任何一个社会,都不会在财富分布方面做到绝对的公平(当然乌托邦除外)。但我们衡量一个社会的进步与否,一个重要的指标,就是它是否在力所能及的范围内,在维持公平原则的前提下,对相对弱势的群体给予足够的关怀和帮助,以逐渐缩小贫穷和富裕阶层的差距。如果一个社会的总体收入水平在上升,但由于分配不公和资源不公而导致富者愈富,穷者愈穷(即所谓的 the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer现象),那么这个社会的进步只能说是有限的。虽然从个人利益出发我并不赞同美国的一些“劫富济贫”的做法(因为像我们这些在这里工作了十来年的professionals ,在收入上一般都至少是归于upper middle class, 甚至更高的“阶级”,因此也成为了被“劫”的对象,而不是被“济”的阶层),但理性上我还是认同适当地通过税收和其他社会福利项目来帮助低收入群体的基本理念。如果美国没有各种福利措施来帮助这些群体,那么这个社会的稳定性绝对会受到很大的冲击。在这个问题上,我是赞同所谓的“水桶理论”的 -- 也就是说,构成水桶的木板中,最关键的不是最长的那块木板,而是最短的那一条的长度。 如果最短的木板出了问题,造成的将是整个水桶的崩溃。
基尼指数是一般用来测量一个社会贫富分化的指标,它的值在0 到一之间,越接近零,表明这个社会的贫富分化越小;如果基尼指数为一 ,那就说明整个社会百分之百的收入(财富)被一个单位的人占有了(这里的“单位”不一定指一个人); 新中国建国60年来,Gini Index经过了几个起伏。建国初期,中国的基尼指数是0.224,但在大跃进和三年自然灾害后达到那个时期的最高值(0.332 at 1960);此后指数一度下降(到文革开始的1967年下降到0.25),但在文革期间却又一直呈现上升状态,直到1976年重新达到0.31。此后指数又呈下降趋势,到1985年达到了0.25,之后则直线上升,达到了2000年的0.372, 而2004年更是达到了0.47的最高水平。
如果说只看这样的纵向比较不能说明太多问题的话,那么我们可以来个横向比较,就可以看出中国 目前的贫富分化到底水平如何了。我们都知道,在发达国家中,美国的贫富分化是比较严重的(这主要是因为它不像欧洲和日本等国家那样实行国家社会主义的福利制度),但美国2004年的基尼指数,也就是是0.43, 和中国基本相当(而日本是0.28,印度为0.37,Germany 0.28)。曾经的“社会主义阵营小二哥”的中国”和“老牌资本主义”代表的美国,在这个重要的社会指标上竟然如此相近,不能不说是一个有意思的现象。美国从1950年到2000 年的基尼指数一直在上升(from 0.33 in 1950 to 0.43 in 2000),不像中国那样经历过几个起伏,但上升的幅度小于中国.
Patterns of Spatial Convergence and Divergence in India and China, by Gajwani, Kanbur, and Zhang, Paper prepared for the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), 2006
I saw this post from you at Xinlinzhilu's blog, thanks!
"support here isn't only defined by financial support, also mental, culture support as well". So true. I think as a society, there seems to be too little compassion among people today. Maybe everyone's too busy living their life, and forgot that there are people who need their caring gestures and attention. We always were told that in the "capitalism" countries like the US, people are cold and selfish. But I actually think people in the US are more caring and sympathetic in general.
i think it's probably a bit more difficult for her to live in a healthy mentality especially under the current social circumstances in China. so it maybe a bit harsh and judgmental to say her own mental destitute single handedly caused her death.
to think that she had done so well in the past, especially in the long line of educational accomplishments she has done on her own, and to be accepted into the Masters program in 上海海事大学, i think we should gave her some credit as to fighting for her life. I do not know her personally, but i do think she must've tried so many different things and different ways in order to survive not just her and also her mother, we need to acknowledge that, and respect her courage in trying.
however, just because she is an attending/current student enrolled in the program, so she thinks that the school is some how responsible to care for her and her family, that is actually a form of entitlement. which is an attitude that needs to be adjusted in this day and age.say what is different than someone helped you to help you to get up after you've been hit by a car, and yet you started rely on the person who helped you up, instead of the driver who hit you? (lame example, i know, but the only one i could think of at the moment).
But i strongly agree with 昭君's opinion, there are needs/demands to have a strong "support" system from the society, or certain kind of social program/welfare system, where she can turn to for help as such.
Although China is getting better and better in economy, social standards, and the quality of living, but look at the people who are still unfed and their needs are not met,there is a desperate need for social assistance programs for the 'weak link'.
PS support here isn't only defined by financial support, also mental, culture support as well.
小杨曾经工作过几年,然后又回到学校.这里边应该是有故事的.她这些年到底经历了什么样的心灵路程,无人而知.如楼上所言,我也相信她患有轻度,甚至中度的抑郁症.这些心理上的障碍,轻则伤害健康,影响日常生活,重则导致自杀.在现在的中国社会,有多少专业的心理咨询和帮助服务呢? 大学里有没有? 也有,但是都是班主任兼任的.这和professinal counseling还是有很大差别的.当然,我也并不是觉得,心理咨询和帮助就一定能解决问题 - 如果患者忌医,那也是没有用的.比如,美国Columbine High School Shooting和 Virginia Tech Shooting,两所学校里都有很完善的社会心理辅导老师. 但时,如果这个服务完善,还是能解决很多问题, 起码,如果患者愿意接受治疗,这个服务能马上到位,给予患者及时的心理辅导和开解.
...... dont know what to say, i remember when i was guest lecturing in a close friend's social studies classes, we talked about education assistance programs, the comparison with US and China.