《Speaker McCarthy responds with bipartisan languages》
I listen to/your points of your concerns Do not be concerned,Those are my same concerns as well and they will not take place。I will tell the gentleman where the idea of all this was created it was on a codel to Normandy。
I was there within speakér Nancy Pelosi celebrating the 75th anniversary of D Day。
And as you walked those hollow grounds of the crosses of the Star of David of these young American men and you wondered what could have been done for that day never to take place,it dawned on me at that moment in time,it was an opportunity。
Instead of American government not speaking with one voice these different messages we've been providing could we have a bipartisan committee that could look at all aspects from economics where when we fell into Covid not knowing whether we could have our medical supplies 【because China controlled so much】。
we learn of the farmland they are buying today the stealing of our intellectual property。But we weaken ourselves when we fight which way to do it。Wouldn't it be better if we all 'came together。
And fore months we worked on that and we did get an agreement that we were going to start a bipartisan task force。We even had Washington Post come in and interview the members who were going to be on it。But unfortunately,the night before then the majority party pulled back。You have my word And My commitment This is not a partisan committee,This will be a bipartisan committee。That is my hope my desire my wish that we speak with one voice that we focus on the challenges that we have。
【How do we bring our jobs back from China to America】,How do we secure our intellectual property,How do we make sure our farmland is protected。All of that would be brought up within this committee。
《Rep Judy Chu warned Republican lawmakers that CCP select committee could be problematic and xenophobic an……》
I rise to remind all members that this committee anti China rhetoric that we know results in physical violence against Asian Americans。We certainly saw thiswith 【trump's labeling of COVID as "the China virus"】resulting in 11 500 hate crimes against a AAPIs in this country。This committee cannot be used to promote policies that result in the racial,profiling of Asian Americans but should directly focus on specific concerns related to the government of thepeople's Republic of