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值得一看:Larry King 对话伊朗总统(video with中英文对白) 2010-09-29 18:30:39

不管你对伊朗总统 Ahmadinejad 有什么看法,看了这个采访以后(taped on 9/22/2010),你恐怕都不得不承认: 这家伙 够聪明!够厉害!也许大名嘴采访之前根本没有做什么功课(他曾经说过他在采访很多名人之前并不做研究),反正 Ahmadinejad made Larry King run for his money in this interview! 就连名嘴自己在采访后也不得不承认(in part 4/4),这个采访对象不一般!!


(Part I)

KING: Mr. President, thank you for coming back to LARRY KING LIVE. Do you like coming to America?

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful, I’’d like to say hello to your audience, to you and your colleagues, and ask Almighty God to bring health, prosperity and success to all people and nations and countries。 

我对前往世界各地和人们会面很感兴趣。联合国是一个就如何管理国际事务进行国际想法交流的一个重要论坛。很自然,像我这样的人应当积极参与它的工作。   I am interested in traveling to all parts of the world to meet with people. The United Nations is an important forum for the exchange of international ideas on how to run international affairs and naturally people like myself should be actively involved in its work。       

金:让我们来谈一些时事议题。就在几天前,你释放了一名美国徒步者,但仍有两名徒步者被伊朗关押。他们要被关押多长时间? KING: Let’’s get to some current issues. A few days ago, you released the American hiker, but there is still two captives in Iran. How long will they be detained?   

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Well, they crossed our borders, violated the borders, and a judge will take care of their case。 

KING: But you did release one. Is there any chance in the name of goodwill that you’’ll release the others? There were two hikers who made a mistake。    

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): That one person was released on bail because of mercy, compassion and as a humanitarian gesture. As for the others, yes, there is a chance, but the judge has to take care of the case。        

KING: Do you know when?  金:你知道是什么时候吗?       

内:这取决于处理此案的法官,给出判决,必须走这套法律过程。 AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It depends on the judge who will need to handle the case, issue a verdict. There’’s a process that must go through。    

KING: Do you have any influence in that process?    

内:我对此没有影响力,但我就女徒步者案件给出了建议,我建议法官对此持宽厚、怜悯和更大的善意、同情心,以允许她返回美国与家人团聚。  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I have no influence over it. But I have suggested for the lady, in her case, that it be regarded with clemency, mercy and more kindness and compassion to allow her to return to her family。    

金:其他两人是否也能获得保释? KING: What about bail for the other two?     
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It is possible. It depends on the judge。

KING: Would you -- you’’re in New York for a few more days. You will address the U.N. tomorrow. Would you meet with their families if they asked to meet with you? 

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Our program is closed right now in terms of the fact that it is a tight schedule. But I’’d have to consider it. And having said that, I have received no requests。     

KING: But if they did request, might you consider it?    

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Yes, I would positively take it into consideration。    

KING: That is hopeful。We asked the families -- the families of Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, the two prisoners, and their mothers passed this question along to you. This is from the mothers of the two still there。
Mr. President, the last time you were in New York for the U.N. General Assembly 12 months ago, you promised to ask the judiciary to expedite our children’’s case and show maximum leniency. Our hearts are broken that this has not happened. Please, will you make this request again when you return to Tehran?

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think that it did happen. In all countries you have very strict laws and strict punishments for border crossings that are illegal。 

KING: But did you make the request -- they’’re asking if you would make the request of the judiciary to move it along. They miss their families。

内:我认为世界上有非常多的犯人。我是否要亲自就他们中的每个人提出要求?    现在,虽然这样说了,我已要求司法部门仔细研究三名美国徒步者的案件。你知道,世界上有许多犯人。在美国就有250万犯人。    

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think that there are many prisoners in the world. Do I have to make a personal request for everyone?    
Now, having said that, I have requested the judiciary to look at the case of these three people’’s cases carefully but, you know, there are many prisoners in the world. Here in the United States, there are 2.5 million。    
Can I request the judiciary here in the United States to show leniency and I would, in fact, seize this opportunity here and ask the judicial body of the United States, judicial leniency, in the case of the 2.5 million prisoners in this country. They have spouses. They have mothers, children, parents. Many are young。

金:我们回到节目,内贾德总统将于明天向联合国大会发表讲演,美国总统也将向联合国大会发表讲演。我们将随后谈到这一话题。     罗伯特-莱文森的情况如何?他是前联邦调查局特工,他已在伊朗失踪三年了。人们从未听到有关他的消息。首先,你是否能告诉我们,他是否还活着,他的状况是否还好?  
KING: We’’re back with President Ahmadinejad. He will address the U.N. General Assembly tomorrow, as will the president of the United States。     We’’ll ask about that in a minute。     What about Robert Levinson? This is the former FBI agent. He’’s been missing in Iran for three -- over three years, hasn’’t been heard from. First, can you tell us, is he alive? Is he OK?

内:我认为我们应当向联邦调查局提出这个问题。               AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think we should ask that question from the FBI。

金:但是他是在你的国家里--     KING: But he’’s in your country --

内:我怎么会知道?我怎么应当知道?有许多人来到伊朗,随后就离开了。     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): How would I know? How am I supposed to know? There are many individuals, many people who come to our country and then leave。  

金:所以说你不知道他在哪里?     KING: So you have no idea where he is?

内:他来了又走了,和平常一样,我不知道他在哪里。         AHMADINEJAD (through translator): He came and he left. As usual. No。

KING: His family says -- his family that they were promised a full report on his disappearance from your government and they have never heard anything。     

内:我们从未作出过那样的承诺,我们同意与美国政府成立一个联合的信息和情报委员会以收集有关他下落的信息。我们已表示希望尽快成立这个委员 会,我们表示,我们作好了加入委员会的准备。如果美国联邦调查局愿意提供他伊朗之行目的的更多信息、他知道什么信息、他的其它目的地是哪里,我们可能会就 该案提供进一步的帮助。    
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): We never made that promise. We agreed to have a joint information and intelligence committee with the U.S. government to gather information about his whereabouts, on his whereabouts, and we have expressed hope that this committee will soon be held and we express our preparedness to be part of the committee。      Now if the FBI were to give more information about the purpose of this trip and what information he had and where his other destinations were, we might be able to assist further in the case。     

金:但你不知道他在哪里?     KING: But you have no idea where he is?     
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Do you have any information? I’’m like you, I have no idea what the FBI programs are. I don’’t know what the FBI does around the world。     
KING: We talked with -- well, we talked with his wife yesterday, Christine, Mrs. Levinson. She asked that you give her a time and date for officials to meet with the FBI and share information。     
In other words, she is saying the FBI is willing to sit down with your people. Can you give her a time and date?     

