今年2月份,美国总统川普表示,他希望美国击败其它国家,尽快推出更强大的5G,甚至是6G等新一代无线技术。总统推文说: “我希望在美国尽快推出5G,甚至6G技术,比现行标准更强大、更快速,及更智能的技术。美国公司必须加大力度,否则将会落伍。没有理由认为我们应该落后于这个在未来显而易见的事情,我希望美国能通过竞争而取得胜利,而不是阻止目前更先进的技术。对于我们所做的一切事情,我们必须始终是领导者,特别是在涉及非常令人兴奋的科技领域。” I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible. It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies must step up their efforts, or get left behind. There is no reason that we should be lagging behind on.........something that is so obviously the future. I want the United States to win through competition, not by blocking out currently more advanced technologies. We must always be the leader in everything we do, especially when it comes to the very exciting world of technology! 川普总统的推文与一项行政命令有关。川普总统签发行政令,基于国家安全考虑,阻止中国电信公司如华为等进入美国5G网络。 《连结5G以后的世界》