| 周五笑话 ---一份好笑的考卷 |
| 终于又到周五了!而且不是任何周五,而是税季结束后的头一个周五, which means LG 在连续两个月来,每周工作90+ 小时的“非人生活”之后,终于可以休息休息了!! 今天在家陪老公,享受享受两人世界 - 尽管上午要去参加他老板的母亲的葬礼,不是那么“浪漫”的事,但至少是两个人一起呀,呵呵。晚上还要参加学校一帮同事们每月例行的“周五晚餐聚会” -- 因为老公忙碌的税季,我们已经有三个月没能参加了!今晚的地点是靠近芝加哥的一家地中海风格的特色餐馆, 到时可以尽情享受海鲜和各式葡萄酒啦! 闲话少说,不是讲周五笑话吗,别跑题太远哈。 前天改学生考卷的时候,看到这份答卷 (是对一道问答题的回答; 这是一个平时成绩很好的学生), 让我忍俊不禁: For the life of me I cannot remember the answer to this question. I will tell you , however, I have greatly enjoyed your class. I really enjoyed the Glo-Bus project (一种 online simulation, 具体介绍见下面链接文章“我的成功政变”) even though I found it difficult and frustrating at times. I enjoy your lectures because you engage students and ask that we participate instead of just reading slides and boring the students. I would have taken more classes with you if I had know you taught other courses, Thanks again for your wisdom and for your passion. Great tests by the way :)! 好家伙,这小子也太会拍 MP 了哈。问题答不出,好话说这么多,想贿赂本老师吗?犹豫了一下该怎么些评语,最后写了:“Thank you for your kind words and Im glad that you enjoyed the class as much as I did. But unfortunately, as you know very well, this is not the answer Im looking for:)). 这道题目他得了零分。不过,其他的问题他答得不错,最后总分刚刚80。 大家粥沫鱼块!! 相关文章: 会说话的美国人 周末饭局的胡思乱想 我的成功"政变" |