内:是的,我接受并同意这一点。当人们旅行遇到问题,失踪,这使我们感到悲伤。这很可怕。我认为,当所有的情报组织的活动更加透明,建立在更 加人道主义的基础之上,这样的问题将不会出现,但我将建议,情报委员会应当联合举行,伊朗和美国的代表可以坐下来,帮助确定他的下落。    
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Yes, I accept and agree with that. It saddens us when people travel, run into problems, disappear. It’’s awful。     
I think that if all intelligence organizations work more transparently and based on more humanitarian principles, these problems would not arise, but I would recommend that that intelligence committee be held jointly so that the representatives of Iran and the United States can sit together and help trace his whereabouts。
KING: You know, his daughter is getting married Saturday。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I congratulate her on her marriage。     


KING: It will be nice if her father were there --     

内:我对她表示同情,肯定,她父亲能出席将是一件很好的事情,我希望那样的事情能够发生。我认为,美国联邦调查局应当在这件事更加积极,找到他们的特工。     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): And I sympathize with her. Definitely, it would have been very good. I wish that it can happen. I think the FBI should be more active in this case and to find their agent。     

金:你知道,总统先生,如果那是你的孩子,如果你的孩子之一越过了另一国的边境并遭到扣押,你将会非常担心,你将要求尽快处理案件,是否是这样?     KING: You know, Mr. President, if it were your children -- if one of your children crossed the border of another country and were being held, you would be very concerned and you would press the issue, would you not?     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): If my child violates a law, justice must be served. Because law ensures security. And stability. And laws must be observed because if they are to be violated, there shall be no security。     

KING: We’’ll be right back with more. Don’’t go away。  


KING: We’’re back with the president of Iran, President Ahmadinejad。With President Obama here and you’’re here, would you meet with him if the opportunity arose?     

内:得看情况。     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It depends。     
金:取决于什么情况?     KING: On?     

内:我们已宣布,我们作好了在联大与他进行自由会谈的准备。我认为,在其它成员国和媒体之前坐下来进行,讨论我们的观点将是非常好的事情。在联合国进行交流。我认为,这将是非常积极的,因为所有的人都能听到我们所要说的东西。     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): We have announced that we are prepared to freely talk with him at the U.N. General Assembly。I think it would be very good to sit before members of other states and the media and to discuss our views. To have an exchange at the United Nations. I think that would be very positive so that everyone can hear what we have to say。     

KING: Secretary of State Clinton says sanctions are biting your economy. Even the former president, Rafsanjani, said that the sanctions are serious, can’’t be dismissed. Are you worried about their effect and their continuing effect?     

内:在我看来,你提出了数个议题。问题是美国政府为什么在联合国安理会制裁措施之外对伊朗施加了额外的制裁?这不是非法措施吗? 这是否是美国人民对伊朗人民、更为重要的是,这是否是美国政府对伊朗政府敌意的表示? 这是一个议题。第二个议题是,对我们来说,制裁措施真得不重要,因为我们在过去三十年里一直遭到制裁。此外,我们的经济也不是建立在美国经济的基础之上的,它是一个自力更生的经济,因为我们能够满足自己的需求。
但事实上,我们一点也不担心制裁措施,制裁措施事实上鼓励我们更加坚定地追求我们的经济目标。 美国政府与我们没有任何关系,在过去三十年里没有任何关系。他们采取制裁措施又如何?我们在没有美国的情况下生活了三十多年,我们已取得了进步。 当伊朗在美国的控制之下,它是一个落后的国家。自我们在没有美国的情况下开始生活后,我们已成为一个先进国家。这是否对我们是一件坏事?我认为这是一个积极的步骤。     
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It seems to me that you’’ve raised several issues. The question is why does the U.S. government place sanctions that are over above those specified by the U.N.’’s Security Council? Is that not an illegal measure?    
Is it not indicative of the hostility of the U.S., the American people, towards the Iranian people and the U.S. administration, more importantly, towards the Iranian government?     That’’s one issue. The second issue is that sanctions really are unimportant to us because we have been under sanctions for over 30 years. Furthermore, our economy is not based on the economy of the United States. It is a self-contained economy, an indigenous-based economy because we are able to provide for our own needs。    
And interestingly, in the years of sanctions that have been imposed on us, we have also had more incentive to engage in activities that jumpstart and trigger our economy and we’’ve been quite successful。     
Now we know here in the United States, many are very concerned -- many have made a lot of noise over the sanctions and have even identified people in Iran who seem to sympathize with views here that sanctions harm Iran。But really, that’’s of no concern to us because in -- on the ground sanctions have, in fact, encouraged us to be firmer in the pursuit of our economic goals。      The United States government has no relations with us. Has had none for over 30 years. So what is it that they are sanctioning? We have lived without the United States for over 30 years. And we have advanced。     
When Iran was under the yoke of the United States, it was a backward country. Since we started living without the United States, we have become an advanced country. Is that bad for us? I think it’’s quite a positive -- step to take。     

KING: Do you not understand the fears about nuclear -- nuclear weaponry in your country? With all the hostility in the region, don’’t you understand the fears over your having nuclear weapons? That could trigger something that you might not even start。     

内:谁在担心?     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who is concerned?     
金:世界在担心。     KING: The world is concerned。     

内:谁是世界?谁代表了世界?美国?它的朋友?不,世界是一个非常大的地方。美国官员的错误在于他们视自己为世界,但他们并不是世界。     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who is the world? Who represents the world? The United States? Its friends? No, the world is a very big place. And what U.S. officials are wrong about is that they see themselves as the world but they are not。   

KING: All right. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was a guest recently on our program and he said, quote, "The greatest threat facing humanity." Humanity. That’’s the world. "Is that Iran would acquire nuclear weapons." If Israel feels that strongly and you don’’t directly assure them, don’’t you fear that they might do a first strike?     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): So you think that we are concerned -- we should be concerned about allaying Mr. Netanyahu’’s fears and concerns?     

金:是的。     KING: Yes。     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Why should we be doing that for him? Who is he?     
金:他是一个国家的元首     KING: He’’s the head of a country --     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who is he in the first place, to begin with? He is a skilled killer. All dictators in the world have condemned others, and he’’s one of many of them。     

金:也许     KING: Maybe --     

内:他应当为杀害巴勒斯坦人、封锁加沙而受到审判。对加沙的封锁违反了法律和联合国宪章。他应当为杀害妇女和儿童而遭到审判,你想减轻他的恐惧和担心?      AHMADINEJAD (through translator): He should be put on trial for killing Palestinians, for placing Gaza under siege, which is against the law and against the spirit of the charter of the United Nations。He should be put on trial for killing women and children, and you want to allay his fears and concerns here?     

