hit the rock bottom 未尝没有好处,至少这能让人们觉醒,从而开始改变自己的生活方式。说起来,如果老百姓习惯的那种生活方式对今天的经济问题有推波助澜的作用的话,那到了该自食其果的时候,大家也不该有太多的怨言了,一起来勒紧裤腰带吧。
从政治的角度来看,这次经济危机对共和党连任当然是制造了很大的障碍。而如果民主党入主白宫的话,也许会对美国经济有一些不同的举措 (克林顿当初竞选连任的时候不是有一句名言吗,"Its the economy, stupid!")。但说到底,美国经济的问题是长期形成的,要解决恐怕也不是一时可以做到的。也许美国的时代真的到头了?
皇城根儿是高人哪!咋一看还以为是格林斯潘在作总结。。开个玩笑。不过黄兄的观点确实和格老如出一折。不知昭君是否读过格老的《The Age of Turbulence》, 八十多岁的老人想是把自己一辈子的真知灼见都写进去了, 顶上半个思想家了。犹太人硬是了得啊。 再,我很喜欢昭君的育子篇,象你这么心态平和的人可不多见。
Very good point about the "redistribution" of economic power among the nations in the world, rather than "transferring" of dominance position to another country, like many people have predicted or expected. Interesting you mentioned Jim Rogers, I am just reading his "Bulls in China". Good book!
I am just trying to add that American's economical dominance is not only it's own doing but also a result of what's happening around the world. War, is probably the fastest way of changing power and wealth in the history of human kind. Every war is a turning point for US. The world war II, the Vietnam war and this war too. The downward spiral of currency is defintely a vote of no confidence in US's economic leadership. This war, the Europian Union, oil price(I do, respectfully disagree here. Oil, as a main source of energy,it's demand, supply and price absolutely affect significantly almost every thing we make, consume and maintain. It is almost sole factor in mid-east economy and major economical support line in quite a number of other countries) and boomings of China, India and Russia is dramatically redistributing, rather than depleting the wealth of the world. US is just not benefiting much from it. yes, Solos and Jim Rogers(Bulls in China) and etc have been predicting it, but this war hammers it down.
This is Soros's position ever since the Asian financial crisis. I think sometimes he's a littlbe bit too "anti-American" :). IF this is the turning point for the US, which other countries will be the next leading nation of the century? China? India? Are they well prepared for this challenge? That would be an interesting topic!
The oil price is definitely "frost on the snow"!!!
I think some of the authorities are agreeing with ZJ check the following link http://finance.sina.com.cn/world/gjjj/20080125/03404450834.shtml
The problem is also compounded by the fact that the oil price is going up which could or have brouhgt up CPI. The fed wants to boost the economy by lowering the interest rate, but the oil price is implying great danger of inflation. which does not help with a lower interest rate. What a delimma.