的工资恐怕比你说的要高很多吧?我看到的资料,美联航的飞行员(或机长)平均工资至少早十五万以上,这一是因为 ,另外也是各种工会人为地抬高了他们的价格。至于等,收入好像就更高了。这些大航空公司之所以问题多多,和工会过分强大也有直接关系-- 没有哪个其他的行业有这么多不同的工会参与 collective bargaining ,当然抬高了人力资源的成本。当然他们的工作强度也的确很大,很多时候出问题也不见得是他们的问题,而是一些structural and process problems。