金:我想减轻你的担心。     KING: I want to allay yours。     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me to ask a question from you. Why does U.S. media feel so responsible for allaying Mr. Netanyahu’’s concerns and fears?     

金:因为     KING: Because --     

内:为什么?     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Why?     

KING: What if he took his concerns to the next step and threatened you? So shouldn’’t you be concerned about him? You, Iran?     

内:所以你是在担心他可能会发动战争?有人想发动战争,他们在寻找借口,所以你对此感到担心。我认为,控制像内塔尼亚胡这样的人和政权意图的方法就是停止支持他。美国政府应当停止使用美国纳税人的钱来支持他。      美国有三千万、四千万穷人,4百万人无家可归。美国为什么要花钱让内塔尼亚胡获得武器,用不同的借口中攻击黎巴嫩、威胁伊朗?这很可怕,非常可怕。     

金:总统先生,所有这些问题看起来都集中在,他是一个独裁者,你是一个挑起事端的独裁者,如果你拥有核武器,他们害怕核武器,你将会遇到问题,这将给世界成问题。你是否会在这里称,你现在没有将来也不会有核武器?请简单一点。KING: All of these problems, Mr. President, seem to center around -- we quibble, he’’s a dictator, you’’re a dictator who started -- if you have a nuclear weapon and they fear a nuclear weapon, you could have a problem that creates a problem for the world。     Would you say here now you do not and will not have nuclear weapons? Be simple。     

内:我们第一个问题是谁是你再次提及的世界?你的意思是内塔尼亚胡?     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Our first question is who is the world again that you speak of? You mean Mr. Netanyahu?     

金:不,如果所有人     KING: No. If anybody --     

内:谁是世界?     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Who’’s the world?     
金:如果有人向其他人投下核弹,整个世界都将受到影响,你明白这一点。     KING: If anybody drops a nuclear bomb on anybody, the whole world is involved. You know that。

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me, allow me here. You are aware that in polls, 88 percent of the people in the region support Iran’’s nuclear activities. So who’’s concerned?     

金:什么样的活动?     KING: What activities?

我们没有寻求核武,我们对此没有兴趣,我们认为核武器是没有用的。我们坚定地要求犹太复国主义政权和美国解除核武。 对世界构成威胁的是美国政府和犹太复国主义政权所拥有的核弹。如果他们认为发动针对伊朗的宣传就可以基本改变公众舆论,那么他们错了。
美国政府也必须这样作以确保犹太复国主义政权的核武库被解除,因为那个政权是非法的好战国家。它已证明它对其神经没有足够的控制力。它的支持者美国也是如此,美国平白无故地就在伊拉克和阿富汗发动了战争。 犹太复国主义政府和美国没有掌握核武库的能力。这一点也适用于所有拥有核武器的国家。它们必须解除核武,因为核弹是世界上最糟糕最丑陋的武器。那些拥有核武器的国家必须解除核武。从今以后没有人再有权建造核武。

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): This is the first question. It’’s Iran’’s nuclear activities. No one expresses fear about Iran’’s nuclear activities in the region except the Zionist regime and the fear of some American authorities。 
We are not seeking the bomb. We have no interest in it. And we do not think that it is useful. We are standing firm over the issue that both the Zionist regime and the United States government should be disarmed。The threat to the world are the bombs that the U.S. government and the Zionist regime have. If they think that by propagating against Iran that they can basically change their public opinion, they are wrong。     
We will stand firm on this issue. We will pursue it in all international organizations. We will discuss in the NPT review process. The Zionist regime was required. And the document ratified by the NPT review
conference to address its nuclear arsenal。    
And so the U.S. government, too, must pursue this idea to ensure that the Zionist regime’’s nuclear arsenal is eliminated because this regime is an illegitimate war-waging country. It has also proved that it does not have sufficient control over its nerves. And not only that nor does its backer, the United States that gets into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan just over nothing。      And this government and the United States still does not have the ability to hold nuclear arsenals. And the same argument holds true for all who possess nuclear bombs. They must all disarm. Because the nuclear bomb is the worst and ugliest form of weapon that there is. And those who have it must disarm. And nobody has the right from now on to build nuclear bombs。     
金:包括 KING: Including –

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): So our position’’s very clear on this. You must understand that this propaganda is useless. We don’’t have the nuclear bomb. Those who have it have to be disarmed, rather than accuse others of having it or wanting it。

金:我们是     KING: We are in -- we are –

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): All the U.S. government knows very well as does the Security Council that –

金:你的回答太冗长了。     KING: You’’re being redundant。     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Iran does not have a nuclear bomb and that it is not seeking one. But we will stand firm, stand firm, to make sure they will disarm. They must all disarm。    

KING: We’’re in a world of fear apparently. Conscience -- you talked about human rights and Mr. Netanyahu. How about conscience in your country? Students, human rights defenders? Don’’t you have to improve in the area? Aren’’t there -- are there full human rights in Iran? Does everyone in Iran have the right to speak out, to protest?

内:在世界任何地方,你都会看到那一性质的挑战。在美国也是这样,有必要在这方面采取更多措施。这里是否有全面的人权?我们得运用比较的方 法。我不认为,在伊朗,会有一位在办公室工作了五十年的雇员因为发表他或她的看法而遭到解雇,但这样的事情发生在美国。一位有着很深厚工作背景的记者仅仅 是因为发表了观点而被迫辞职。这样的事情绝对也永远不会在伊朗发生。     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Everywhere in the world, you see challenges of that nature. In the United States, too, there is need for more on this front. Isn’’t there? So we have to have a comparative skill in our hands. I don’’t think, for example, in Iran, an employee would be fired after 50 years of serving in an office for expressing his opinion or her opinion. But this happened in your country. A reporter with a rich background was forced out of her work simply because she expressed an opinion. This never happened -- would never happen in Iran。     
金:从未发生过?     KING: Never happen?     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Now, everywhere in the world, we have problems. But this would never have happened in Iran. Having said that, I understand all over the world there are problem, including in the United States. And we are prepared to sit in a forum at a table, place all our troubles on the table and discuss it and resolve it together。     I asked you, you have over 2.5 million prisoners here. Not all of them are killers, murderers or thieves. Who are the rest?     

金:你是在说我们有政治犯?   KING: Are you saying we have political prisoners?

内贾德:不,这不是我所暗示的,你可以告诉我,他们为何入狱?为什么?     AHMADINEJAD (through translator): No, that’’s not what I’’m suggesting. You can tell me that. Why are they in prison? Why?    


KING: I haven’’t investigated every -- drugs --     

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Are they all thieves? Are they all thieves and robbers?

