小儿子的班级这一阵在学习government,什么参议院众议院呀,高级法院大法官呀,总统副总统的职责呀等等。为了让孩子们对这些政府机构和职能了解更多,还有不少参与性的活动和作业,比如大家role play 成为参议员,然后提交法案,大家讨论投票等。前几天老师布置了另外一个作业,让每个孩子写篇作文,包括四个部分: 1. What office will you like to run? 2. Why do you want to run for that office? 3. What will you do if you had that office? 4. Conclusion. 小家伙本来就不喜欢写作文(尤其是这种命题性质的,要他自己随便选题自己写,那倒是很有积极性 -- 到目前为止,已经写了好几本“小说”了,可惜都没有发表,呵呵),对这个作业也是抓耳挠腮,能拖一天是一天。周一放假,我说你就别拖了,把这个作业给做了吧。很不情愿地,坐到了计算机面前。 "I know I dont want to be a President. Its too difficult!" "OK, then you can still be a senator or a Judge!" "Should I be a Senator or a Judge?" "Well, its kind of up to you! What do you want to be?" 在一旁做作业的大儿子听见了,插话说,"Maybe a Judge. Because you like to say "its not fair!", so you must have a very strong sense of fairness, which is important for a Judge"。 “真的?” 小家伙如获至宝,马上把这段话写了下来。“然后呢?” 哥哥继续支招:“你还可以说 -- I have a very strong sense of right and wrong!" 小子有点犹豫了:“Do I really? I dont think so." 边说还边看看我,那意思,您说呢? 哥哥有点不耐烦了:“Its just an assignment. Not everything has to be absolutely true! Plus you do know whats right whats wrong, dont you?" 我在旁边听着,正想提醒哥哥不要太harsh, 却听见小家伙嘴里低声咕哝着什么,仔细一听,他说的是: “I really dont want to run for any office. I just want to be a good citizen!” 呵呵。 这句大实话让我越想越想笑。 |