把手中的program 翻开一看,才知道此人是哥伦比亚大学商学院首任 S.T. Lee Professorof Business and Director of Global Leadership Matrix,名叫Sheena Iyengar。她今天的讲演主题是 “The Art of Choosing ”,这也是她过去十几年来研究的主要课题。Sheena 以此为题的新书, 获得Amazon Top Ten Business & Investing Books of 2010 类别排名第三,获得了不少业界和学界的好评。她毕业于宾州大学经济学和心理学系,后在斯坦福大学获得社会心理学博士。她还是2002年Presidential Early Career Award for Social Scientists的获得者(以表彰她在不同文化对决策的影响方面的研究成果), 2012年获得哥大 “World's Best Business Professors”荣誉,并被评为 Top 50 Most Influential Business Thinkers之一 .
回答家里,上网查了一些关于她的信息,才知道她是在多伦多出身的印度移民后代(她的英文非常纯正,几乎没有口音,而且她的外貌也不大看得出来她的印度血统,从远处看我还以为她有点中东血统呢)。她的父母都是锡克教徒,1960年代移民到加拿大,后移居纽约。Sheena 三岁时被发现患了严重的眼疾,小学六年级时完全失明。十三岁时,厄运再次降临到她的头上--她的父亲在四十三岁的年龄卒死于心脏病。她的新书的dedication page 上这样写道:"To Dad, who told me anything was possible. Tom Mom, for being there every step of the way"
When I was very young, my background as a Sikh-American made me aware of the tensions that underlie choice. Being a Sikh meant having to do what Mom and Dad said, and going to temple, and Mom and Dad choosing who I would marry. But going to an American school taught me that I was the one who's supposed to make those choices. There was the constant tension between following my duties and giving in to my preferences. I was becoming aware of the fact that different cultures provide different scripts about choice.
What expectations people bring to choice is one of the dominant themes of my research, along with the idea that choice has its limitations: When I was going blind, questions were constantly being thrown at me. Will she be able to go to school by herself? How is she going to survive? What can she do and not do? It constantly reminded me that there are limits to what choice can offer.
“In the past, the most frequent outcome when different cultures encountered one another was a clash. Each side attempted to demonstrate its superiority, whether rhetorically, economically, or militarily, thereby convincing - or forcing - the other side to assimilate. This isn't surprising since, according to each culture's narrative, it is the best culture with the best values, and the proof is that it has survived when so many others have not. Many people think that we are now in the midst of "the clash of civilizations" so famously predicted by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington in the early 1990s. Even if this is true, the conflict cannot end the way such conflicts did in the past. On civilization can no longer fully consumer another ,an dit also cannot set up a giant barrier to keep the other out. "