文章评论 |
作者:大头头大 |
留言时间:2010-02-23 20:19:33 |
<object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-L7__SJsTq0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-L7__SJsTq0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>
How about this sunflowers? |
作者:不会爬树的猫 |
留言时间:2010-02-20 19:16:36 |
非常欣赏李云迪的演奏,有一种不急,不燥之感,非常自然。在如今这个社会中,能听到这样的演奏实属罕见。 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-02-20 07:16:18 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-02-20 07:16:18 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-02-20 07:15:32 |
Twocentsworth: Shania Twain is my favorite singer! But I did know about Anna before. This song is very touching:).
Midwestmom: 对不起,看不出您的评论和我这篇有任何关系?是否贴错了地方?我也不知道您说的 到底是谁?
欧阳: 嗯,我也很喜欢“黄河”,“梁祝”。你说得很对,这些作品其实从写作手法上来 说,已经不是“中国音乐”了,而是使用了中国音乐旋律的西方音乐作品。可惜这 点很多中国人不甚了了。 |
作者:欧阳峰 |
留言时间:2010-02-20 05:25:13 |
不久前重听了《黄河协奏曲》,深感震撼。小时候听过,是作为“革命歌曲”听的。现在熟悉了冼星海的原著并接触了一些西洋音乐后重听,对改编者把中,西的音乐风格融合一体的努力很是钦佩。《黄河协奏曲》和小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》都是大学生和新科毕业生创作的。撇开政治色彩不谈,那些人还是非常有才华的,我觉得。 |
作者:midwestmom |
留言时间:2010-02-19 20:38:55 |
Let's say I was abandoned by my birth parents. Should I love them, or should I hate them? They made mistakes? How come other parents with similar money situation didn't do the same. Why you, my parents? Why me, of all the kids, was abandoned? Your parents being different or not is irrelevant to my response regarding your comments on me being abandoned by my parents. You don't want to judge your parents, good. Then you gave yourself permission to judge me - bei ng abandoned?
大陆矫情女, |
昭君, 非常欣赏李云迪的钢琴技术。 音乐,是人生的快乐;音乐,是充实灵魂的一股清泉。 欣赏音乐,是人生最大的享受! 我要介绍加拿大前几年很红的一位女歌手 Anne Murray. 未出茅庐时她在新斯科舍 (Nova Scotia) 读大学。我是新斯科舍 Dalhousie 大学本科毕业。对她的生平和艺术才能很熟悉。这首歌的名字是 You Needed Me。 挺顺耳的。
歌词如下: I cried a tear, you wiped it dry I was confused, you cleared my mind I sold my soul, you bought it back for me And held me up and gave me dignity Somehow you needed me
You gave me strength to stand alone again To face the world out on my own again You put me high upon a pedestal So high that I could almost see eternity You needed me, you needed me
And I can't believe it's you I can't believe it's true I needed you and you were there And I'll never leave, why should I leave? I'd be a fool 'cause I finally found someone who really cares
You held my hand when it was cold When I was lost you took me home You gave me hope when I was at the end And turned my lies back into truth again You even called me "friend"
You gave me strength to stand alone again To face the world out on my own again You put me high upon a pedestal So high that I could almost see eternity You needed me, you needed me
You needed me, you needed me
上面的link 是 Anne Murray and Shania Twain 的二重唱。 你来欣赏一下。 |
作者:又一蛮夷 |
留言时间:2010-02-19 08:12:25 |
记得上小学时,听起来像老年间的事了,每到课间休息时,女孩子们就在楼道里或操场上跳皮筋(过去北京女孩子的一种游戏)。一边跳一边唱为自己伴奏,这支歌是她们最常唱的歌之一。重听这首曲子好像又看见了那些上下飞舞的小辫子,小刷子。 |
作者:昭君 |
留言时间:2010-02-18 07:30:36 |
嗯,有点怀旧,年纪大了么, 很正常的:)。 不过也是因为这段时间太忙,无瑕写想写的东西,所以就贴贴音乐,自己有空上来 听听,如果朋友喜欢,就更好。这首是昨天贴的李云迪师姐陈萨弹肖邦的贴子后面一个评论引出来的,呵呵。 |
作者:水柔石刚 |
留言时间:2010-02-18 06:59:04 |
哇,最近昭君姐博客里好多好歌哦,有点怀旧:) 迟来的新年快乐,永远快乐! |