KING: Big drug problem。

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You have so many drug-related problem, 2.5 million people, one percent -- out of 100 people in the United States, one person is in prison. Why?

KING: Let me get a break and we’’ll come right back。

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Have they all killed? Have they all robbed? Have they all trafficked drugs?

KING: I don’’t know what that has to do with it. All right, we’’ll be right back。


(Part III)


KING: All right. On the human rights issue, though, you must admit that you have students, defenders of free speech that you have taken strong actions against, people in jail for just speaking their minds, protesting in the streets and arrested. You can’’t say that Iran has opened -- open conscience to human right -- is open for human rights to all. You can’’t say that。


AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You can say these things even if I’’m not here, right? So why would you need to mention it while I am here?

KING: Because you’’re the head of the country and --
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): It seems you are judging. You are judging. I asked the question. There are 2.5 million prisoners here and why –

KING: They’’re not in prison for speaking out on the streets --   
comparative study of this issue. They’’re not in prison for holding up a sign。

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me -- in Iran, nobody is in prison because of participating in protests. Nobody went to prison because of participating in protests. Protests are free. But say if you had protests here and somebody attacked the police and killed the police, would you reward them?
KING: Of course not。
内:你是否会奖励他们?为什么你会认为伊朗将奖励他们?如果有人违反了法律,案件将交由法官处理,案情将得到研究和审理?为什么美国的犯人入 狱是因为法律问题,而伊朗犯人入狱就是非法的?在伊朗也有法律过程。伊朗发生过人们在抗议示威活动时袭击警察的事件,警察提出了控告,法官得处理这些案 件。    
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Would you reward them? Why would you expect Iran to reward them? If anyone violates the law, the case has to go before a judge and it has to be examined and taken care of? Why is it only in the United States that prisoners are in prison for legal issues, legally; whereas in Iran, they’’re in prison illegally? In Iran, too, there’’s a legal process. There’’s been incidents where there have been protests and people attack the police. The police file complaints and the judge takes care of the issue。
Now, in the United States, you’’re telling me those in the prison are criminals, but in Iran those who are in prison are freedom seekers? That’’s awful. Why is it that U.S. authorities are always trying to support and back people who violate the law in Iran? This doesn’’t help the image of the United States. It just worsens it。
KING: We’’re not going to resolve that. One other thing on that area; do you still permit stoning in Iran? We’’ve had a lot of attention paid to that lady -- about that lady. Do you permit stoning lawful in Iran?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I think that I have explained this in the past couple of days to a number of reporters. This lady’’s case has not been completely examined yet. No verdict has been issued yet. She is accused of being -- of murdering her husband. And I don’’t think in the world if someone is accused of murdering their husband, people would pour on the streets and rally in support of her。
KING: If they were going to stone her, they would。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): She has been accused of the murder of her husband. There is no verdict issued. No verdict, no sentence has been passed。
KING: All I asked was --
但我想向你提一个问题,拉里-金先生,如果可以的话,我们过去这个时候曾在一起。在匹兹堡举行过20国集会,10万人举行了示威活动以抗议 20 国集团的经济政策。警方对他们发动了猛烈的攻击,许多人遭到痛殴,警方向他们泼热水,许多人遭到逮捕。你在告诉我,抗议示威活动在美国是自由的吗?
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): And it is not about a stoning case at all. There’’s no stoning sentence here at all. A person in Germany made this claim, which was untrue. Our judiciary also said it was a false statement。    
But I would like to ask a question to you, Mr. Larry King, if I may. Last year, we were here the same time. In Pittsburgh, there was a session. The Group 20; over 100,000 people protested against the economic policies of the G-20. The police attacked them violently. Many were beaten up with -- or hot water was thrown on their bodies and many were arrested. And you’’re telling me that protests are free in the United States?    
So here in the United States, do you think people can pour on the streets and protest against the Zionist regime, 100,000 people?
KING: I’’ve got a time -- I’’ve got to take a break. We’’ll be right back。

KING: We’’re back with the president of Iran. Do you have an opinion about the controversy in the United States over the building of that Islamic Mosque near where the events of 9/11 took place?

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I have no opinion on it. If a building is to be built, the municipal authorities or the authorities for the city have to examine it and then tell people what they think and what the decision is. So the decision is for the people of this city and its authorities to make。
KING: Do you –

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): What decision can I make over it?
KING: You might have an opinion。

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): I don’’t have any opinion on it. I think that everybody should respect, as a general rule, places of worship, the sanctities that human beings have, and to respect divine books. That I understand。

KING: Talks are about to take place again in the Mideast, about the Mideast. Do you have any optimism that we will see peace in that region ever?

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Yes. I am very optimistic. Without hope, we cannot try harder to build a better life. I think if people’’s rights are given to them, peace will come. If the right to national sovereignty of the people of Palestine is recognized, the problems there will be resolved。    
KING: How about the guarantee of the safety of Israel and the recognition that Israel is a country? Does that have to be solved? I mean, is -- this is both sides, isn’’t it? It’’s not just one side has to give in to create peace. It’’s a two-sided issue。    

AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Do you mean that here instead we should sit and decide for the Palestinian people what they should want? I think the Palestinian people should decide about that –

KING: -- recognize another state? All right. We only have a little time left. We’’ll be right back with our remaining moments。
(NEWS BREAK) KING: We have only a few moments left. Fidel Castro, who is not a capitalist -- yesterday you said capitalism is the major problem in the world. Fidel Castro was critical of you for denying the Holocaust. He said that Iran should try to understand the unique history of anti-Semitism. How do you’’ respond to Castro? Certainly not a friend of Israel。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Aside related to the Zionist regime issue this news -- Mr. Castro sent a message to me yesterday and said it was untrue, this statement, that his statements were interpreted differently, that he had said something different. So I have no opinion here on this statement。
But I’’d like to ask why is there so much insistence in the United States to absolutely defend the Zionist regime? What is the relationship between the U.S. government, 10,000 kilometer across the ocean from the Zionist regime, and the need to support it?

