

现在去新罕布什尔州。不错的新罕布什尔州民意调查刚刚出炉——在全国范围内击败了所有人,领先近40个百分点。白宫见! ~~~~~~~~~~ 

NHGOP; PRESIDENT TRUMP’S VISIT TO NEW HAMPSHIRE ON SATURDAY, 1/28/23 《川普总统于23年1月28日星期六访问新罕布什尔州》 Saturday, January 28 2023 – 9:00am ET. Concord, NH – New Hampshire Republican State Committee announces former President Donald J. Trump as Keynote Speaker at 2023 Annual Meeting. Chairman Stephen Stepanek stated: “We are excited to welcome President Trump back to the Granite State to be the keynote speaker at our 2023 Annual Meeting. President Trump has long been a strong defender of New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary Status and we are excited that he will join us to deliver remarks to our Members. 美国东部时间2023年1月28日星期六上午9:00。
斯蒂芬·斯捷潘尼克主席表示:“我们很高兴欢迎川普总统回到花岗岩州,成为我们2023年会的主旨发言人。川普总统长期以来一直是新罕布什尔州国家初选地位的坚定捍卫者,我们很高兴他会和我们一起向我们的成员发表讲话。 ~~~~~~~~~ 
TRUMP PROMISES TO RESTORE PUBLIC SAFETY, WARNS OF HEFTY SERVING OF JUSTICE TO VIOLENT RIOTERS 川普承诺恢复公共安全,警告要为暴力暴乱者伸张正义。 President Trump has yet again offered Americans a policy reprieve in the wake of the violent Atlanta riots this week, outlining an effective plan to restore public safety and protect law-abiding citizens. “The vicious riots in Atlanta carried out by the anti-police, radical left anarchists are an abomination, and it has to stop,” he stated in a new policy video. 在本周亚特兰大暴力骚乱后,特朗普总统再次向美国人提供政策缓刑,概述了恢复公共安全和保护守法公民的有效计划。
他继续说:“这些极端分子砸碎了窗户,纵火焚烧了一艘警车,摧毁了企业,摧毁了亚特兰大市中心,甚至被发现携带爆炸物。他们想杀人,但他们没有那个机会。但他们会的,而且他们不会因此而失眠。” ~~~~~~~~~~ 
TRUMP UNVEILS BOLD PLAN TO SAVE AMERICAN EDUCATION, VOWS TO FIRE ‘LUNATICS’ 川普公布了拯救美国教育的大胆计划,发誓要解雇“疯子” President Trump laid out an excellent plan on Thursday to reclaim American public education from the “radical left maniacs” and deliver authority back to families and parents. Trump’s policy pitch is the latest offering from the 45th president on how he would utilize the office of the presidency to transform America for the better if he wins back the White House in 2024. Axing Critical Race Theory The president’s first order of business would be to penalize schools and educational programs caught using Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the classroom. “First, we will cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children,” he said. CRT has sprung to the forefront of American education in the last few years. According to The Heritage Foundation, CRT “makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of human life…CRT is well-established, driving decision-making according to skin color—not individual value and talent.” 川普总统周四制定了一项出色的计划,从“激进左翼疯子”手中夺回美国公共教育,并将权力交还给家庭和父母。
【砍伐批判性种族理论】 总统的首要任务是惩罚在课堂上使用批判性种族理论(CRT)的学校和教育项目。
在过去几年里,CRT已经脱颖而出,进入了美国教育的前沿。据传统基金会称,CRT“使种族成为其支持者分析人类生活各个方面的棱镜......CRT是成熟的,根据肤色而不是个人价值和天赋来推动决策。” ~~~~~~~~~~~ 
TRUMP SLAMS BIDEN’S HANDLING OF UKRAINE WAR: ‘I WOULD BE ABLE TO NEGOTIATE’ END TO WAR ‘WITHIN 24 HOURS’ 川普抨击拜登对乌克兰战争的处理:“我能够在“24小时内”谈判结束战争。 President Trump has long been the lone voice of reason in the swirling chaos of war between Russia and Ukraine, frequently calling for peace talks and warning about the threat of nuclear weapons. He wrote boldly on Truth Social on Thursday, “IF I WERE PRESIDENT, THE RUSSIA/UKRAINE WAR WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED, BUT EVEN NOW, IF PRESIDENT, I WOULD BE ABLE TO NEGOTIATE AN END TO THIS HORRIBLE AND RAPIDLY ESCALATING WAR WITHIN 24 HOURS. SUCH A TRAGIC WASTE OF HUMAN LIFE!!!” 长期以来,川普总统一直是俄罗斯和乌克兰之间战争混乱中唯一的理性代言人,经常呼吁进行和平谈判并警告核武器的威胁。
周四,他在Truth Social上大胆地写道:
“如果我是总统,俄罗斯/乌克兰战争永远不会发生,但即使现在,如果总统,我也能在24小时内通过谈判结束这场可怕且迅速升级的战争。 如此悲惨的人类生命浪费!!!”