中国1990 年的人均排放是2.1mmt(see the link for details), 当时的人口是1.14亿, 因此可以算出大当时的总排放量大概是2.35 亿; 而2005 年人均排放增加到3.6,人口也增长到1.3 亿,so 总排放量大约是4.7亿。但由于2005 年中国出口的比重大大增加,大约应该再在这个数字上加1/3,所以可以估计2005 年中国的总排放量大概是6.2 亿 -- i.e., 15 年中增加了2.5 倍左右。但因为2005 年的GDP 比1990 年增加了8倍(从2000 B 增长到18230 B),所以单位排放量仍然降低了差不多一半。 未来二十年,即便这个“强度”会下降45%, 但由于GDP 会保持持续增长,实际的总排放量仍然会上升,只是速度可能会得到控制。这里就不算了。相比之下,美国在1990 到2005 年间, 排放总量(total emission - not carbon intensity)增加了15%; 算上目前提出的到2020 年达到相对2005 年水平降低17%的承诺,美国这个排放第一大国,在1990 年到2020 年之间也只会降低排放4%!!!
而另外一个排放“巨头”欧洲,在这方面则比美国实在得多,(欧盟的2020 年计划排放量将比1990 年降低30%),也因此对美国的减排期望高得多(欧盟希望美国在在2020 年达到相对1990年水平 20% 的减排量). 话说回来,欧盟之所以紧逼美国不放,除了纸面上那些冠冕堂皇的理由外,恐怕还有一层说不出口的意图,那就是用环境和能源这张自己占有话语权的牌,来重新获得最近十几二十年来旁落的国际事务发言权。聪明务实如美国,当然不会买这个账了。虽然欧洲各国对美国不愿意承担更多责任的“耍滑头”做法很不满, 但相对前任小布什政府根本不承认气候变暖这个命题, 甚至单方面退出“京都协议”的“牛仔”风格,小奥至少在表面上是“committed to the cause of climate control" 的。不过,口头承诺和实际行动,还是有千差万别的 -- 这也是为什么许多人对奥总“奖也得了,兵也增了”的“实用主义”外交策略有不同看法的原因之一。当然,美国不买欧洲的账,可能还是有“我是老大,怎能听你指挥”的“别苗头”的心理在起作用;而弄得奥总和参议员们焦头烂额的医疗改革和各项金融体制改革,也让这些立法者们无瑕他顾。
“联合国气候变化框架公约”规定发达国家有义务向发展中国家应对气候变化提供资金和技术支持。这个公约虽然已经通过十几年,发达国家的这一承诺仍然只停留在纸面上,这次希拉里承诺美国将在2020 年以前,每年向发展中国家提供1000 亿美元($100 B) 的资金援助,应该是一个好的开端。但美国的这一承诺不是白给的,用希拉里的话来说,就是“有附加条件”的 -- 这个附加条件,就是接受资助的国家,必须同意接受联国和给予资助的国家的关于排放措施的检查。对此,中国提出异议,认为这种要求是干涉中国内政,不应该成为接受资助的条件。在这个议题上,美国一些决策人士也提出异议,认为中国有高达 几十亿美元的外汇存款,不应该再接受美国等发达国家的资助,而应该把这些资助“让给”更需要资金的其他发展中国家。对此,中国当然是据理力争,指出尽管中国的确拥有巨额外汇,但人均GDP 和其他收入指标仍然是发展中国家的水平,因此不应该被“双重标准”对待。在这个问题上,中方态度强硬,毫不相让,表现了应有的外交立场,值得支持。
昭君,那个cap and trade 立案就是法律,现已在众院通过,参院能否通过还是未知数,因为参院已被医改立案弄得焦头烂额,根本无暇辩论。而这次奥巴马在个哥本哈根的原本意图是达成协议并签字,就是有法律效义的协议,但他几乎没有得到任何东西。而参院待议的立案就是要规定如何 cap and trade, 完全是交易,只要你有钱,可以买carbon credit, 就可以继续污染。那改善全球变暖就完全成了交易,钱就是法律。这样的立案,slolution, 你能相信他们是在严肃对待全球变暖导致地球危机的这个问题吗?
Coody: Sorry, I got you and Coolboy mixed, because of a comment he posted after the rap I posted a couple of days ago. Plus, you two were posting comments at the same time so I got confused. I'm in the middle of a debate tournament my son attends (I'm volunteering as a judge), so I don't really have much time to go over the comments carefully before responding. So if I missed your points or got my responses mixed with the ones to other people's, I apologize.
I don't pay too much attention to China-Taiwan relationship, so I can't really comment on your point. Sorry:).
I am not Cool Boy. I can see you did not get the point. But, it seems China has shown a little he wants to be a wolf in the world instead of pig. Is it true? 美国向台湾销售武器 Probably 这个将在这个月底,就会见分晓.
Coody (Cool Boy): Thanks for the clarification. I think if that's what happens, it should be the ideal situation. Of course, that is, if the UN inspectors can be objective and unbiased:).
PS, verification will be made by the UN but rather a specific country. If China agrees verification, it will be verified by the UN but not US. Similarly, the US will not be verified by the China but the UN.
But, US never said its target cannot be verified. If China wants to verify US, I do not think US will have problems. China, however, does not want but will do by itself. I did not see you have mentioned this key difference between two countries.
Looks like several of us are posting comments at the same time, so the order is a bit messed up now:). I agree promise to reduce emission is one thing, and hold oneself accountable is another. But this applies to both China and US. I don't think US is entitled to the right to monitor China's efforts whenever it wants to just because it loans the capital, but can deny other countries' request that it should also be true to its words. I certainly understand the "divergence" of these two countries on this issue, but accountability and responsibility shouldn't be a double standard.
Air pollution and CO2 content/emission are again two different things. You may have a cup of very salty water that looks very clean or you may also have a cup of very dirty water that has little salt in it. US government does not care the air pollution in China at all. Japanese government worried about the air pollution in China because the air pollution in China also affects Japan when it moves to the east. Japanese government actually paid/helped China some in cleaning up the air pollution.
昭君,你好,许久未聊了。这个cap and trade 的内幕太深了,排碳是表面的。中国政府是给了奥巴马个台阶下,他其实什么都没得到。建议你去youtube上看一个新的视频,“conspiracy theory - global warming".那个jesse ventura 是前明尼苏达州州长。看了你可能就会重新想了。
中国总理温家宝在讲话中指出,中国在1990至2005年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度(carbon intensity = total emission/GDP)下降46%。而在未来十年,这个carbon intensity量会比2005年再下降40%-45%(也就是说,到2020年,中国的carbon intensity相对1990 level 将会下降整整70%)!
The problem is how to prove it. That is what the US wants China to be examined by the world. But, China does not want. China said we promise we will do it and even do it better. How to prove it? Do you know understnad one of the main divergences between two contries?
再看了一下有关的定义,发现中国的1990-2005 减低46%不是指的“排放总量”,而是“单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放量”, 而美国的减少4% 是指的总量。两者是苹果和桔子之比,所以才有混淆的结果。So I'll take out the added sentence in the third paragraph to avoid confusion.
I guess this is a logical problem: if the data does not show the part related to exports at all, then you cannot any longer to use exportation to explain the data itself, right?