这里的“我们”,指美利坚合众国联邦宪法中,最重要的头三个字“we the people”。 《联邦宪法》的作用:建立政府、定义政府、保障美国人基本权力。 《联邦宪法》中表述“自己的政府”理念的最开头、最重要的三个字是:We the people 《联邦宪法》一开始说:“我们美国人民,为了建立一个更完善的联邦,树立公平的司法制度,保障国内治安,筹设共同防卫,增进全民福利,是我们自己和后代子孙,永享自由的幸福,乃制定和确立这一部美国宪法。” 用We the people这三个字,联邦宪法表述出是人民建立了政府。政府为人民工作并保障人民的权力。在美利坚合众国,赋予政府的权力来自于人民。这被称为“大众政权”(popular sovereignty)——由人民选举代表制定法律。 The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution: 【We the People】 The Constitution says: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” With the words “We the People,” the Constitution states that the people set up the government. The government works for the people and protects the rights of people. In the United States, the power to govern comes from the people, who are the highest power. This is called “popular sovereignty.” The people elect representatives to make laws 一从美国起风雷,便有马列白骨堆,群众愚氓犹可训,共产党员必为灾。 川普奋起千钧棒,世界澄清万里埃,今日欢呼川总统,马列破鞋又重来 雄赳赳、气昂昂,跨过大西洋。保和平,为美国,就是保家乡。 美国好儿女,齐心团结紧,自由民主,打败中国和伊朗。