KING: Because a massive group of people were annihilated just for being what they were. Seven Million were killed, eight million. So as a humanitarian country, we care about this. And many Jews came here to live. And many Jews created a country in Israel and wanted to live in peace。
Don’’t you -- now, Castro did say you should recognize anti- Semitism exists in the world, and we all should be concerned about it。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Is that the real issue, that the U.S. government wants to defend human rights?
KING: Of course。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Where were these people killed? Were they killed in Palestine? By the hands of Palestinians?
KING: It doesn’’t matter where they were killed, it’’s the fact that they were killed。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Oh. Then it’’s all right for a million Iraqi people to be killed and then, would it be OK if they decided to come and occupy the United States? They were killed in Iraq. Would you allow them to come occupy the United States?
KING: You’’re not saying the United States committed genocide? You’’re saying the United States committed genocide?
内:这是一个单独的讨论,是的,这样的情况在伊拉克和阿富汗都发生了。但它是单独的议题。我想问你,如果在一个国家,一些人的权利遭到侵犯, 他们遭到压迫,按照你的想法,如果你的说法是正确的话,这是否意味着他们可以去占领另一块土地?这是否符合逻辑?如果我们按照这种逻辑行事,世界还会有安 全吗?    
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): That’’s a separate discussion. And, yes, it did happen in both Iraq and Afghanistan. But that’’s a separate issue. I like to ask you, if in a country someone’’s rights are violated, they’’re oppressed, assuming that your assumption, your statement is correct, does that imply that they can go and occupy another land? Is there any logic in that? If we were to follow that logic, will there be any security left in the world?
In World War II, 100 million -- or 80 million people were killed. If they were to go occupy 20 countries around the world, that would have been terrible。
KING: Israel is a legal state。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): The question is -- come on. The question -- you just said yourself it’’s over the Holocaust. Why are you changing your statement?
KING: You were saying --
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): My question is what are the interests of the United States to -- in absolutely defending them. There are many parts of the world where human rights are violated. Do you know how many American Indians were killed? Do you know or not?
KING: I know. We’’re out of time。
AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You’’re a reporter. You should have the answers to these。
KING: We’’re out of time. We’’ll pick this up next year with the president of Iran. I’’m Larry King. Don’’t go away。

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作者:清明 留言时间:2010-10-01 15:03:43
美国和美国人总想当道德审判者, 但他们缺乏最基本的一条:公平。 类似的采访, 只要放得开, 脑筋聪明一点, 对付起来应没有问题。 中国领导人太拘谨, 也不愿问答太火爆, 所以不能把中国观点告诉世界, 不能让世界理解中国。这方面应向老内学习。
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-10-01 03:59:39


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作者:皇城根儿 留言时间:2010-09-30 21:31:02

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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-09-30 15:48:58

是啊,这就是美国式思维的毛病吧 -- 总把自己放在道德制高点上,说到底还是太傲慢啦:)。
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作者:多思 留言时间:2010-09-30 15:01:11
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作者:欢乐颂 留言时间:2010-09-30 10:46:32

问的都什么问题,尤其是part1,无聊透顶,heart broken都上来了. "如果那是你的孩子...",这不是自己把脸往上送吗。 内:“如果我的孩子违反了法律,正义必须得到申张...违反了法律,就不会有安全了。”,一点儿也没浪费。

Too simple, sometimes naive。老头子应该被fire了,丢人。
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-09-30 10:26:33
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-09-30 10:18:59

谢谢评论。我和你一样,对这位总统经常的“大放厥词”不大以为然(比如9/11 是美国人自己一手制造的啊,以色列应该从地球上抹去啊什么的),但就这场采访来讲,我同意你的观点 - 他的确是“完胜”,可以说是beat Larry at his own game -- 尤其他虽然针锋相对,却能做到不卑不亢,很有风度,实属难得;相比之下,大主播反倒显得只会问那些几乎是propaganda 的steoretypical问题,真是让人摇头。





我现在也很少看 的节目,不过还是很尊重他的;看了这个采访,我的感慨和你一样!
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作者:西岸 留言时间:2010-09-30 10:09:16
无论回答yes或no都是干涉英国选举和内政的概念,老克蹦出一句,我希望下一个首相能和我坐在一起(I hope the next Prime Minister will sit with me),把是否fever某个人的问题转化为美英两国关系问题,所问非所答,但并不太离题。这厮一向很注意这类语言,听他讲话就跟什么都没听一样,99%是没用的废话,可偏偏很多人觉得他魅力无穷,政客能做到他这个程度的我觉得世界上没有第二个。本来天时地利人和都占了,能成为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一,至少不低于里根,结果就是管不住裤腰带,物极必反。

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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-09-30 10:05:01
俺当然注明了出处啊- 在中英文对照的开头处。
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作者:欧阳峰 留言时间:2010-09-30 09:44:39
我平时不看Larry King的访谈。这次看了一下,觉得他太蠢了!有人说:在法庭上决不要问你不知道答案的问题。对待不友好的受访者也应该是如此。但是显然King根本不知道他的问题对方会怎样回答。

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作者:西岸 留言时间:2010-09-30 09:42:43
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作者:Masker 留言时间:2010-09-30 08:02:21
我也看了,尽管我个人对Ahmadinejad 没啥好感,对”不存在“”腐朽的“同性恋、女人要蒙面纱、还存在石刑的伊斯兰中东也厌恶至极,但这次访谈不得不说是Ahmadinejad 完胜!
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作者:重金属 留言时间:2010-09-30 07:55:03
这里, 聪明不聪明不是决定因素. 是事实对谁有利的问题,是对对方的攻击采取什么态度的问题.

事实就是伊朗总统说的那样. 只要能做到不卑不亢,智力上不比大嘴低太多,访谈中做到伊朗总统这个水平,不应太难. 若再好战些,可在访谈中更能使大嘴难堪.不过访谈时太灼灼逼人,容易失去别人的同情,伊朗总统显然知道这些.

假如中国官员在这场合, 很难想象会比伊朗总统做的好.因为中国太想讨好美国了, 太顾及面子了.有时适当撕破点脸皮是必要的.

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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-09-30 05:54:51
我也是边看边笑! 我想大主播可能也是太“轻敌”了,想自己见多识广,什么样的采访对象没见过,可惜遇到这位对手,搞得不时张口结舌,狼狈不堪,让人汗颜哪。我在想,如果让Fox 的那些名嘴比如 Hannity 来采访他,是不是会更有意思?

