“不要問你的國家能為你做些什麼,而要問你能為國家做些什麼。(ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.)” 全世界的公民夥伴們,不要問美國能為你們做些什麼,而要問我們在一起能為人類的自由做些什麼。(My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.)” 一)回復川普總統的來信: 人類最偉大總統,川普來鴻: Dear All, I received the below. Curtis Bowers is the fellow who created the Agenda movies. It seems pretty legitimate: I just got a message that says the president is requesting that every registered voter send him a snail mail letter to demand a full audit of all 50 states. SEND TO: President Donald J Trump, c/o The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500. He will use this as evidence to the supreme court. He is asking all of us to send him hardcopy letters as evidence we the people are demanding an audit. Please do this tomorrow. Have EVERY REGISTERED VOTER in your household send a separate letter. We need to swarm the White House mail room. Thank you. The above info was reported on Newsmax this evening: President Trump has been censored by Twitter Facebook etc., and even electronic mail. Thank you in advance for forwarding this to friends and family. Pass this on to all Trump supporters! God bless, Curtis Bowers 回信要求本人親筆、手寫,回信內容非常簡單:作為川普總統的支持者,我要一次公平的選舉。回信要求自備信封、郵票,寄到白宮指定地點。 寫信的時候,我的心情非常非常激動,激動到什麼程度很難形容,簡言之,這輩子也沒這麼激動過!特別是親筆簽名的時候,為了模仿美國第一任總統Kelvin.Hancock的筆跡,我足足練了幾十遍,才算大功告成。感覺自己特像阿Q,唯恐圈兒畫不圓。 二)每月給川普總統捐款50$,打算一直堅持到川普總統不再需要捐款為止。 三)積極參加“廷川”集會,幾乎每個星期都去參加。 四)祈禱,為川普連任順利祈禱。 ~~~~~~~~~ 川普的隊伍向太陽! 腳踏着美國的大地, 從不畏懼 絕不屈服 英勇戰鬥…… 直到把共產殘餘消滅乾淨 星條旗幟永遠高高飄揚! ********** 公民權力:1、vote in a federal election。2、run a federal office 公民義務:1、vote in a federal election。2、serve on a jury