
Last night I was presented the only way to have 218 votes is if I provided certain members with certain positions,certain gavels,to take over the Church Committee,to have certain budgets。Well,that's not about America。And I will always fight to put the American people first,not a few individuals that want something for themselves。 

[Trump] needs to tell Kevin McCarthy that,sit, you do not have the votes and it's time to withdraw。And with that,I yield。Thank you,Millions of Americans all over this nation praise the work and the leadership of Byron Donalds。So let's work together,let's stop with the campaign smears and tactics to get people to turn against us。Even having my favorite president call us and tell us。we need to knock this off。think it actually needs to be reversed. 

2023年01月03日 前美国国务卿麦克。蓬佩奥周一(1月2日)推文呼吁,拜登政府或国会要习近平和中国共产党为掩盖COV1D-19強连去任大造用典;鼎若演 常为掩盖COV1D-19 (新冠病毒,俗称中共病毒)疫情担责。 蓬佩奥稍早(1日)接受纽约当地电台节目Cats Roundtable采访时警告说,中国目前的疫情大规模爆发可能在造成第二次Covid-19大流行,中共又在做跟三年前同样的事。 他在周一的推文中说,“到2020年春天,本可控制的疫情巳经变成了全球大流行病。 但中共继续将世界蒙在鼓里。中共永远不会成为一个负责任的世界行为者。 超过100万美国人死于COVID! 还有无数大在大流行期间失去了他们的生计和亲人。 中共踩在辛勤工作的美国人背上,建立财富和权力” 他呼吁拜登政府追究习近平和中共的责任,如果政府不这样做的话,众议院共和党人需要将其作为一个优先事项。