* 中国破鞋政府,土匪流氓太监(十)
儒家文化不是实学而只是维护社会秩序的一套价值体系。 学校既不教数学,也不教自然科学和地理,培养出来的人毫无逻辑创造的才能。 生活里都是一些机智的文字游戏,婉转的甚至是拐弯抹角的表达方式、以及引经据典的考证。造成形式主义泛滥,对经济管理放任自流或根本就没有能力对其进行管理。 这种仅靠吟诗作赋式的管理从古代一直持续到近代。
《中国人的脸》 缺錢的人不缺德,缺德的人不缺錢。 有本事的人不要臉,沒本事的人都要臉。 要臉的人活得沒有臉,不要臉的人活得有頭有臉。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 

the White House is reminding Americans to be thankful for Joe biden's tremendous record of accomplishment. 
that's right,today they published a list of everything we the people should be thanking them for,from gas prices now roughly double under Biden to the record levels of unfunded spending,that caused inflation to rising taxes and planning on raising them even more on everyone,except of course for those making above 400 000 a year,and here's one more thing to be thankful for according to the Biden administration. 
they are now encouraging institutional investors to prioritize climate change over profits,finally a new rule from the Labor Department. 
allows investors overseeing your 401ks or pension funds to forego that pesky profit,in order to consider the economic effects of climate change. 
in other words,they can now throw your retirement savings into fringe green technologies or other woke causes and lose your money with O consequences,not that that's ever happened before. 
meanwhile abroad more bad news. in Ukraine the war continues to rage and will likely continue indefinitely. in Iran the administration's precious nuclear deal has fallen apart,as Iran supreme leader is now openly referring to Biden as demente and let's God help us. and let's not forget about the Vice president's big trip to Asia. watch this 

hello hello hello thank you,hello hello hello thank you,hello Ma hello,hello thank you…… 
did she like urge the first one to go by fasted hello thank you,we are not in good hands I think,we know this,we are not in good hands I think we know this. ~~~~~~~~~~