记得 Larry 宣布要退休的时候,有人问他,主播生涯中最遗憾的是什么? 他说,是没有机会采访本- 拉登。也许这次的采访是个预演,呵呵。
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作者:一娴 留言时间:2010-09-29 22:50:36
在纽约的时候看了这个采访,确实够厉害,够聪明~ 好多时候要忍不住笑起来。大名嘴有时候也给堵得说不出什么话来,用休息来搪塞,呵呵
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· 我的美国高校管理职业生涯回顾(
· 我的美国高校管理职业生涯回顾(
· 我的美国高教管理生涯回顾2:从教
· 我的高校管理职业生涯回顾 (1):
· 聊聊美国高校的教授招聘(下)
· 聊聊美国高校教授招聘(上)
【儿子们的故事 (8)】
· 挺爱搅二三事
· 生日快乐,儿子(视频)!
· 儿子制作的视频--T. S. 爱略特 “
· 老妈的文章-- 我和孙子互帮互学
· 有音乐相伴的人生 (Videos)
· 初尝失败的滋味
· 儿子回来啦 (多图)
· 小荷才露尖尖角( Video )
· 儿子备战钢琴比赛( video )
【儿子们的故事 (7)】
· 小荷再露尖尖角 (video)
· 参加儿子辩论队集训有感
· 高中生的"烦恼"
· 差点得了心脏病!
【儿子们的故事 (6)】
· “最后”的音乐会
· 小儿小传 --我家的Reading Machi
· 陪太子攻书
· 孩子们生活中的人际关系
· 一样的功课,不一样的儿子
· 从父母在孩子心目中的形象谈起
· 第一次做高中辩论比赛裁判(图)
【教育与心理 (6)】
· 和儿子聊天--保守派?自由派?
· 一个十五岁少女的内心独白
· 和儿子聊天-- 好孩子,坏孩子?
· 和儿子聊天-- 好老师?差老师?
【艺术天地 (10)】
· 五彩缤纷,赏心悦目--儿子高中的
· 一对音乐天才小姐妹 (videos)
· 钢琴考级,肖邦华尔兹和贝多芬奏
· 贝多芬与春之祭-- 儿子高中的“大
【艺术天地 (9)】
· 精彩的“我是歌手”半决赛 (Videos
· 李安和“少年派漂流记”
· 根据莫言小说“白狗秋千架”改编的
· 小儿的德彪西(视频)
· 后生可畏 (视频)
· 周末一乐--2012 金球奖预测 (图)
· 来自天国的声音--圣母颂 (videos
· 美丽的音乐精灵-- Hilary Hahn芝
· 天籁 --巴赫A 小调小提琴协奏曲
· 评点两部奥斯卡提名电影--“国王
· 我最喜欢的中国民歌-- 小河淌水
· 此曲只应天上有 (Videos)
· 天籁- 罗斯托波维奇演奏德沃夏克
· 肖邦 Piano Concerto No. 1 by
【艺术天地 (7)】
· 又一位来自中国的钢琴新星 --王
· 我喜爱的音乐作品-- 贝多芬F大调
· 我喜爱的音乐作品-- 亨德尔“弥赛
· 布鲁克和德沃夏克 -- 儿子高中的
【读书笔记 (4)】
· 读书笔记 - Airbnb 故事(下)
· 读书笔记- Airbnb Story (中)
· 读书笔记- Airbnb Story (上)
· 女性如何平衡职业与家庭的关系-
· 女性与领导意志 -- 脸书COO Sher
· 女性与领导意志-脸书COO Sheryl
· “那曾经是我们”--Thomas Friedma
· “那曾经是我们” -- Thomas Fried
· “那曾经是我们”-Thomas Friedman
· 成功不是偶然-- "Outliers&
· 末日帝国内幕-- 读“大空头”有感(
· 末日帝国内幕 --读“大空头”有感
· 末日帝国内幕 --读"大空头&
· 你是“全脑型”人才吗? -- "
· “公平”,真的是“普世价值”吗?
· 我们怎样才能做到更好?--“Bette
· 医疗事故保险到底为什么这么贵?
· 医生的报酬是这样计算的?-- “Be
【读书笔记 (2)】
· 我成了村上春树迷
· 林语堂论中庸,幽默,读书和写作
· 林语堂论中庸,幽默,读书和写作
· 二十年后回望的三毛 (图)
· 资中筠谈“中华文化的复兴与启蒙”
· 大师是这样练成的--华裔 建筑家
· 你是人间四月天 -- 林徽因和梁思
· 李开复给刚上大学的女儿的一封信
· 上善若水- -和大师的近距离接触
【也谈时事 (18)】
· 加州真的要将大麻合法化?
· 也谈巨无霸价格和中美汇率之争
· 古狗退出中国: 商业利益,还是
【也谈时事 (17)】
· 奥巴马为何高调对台军售?
· 天下乌鸦一般黑?- 有感爱德华丑
· 从三位西方经济学巨匠谈美国政治
· 哥本哈根气候峰会为何成了中美欧
【也谈时事 (16)】
· 奥巴马下一步会干什么?
· 民主党, 醒醒吧!
· 杂谈民主,刘小波,和美国的医保
【也谈时事 (15)】
· 快评德州军人医院屠杀事件
· Second (Third) Stimulus Plan??
· 奥巴马的“冰火两重天”
【也谈时事 (14)】
· 合理要求, 还是种族歧视?有感
· 奥巴马的秘密武器
· 今天的中国到底是什么主义? -
· 也从哈佛教授被捕说起
【也谈时事 (13)】
· 奥巴马的内忧外患(三)-- 伊朗篇
· 如何解读有关失业率的统计数据
· 奥巴马的内忧外患(二) - 能源篇
· 奥巴马的“内忧外患” (一): 医改
【也谈时事 (12)】
· 再谈医疗改革 --保险公司和消费
· 加州啊,加州!!
· 从Ricci vs. DeStafano的判决看
· 从大选看美国社会的女性地位
【也谈时事 (10)】
· 奥巴马:美国的戈尔巴乔夫?
· 一场精彩的辩论
· “社会主义”到底是什么?(三)
· “社会主义” 到底是什么? (二) -
· “社会主义”到底是什么?(一)
· 为什么多数美国人害怕社会主义?
· 有感吉利并购沃尔沃
· 他山之石,可以攻玉 -日本汽车行
· 从丰田召回事件看全球化环境下跨
· 谁来保护中国的国家利益 -- 从力
· 谈谈最近中资公司在美国的并购热
· 漫谈监督机制-- 从安然公司谈起(
· 漫谈监督机制-- 从“拯救迪斯尼”
· 美联航的准点到达率排名第一?
· 道指暴跌一千??
【企业杂谈 (2)】
