5月30日 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Why are the Radical Left Democrats in Georgia fighting so hard that there not be a Forensic Audit of 150,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County? There can be only one reason, and that is because they know the vote was corrupt and the audit will show it. Republicans must fight hard and win! 


唐纳德-J-川普 ICYMI:"川普卸任后,CNN失去了近70%的观众"
川普,美国第45任总统 罗纳德-里根看到里根图书馆由《华盛顿邮报》的负责人弗雷德-瑞安管理,肯定不会高兴。这到底是怎么发生的?难怪他们一直有卡尔-罗夫和保罗-瑞安这样的RINO发言人。他们对我们向前突进的共和党毫无帮助!
美国第45任总统唐纳德-J-川普的声明 成为跛脚鸭的众议院议长的保罗-瑞安,失去了他在威斯康星州所代表的人民的所有投票能力,并且是除罗姆尼本人之外,罗姆尼/瑞安在2012年总统竞选中的巨大失利的最大因素(到目前为止,我得到了比历史上任何现任总统更多的选票,7500万!),他现在正在对其他共和党人讲话,告诉他们如何赢得选举。有趣的是,我当时在伟大的威斯康星州,当他们把他从讲台上嘘下来的时候,我真的不得不去救他。 瑞安倒是应该告诉他们如何阻止选举作弊,如果共和党领导层像民主党那样战斗,我们就会赢。 正是在瑞安进入福克斯董事会的那一天(福克斯将永远不会是相同的!),福克斯完全失去了方向,变成了一个大不相同的地方,它的数百万最大的支持者永远地逃离了。保罗-瑞安一直是共和党的一个祸害。他对需要为我们国家做什么毫无头绪,是一个软弱无力的领导人,他把所有的时间都花在与共和党人而不是正在摧毁我们国家的民主党人斗争上。 作为一个共和党人,有保罗-瑞安在你身边,几乎可以保证你、党和美国本身都会失败。 Donald J. Trump ICYMI: "CNN Loses Nearly 70% Of Its Viewers Since Trump Left Office" Read the full article by Jordan Lancaster for the @Daily_Caller here. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Ronald Reagan would not be happy to see that the Reagan Library is run by the head of the Washington Post, Fred Ryan. How the hell did that happen? No wonder they consistently have RINO speakers like Karl Rove and Paul Ryan. They do nothing for our forward-surging Republican Party! Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue. Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did. It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country. As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!