今天早上忽然想起来,好久没录像了,也许这个可以把小家伙的积极性调动起来。果然,和他一提,马上积极响应,并且在上课前的半个小时内非常认真地把三个曲子都练了好几遍。临阵磨枪还真有点用,居然把老师都糊住了,夸他这周练得很不错,很有进步,上次的好几个毛病都纠正得不错等等,让小家伙倍感得意。回来的路上,我趁热打铁,跟他讲“practice makes perfect” 这个道理。不想他幽幽地回了一句:“Mom, practice makes perfect is not exactly right!"
"Really? Why? " (心里有点打鼓,不知他要发表什么“奇谈怪论”呢)
结果人家说,"Good practice makes perfect, not just any practice!"
Dear AD: Wow! I'm impressed (I was impressed by your piano skills last time we were visiting your family, but your observation of little AD's playing is right on)!!! His "left hand dominance" has always been an issue, because he's a lefty!!! He has to be very conscious not to let the left hand "take lead". Thank you for your encouragement!!!
Baicao: Thanks. He's still considered a "beginner", although this piece seems to be very difficult for me already, hehe.
I think that this piece was played great! However, I think that the left hand is a little too loud, the right hand is not very dominant. Also, I think that the sixteenth notes seem too solid. They should be more fluid, and just flow like liquid. Otherwise, I think that this piece was played almost perfectly!