Hehe, chunyang and twocentsworth: There's only one, and it a combination of a full-time professor, full-time mom, and part-time blogger:)). Even more reasons to keep physical strength, right? Lately I have been trying to limit blog writing to mostly weekend, and probably will have to cut back even more since there are more work piling up now....
Thanks Mummy for the information! I have heard about the beneifts of "eating slowly", because it takes your brain a while to take in the sensation of fullness, but I didn't know this professional term.
伊萍: 哈哈,看来做鸵鸟的不止我一个。看我又去买个秤,老公觉得太好笑了:)。 你说得很对,关键在于长“肉肉“的部位在哪里。一般来讲,女的大都是长在大腿 和junk in the trunk, 相对于男性常见的腹部赘肉,这些部位的脂肪对健康的危 害没有那么大,当然如果堆积太多又另当别论了,呵呵。
There is a signaling peptide in human body to tell you that you are full. Its level only gradually builds up while you eat. So eat slooooooooooooowly, so you give this peptide time to tell you that you had enough.
God created women to be beautiful. But ladies, WISE men (and women) always look for the beauty that is inside (otherwise known as “the soul”). So from what I’ve seen in these blogs, ladies, you’re all gorgeous.
As for body weight, I think that is a more a matter of health. Being grossly over-weight is definitely out.
(I know Duosi will be upset that I am writing in English, but somehow this just isn't going to come right in Chinese.)
Another good way to reduce one's weight is to always use much smaller bowls and spoons while consuming food (just like many people from Shanghai ^_^ or there is a scientific reason why Shanghainese girls generally look more beautiful). Scientific experiments have shown again and again that people usually consume less when smaller sizes of bowls, cups and spoons are used. Note that you are always welcome to have a second or third helping. Those scientific experiments did not limit or specify how many times of serving one can have.