本来以为不会有太多悬念的82 届奥斯卡居然在最后半个小时冷门迭出,先是Katheryn Bigelow 以 一部hard core战争片The Hurt Locker 击败热门候选人,前夫James Cameron 成为第一位获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的女性导演, 然后是The Hurst Locker 击败 热门影片Avatar获得最佳影片! 太棒了!! 虽然我 have nothing against Avatar,但还是希望不靠特技取胜的,小制作的影片能够得到Academy Awards这样的殊荣。加上我不知为何的确不太喜欢 James Cameron,可能是因为不喜欢他的“泰坦尼克”吧,所以这个结果很合我意! 说起来,有着82年历史的奥斯卡,总共只有四位女性得到过最佳导演提名。几年前呼声很高的 Sofia Coppola,最后也只凭借 Lost in Translation得了一个最佳编剧奖; 不过想想也满有意思的 - Coppola and Bigelow这两位“女中豪杰”,一位是名导演的女儿(Sofia 的父亲就是“教父”的导演Francis Ford Coppola),一位是名导演的前妻 -- 从一定意义上说,大约也算是“站在巨人的肩膀”上的女性导演了(of course, this is more true for Coppola than Bigelow - as some readers have pointed out, Bigelow and Cameron were only married for two years about 20 years ago - I had no idea:)。这是否意味着在这个“Old Boys Business ”,女性导演要完全靠自己的本事出头,仍然是不那么容易的? 典礼实在是太长,前三个小时基本上没什么亮点,两位主持人也没什么太精彩的噱头,让人打哈欠。最后出来这样的结果实在让人精神一振,呵呵。 至于为什么 没有像泰坦尼克号12年前那样囊括大奖,我觉得 LA Times的评论者Patrick Goldstein说得很恰当: "My suspicion is that academy members still find it difficult to believe that films largely created and sculpted in the computer--whether its "Avatar" or the long string of brilliant Pixar films -- can be just as worthy and artistic as the old-fashioned live-action ones."
Now, the really important part of the night, added the morning after:  Katheryn Bigelow - The brightest star of the night! Doesnt she look a bit like Elizabeth Hurley? A woman with the looks and the brain - Marvelous!!!  Charliz Theron - Geogeous color, geogeous body as always - but the details in front of the dress are a bit destracting to me:)  Goddess like Jennifer - but why does that dress look like bubble wrap to me?  Golden girl Amanda (from Mama Mia!) - Beautiful color, but - another bubble wrap dress?  Cameron Diaz - Beautiful dress - but somehow the matching hair color make her look old  Kate Winslet - Silver and gray seem to be hot this year too - but her dress looks a bit like a two-piece, which is unusual for red carpet:)!  Blue girl Zoe from Avatar - Looks like purple is definitely the color of this spring!  Michelle Phiffer - always elegant, an ageless (except her hands) beauty:))  Loved her performance in "Up in the Air", but this dress? Too much like a lantern:)!!  George Clooney and his girl (dont know her name) - How cute!  OMG- She looks so scary in this picture!!!  James Cameron and his current wife - - Just curious: why would he trade Katheryn Bigelow for her? (kidding of course - I dont know anything about her or his marriages - just judging form the looks, which I probably should not be doing anyways -- but who can resist?!!!)  Another woman with the looks and the brain:)))) Tina!  Not fair if not including this geogeous duo - Bradley Cooper and Gerald Butler!  I love this guy and his Germna/Austrian accent - Christoph Waltz from "Inglourious Basterds" 相关文章: Beaubien2010人的本性 -- 观The Hurt Locker 晓竹:战争是什么? - 奥斯卡最佳影片奖观后 你的行囊有多重? 电影Up in the Air 观后 观金球奖颁奖典礼有感 假如历史可以改写-- 电影“恶棍特工”观后感 此中有真意,欲辩已忘言 - 电影”还童“观后 |