· 亲历丰田召回引起的瞎想
· Google 会“控制”世界吗?
· 美国CEO薪酬为何居高不下?-从公
· 腾中欲购悍马 - 一厢情愿还是公
· DVD 大战谁是最后赢家?
· 古狗为什么这么牛?
· 雅虎为什么对微软说不?
· 关于退税法案的一些解读
【企业杂谈 (3)】
· 这年头还有工作保障? - 有感美国
· 美国的CEO们真的值那么多钱吗?
· 从成都外国语学校教师罢课谈起
· 博士学位在中国堕落成什么了?
· 从哈佛降低学费想到的
· 美国教育到底好在哪里?
· 你是 outlier 吗?
· 课堂辩论 -Affirmative Action
· “iPod 到底值多少钱?”
【中美教育 (2)】
· 再谈美国大学的认证制度
· 精英教育的误区 (ZT)
· 从阿拉巴马大学枪杀案看美国大学
· 也谈名校 (兼评冰雨的"名校
【我看中西文化 (1)】
· 没有毛泽东,也会有文革吗?
· 从“幸福”和“事业”的英文翻译看中
· 现代科学为什么在西方产生?
· 试谈中国人的文化,信仰和制度性
【影视天地 (2)】
· 新年的第一部电影--令人难忘的“
· 假如历史可以改写 -- 电影“恶棍
· 为爱放手 - "My Sister
· 此中有真意,欲辩已忘言 -- 电影
· 再谈科学与宗教 -- 兼评“天使与
· 成长的代价--- 电影“Juno”观后感
· 2007 最好的电影 --- Atonement
· 新年的第一场电影 -- Charlie Wi
· 你的行囊有多重? - 电影“Up In
· 珍惜你已经拥有的
· 苦难是人生的财富
· 朋友是人生的一面镜子
· 周末的流水 (上)
· 停下你匆匆的脚步,倾听美妙的音
· 长大以后干什么?
· 中国人为什么爱当官?
· 闲谈科学,宗教与信仰
· 张晓风: 魔季 (ZT)
· 王小波: 思维的乐趣 (ZT)
· 张晓风:一个女人的爱情观 (ZT)
【文摘 (1)】
· 张晓风 -- 如果你是天使 (ZT)
· 王小波: 智慧与国学 (ZT)
· 王小波: 知识分子的不幸 (ZT)
· 王小波: 救世情结与白日梦 (ZT)
【家居生活 (8)】
· 我家的汗滴工程, 兼谈美国的DIY
· 那些年, 我们开过的车(上)
· 这个冬天太冷了! (多图)
· 儿子们的暑假 (多图)
· 地下室终于完工啦! (组图)
· 丰富多彩的母亲节周末(多图,视
· 2011 的收获 (多图, 视频)
· 老妈的文章:我在美国学英语(一)
· 老爸老妈学英语
· 大半个小时的战绩 (图)
· 笨妈学琴记
· 家常便饭慰乡情 ( 图文)
· 偷得浮生半日闲
【游山玩水 (3)】
· 国庆节美东游--波士顿浮光掠影
· 国庆节美东游 -- 纽约走马观花
· 国庆节美东游-- 欢聚普林斯顿
【游山玩水 (1)】
· 阳光之州圣诞游 (图--下)
· 阳光之州圣诞游 (图 -中)
· 阳光之州圣诞游 (图--上)
· 度假啦!
【家居生活 (7)】
· 迟到的新年计划 (图)
· 儿子和朋友(外一章)
· 晒晒我的衣橱 (新图)
· 儿子和他的朋友们
【家居生活 (6)】
· 地下室开工啦(图)
· 我病了, 老公很高兴
· 忙里偷闲的“迷你”度假(图)
· 中秋的流水 (图)
【家居生活 (5)】
· 美好的一天 (多图)
· 这周的菜谱 -- 中西结合,荤素搭
· 我的左邻右舍(多图)
【家居生活 (4)】
· 悠悠牌五香炸牛肉试验成功!!! (
· 一年搬了三次家 (图)
· 给儿子接风 (图)
· “各得其所”的周末
· 猜猜今天Mall 里哪家商店最热闹
· 生如夏花之灿烂 (多图)
· 老妈镜头下的春天(多图)
· 下雪啦,过年啦 (多图)
【艺术天地 (5)】
· 乱评“我是歌手”第四季 (Videos)
· 我喜爱的音乐作品 -- 德沃夏克“
· 心灵的小憩 (videos)
· “This is It” 改变了我对Michael
· 我喜欢的音乐人-- John Lennon
【艺术天地 (6)】
· 社员都是向阳花 - by 李云迪
· 爱的低语
· 我喜爱的音乐作品 --贝多芬第六
· How Can I Keep from Singing
【艺术天地 (4)】
· 我喜欢的音乐作品 - 马思涅 “沉
· 我喜爱的音乐作品 --贝多芬合唱
· 从古典音乐看中西文化之差异 (vi
· 我喜爱的音乐作品 -- “四季” by
【艺术天地 (3)】
· 我喜爱的音乐作品 -- 德沃夏克大
· 我喜爱的音乐作品-- 柴可夫斯基“
· 我喜爱的音乐作品-- 贝多芬D 大
· 我喜爱的音乐作品 --德彪西篇 (Y
【艺术天地 (II)】
· 柴可夫斯基D 大调小提琴协奏曲
· 勃拉姆斯D大调小提琴协奏曲,作
· 超级享受 -- 观俄国芭蕾舞团演出
· 大师本色 - 观马友友在芝加哥交
【昭公开讲 (2)】
· 昭公讲故事-- 国梁的那些事儿 (I
· 昭公讲故事 -- 国梁的那些事儿
· 昭公开讲 - 老韩和小韩 (下)
· 昭公开讲 - 老韩和小韩 (上)
· 昭公开讲-- 开门办学就是好(四)
· 昭公开讲 - 开门办学就是好(三)
· 昭公开讲- 开门办学就是好!(二)
· 昭公开讲-- 开门办学就是好! (
· 转贴天宇博文: 援助!为了流落
· 转贴天宇博文:“关于摆地摊睡大
· 请最后支持OCEF 在 Facebook 的
· 关注同胞的精神健康
【人物点评 (2)】
· Oprah Winfrey---一个“时代”的终
· 想起了康同壁 - 也谈中国人的“高
· 曾子墨:一个极品知性女子(图)
· 伟大的心灵 -- Mariane Pearl
· 鲁豫,好样的!
· 因为善良,所以快乐 -- 郭晓东印
· 我喜欢的音乐人 -- 甜女歌手Tayl
· 我喜欢的音乐人 -- Shania Twain
【也谈时事 (8)】
· 从南奥战争看西方的双重标准
· 中国经济的困境和出路 -- 观霍
· 美国经济是怎样走到今天的困境的
· 范跑跑是怎样练成的?
【也谈时事 (7)】
· 也谈美国的民主
· 又一个权力的牺牲品 - 也评纽约
· 二十一世纪将是谁的世纪?
· 美国经济走到头了吗?
【也谈时事 (6)】
· 读佳名“地震捐款运动暴露了一些
· 2008会成为中国政治改革的开端吗
