| 今天是儿子学校本学年上课的最后一天,下周 9-11 年级的学生将进行四天的期末考
试,而12 年级的学生则在今天之后就宣告告别高中生活。所以这一天传统上成了所
谓的“毕业生恶作剧日”("Senior Prank Day") -- 因为无论怎样的恶作剧,都不
早偷偷“运输”进学校。最好笑的是他们把这三只小猪编了号,一只身上写着 1,
第二只身上写着 2, 第三只身上却写着 4 (故意漏掉了 3号)。结果上课的时候,
只小猪纷纷落网,但领导们却十分困惑-- 还有一只三号怎么就是找不到呢? 当然
是想让作弄平时正儿八经的老师和校长的!! 想象老师们追着三头小猪到处跑的滑稽场面,让人对这些调皮孩子既恼火又无可奈何。
另外一些“ pranks ”没那么大的,包括在毕业典礼上将小礼炮放在毕业帽里,造成扔帽子时的混乱,还有在 bulletin board 贴上告示,说某天某时大家在此集中,有重要的 pranks 会发生-- 结果大家到齐之后,组织者宣布说:这就是 the major prank !!让人想起“今日电影:英雄白跑路”的老故事来了。除了对这些爱搞笑的孩子摇头苦笑,大人还能说什么呢?呵呵。 当然啦,儿子的高中是很不错的,校方对学生的管理也很严格(见下面链接的一则故事),像这种恶作剧也只有在这种“非常时刻”才能发生:_)。 续:
什么材料做的,大概不会太重)搬到了房顶上!! 这个可是要点功夫,不知道是怎
么弄的,倒让我想起4 年前MIT 和CalTech 两个死对头之间的一场游戏来了:
MIT and Caltech have been going at each other with pranks for several years. Recently, a group of Caltech students, during the admitted students program at MIT in 2005, pulled a string of pranks, including covering up the word Massachusetts in the "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" engraving on the main building façade with a banner so that it read "That Other Institute of Technology". A group of MIT hackers responded by altering the banner so that the inscription read "The Only Institute of Technology". MIT retaliated in April 2006, when students posing as the Howe & Ser Moving Company stole the 130 year old, 1.7 ton Fleming House cannon and moved it to their campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, repeating a similar prank performed by Harvey Mudd College in 1986. "Howe & Ser" most obviously sounds like "howitzer" if read recognizing that the & symbol is a ligature of the Latin word "et", but it could also mean "how we answer" as a retaliation for 2005. To add to that, a replica of the famed "brass rat" (MITs graduation ring) was machined to fit onto the cannon which was also pointed towards Caltech. Thirty members of Fleming House traveled to MIT and reclaimed their cannon on April 10, 2006. They were greeted by a group of MIT students, offering them a farewell party. The Caltech students left behind a small toy cannon, saying that this was "More MITs size."
“Grown ups are so stupid!"