· 关于为地震孤儿孤老提供长期资助
· 卡佛第和CNN 到底该不该道歉?
【也谈时事 (5)】
· 我们的地球,我们的家园
· ZT: Enough is Enough
· 美国人真的会选一个黑人总统吗 ?
【也谈时事 (4)】
· 众说纷纭胡紫薇
· 于丹现象说明了什么?
· 民主不是谁都能玩的- 也谈布托之
· 有感犹太人
· 也谈中美汇率之争和贸易关系
【网事 网友 (2)】
· ”张冠李戴“被代表
· 给万维网管的几点意见
· 在博克中成长 (video)
· 有朋自远方来 -- 和网友小U 相聚
· 网事真的如烟?
· 捍卫学术自由的勇士低头了?
· Norman Finkelstein: 捍卫学术自
· 美国的医疗体系的问题根源:人命
【网事 网友】
· 苏芮的歌给阿黛 -- 亲爱的小孩
· 第一次见网友(图) by YH and 昭
· 发贴失败,求助!!
· 博克两周年杂感
【随感 (8)】
· 这个周末真热闹 (图文)!!
· 本周五无笑话,只有悲哀和叹息 (
· 又是忧郁症! -- 有感另一位海归
· 旧文重贴 -- 几篇关于忧郁症的文
· 告别夏天 (pictures and videos
· 周末饭局引出的胡思乱想
· 从奥巴马夫人的短裤说起 (多图)
【随感 (6)】
· 血浓于水?还是“热脸贴冰”?
· 也谈“公平” “公正” - 兼与网友艾
· 也谈抵制奥运
【随感 (5)】
· 和一位曾经的海归谈涂序新博士自
· 关于芝加哥申奥的笑话
· 会说话的美国人
· 惊喜 --- 意想不到的奢华
【美食 美色】
· 老爸的家常菜和老妈镜头里的秋色
· 周末的全鱼宴(图)
· 感恩节的烤鸭和黑色星期五的收获
· 本周的饭桌 -- 四川凉面及其他 (
· 网络时代的脆弱心灵
· 再谈天才,“疯子”和自闭
· 如何培养一个自信的孩子
· 再谈女人和抑郁
· 孩子和老师发生矛盾怎么办?
· 如何培养孩子的社交能力
【教育和心理 (3)】
· 参加伊州机器人比赛有感
· 怎样培养孩子的“文化敏感”?
· 从葛炜炜自杀谈中国博士教育的误
· 三面夏娃,Dissociative Identit
· 天才和“疯子”
· 读老秃笔“如何教育出一个父母理
· 你愿意为孩子作什么? 从自闭症,
· 让孩子学会开口要钱
· 驳“貌似平等的美国教育的虚伪一
· 关注孩子的心理健康
【儿子们的故事 (5)】
· 小儿经典语录
· “我只想做个好公民”
· 我为什么喜欢弹钢琴? -- 小儿子
· 儿子的新年计划
· 亨德尔与贝多芬 -- 儿子高中的圣
【儿子们的故事 (4)】
· 儿子的油管子亮相
· 因势利导, 戒骄戒躁 - 俺的教子
· 儿子的夏令营演出录像(外一章:
· 儿子终于来信啦
· 儿子的"Survival Guide&quo
【儿子们的故事 (2)】
· 也谈美国社会的偏见和歧视
· 残疾人在美国
· 从领养孤儿看美国文化
· 斯人已去,风华长存 -参观里根
【职场见闻 (4)】
· 职场心得 -- 如何培养和使用人际
· 招聘有感-- 兼谈面试中的一些“敏
【职场见闻 (3)】
· 我的成功“政变"
· 谈谈美国大学校长的招聘和任免
· 来个好玩的 -- 三岁小孩“指挥”贝
· 最适合 Rahm Emanuel 的工作是什
· 童心烂漫-- 儿子们最喜欢的漫画
· 周末一笑:中国队勇夺世界杯冠军
· 周五笑话 -- 富爸爸,穷爸爸
· 周五笑话:高中毕业生的“恶作剧
· 周五笑话 ---一份好笑的考卷
· 儿子讲的关于婚姻的笑话
· 儿子喜欢的加拿大印度裔笑星 Rus
· 活学活用
【开心一笑 (4)】
· 黄西的新段子笑得我肚子痛
· 黄西--逗倒美国人的华裔博士笑星
· How do you know a Chinese brok
· 北京人看全国都是基层 (顺口溜)
【开心一笑 (3)】
· Who Is the New Leader of China
· 遭遇骗子
· 笑死人的古狗英译中
· “老婆比贼还厉害!"
· 外婆讲故事
· 我家的狗儿子 (--)
· 等咱中国强大了 (ZT)
· 听音乐会的笑话
【我认识的美国人 (3)】
· 聪明人就是不一样
· 追梦人-- 说说我的两个美国同事
· 一个生活在底层,令人尊敬的的美
· 我的忘年交 - Robert
· 爱是永远相守。。。
· 人这一辈子 - 一个“老三届”的命
· 曾经沧海 -- 表妹的故事
· 祖辈的故事 - 我的爷爷奶奶
· 从我的藏族亲戚想到的
· 也来谈谈儿子回国的经历
【我们的故事 (2)】
· 再过三十年,我们来相会。。。
· 年代久远的故事 -- 美女小娟
· 老友老魏* (二)
· 老友老魏* (一)
【家居生活 (3)】
· 我很丑,但我很温柔(图)
· 交作业:周末的包子 (图)
· 家终于搬完啦(图)
· 房子终于租出去啦 (图)
· 狗狗的恋鞋癖
· 儿子和狗狗
· 老公的厨师梦
· 球盲爸妈看球记
· 老爸买相机
· 老公的地下室之梦
【娱乐 时尚】
· 今年夏天看什么?(图文)
· 第82 届奥斯卡的冷门与亮点(多图
· 看金球奖颁奖典礼有感 (图)
· 85届奥斯卡的亮点与意外(多图)
· 小提琴曲《流浪者之歌》by Sarah
· 交功课!!!《引子与回旋随想曲》b
· 闲谈音乐和音乐人
· 超级享受 - 看李云迪和芝加哥交
· 老妈的文章- 我的外婆(下)
· 老妈的文章-- 我的外婆(上)
· 老妈的文章: 孙子让我懂得了。。
· 老妈的文章:我在美国学英语(一)
【游山玩水 (2)】
【我喜爱的华语歌曲 (1)】
· 邓丽君:九月的故事
· 我喜欢的华语歌曲-- 读你
· 在雨中
· 明明白白我的心
· 转贴星光关于“人到中年”论坛在灾
· 美丽的羌寨,何日再重现?
· 爱的力量
· 点评文理兼优的万维博克作者群
· 英雄气不短,儿女情亦长 -- 我最
· 又见纽约小资 -- Sex and the Ci
· 给"陌生人"一点阳光
· 不一样的美国教堂
· 小儿趣语 (四)
· 小儿趣语 (三)
· 小儿趣语 (二)
· 儿子的第一个夏令营
· 小儿趣语(一)
· 美国教育的“因材施教”
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