
该案件存在重大问题,当然不是标记POMERANTZ的“扣篮!”。 他们在“案例”方面遇到的最大问题是我没有做错什么! 
马克·波美兰茨的书绝对扼杀了曼哈顿华盛顿特区看过的针对我的假“案件”。事实上,我相信我会受到公平对待,被取消律师资格和声名誉扫地的证人的许多谎言和影射已经失败了。即使是重大经济犯罪股股长也辞职了,因为她不想根据薄弱的证据起诉我,我听说,而且,诉讼时效法规早已过期。这就是为什么Cy Vance从未带过它。谢谢! ~~~~~~~~~~ 
hello folks welcome to Cudlow。I'm Larry Cudlow,so when my team started pitching me last night on Chinese balloon story,I texted back,we don't do Ufos on our show,whoops kinda got that wrong didn't I, 大家好,欢迎来到Cudlow。我是拉里·卡德洛,当我的团队昨晚开始给我讲中国气球故事时,我回了短信,我们不在我们的节目中做不明飞行物,哎呀,我有点错了,不是吗? 
this Chinese balloon story is dominating the news,as it should,it's a huge embarrassment to the United States,its gigantic breakdown in our national security,apparently it was known ahead of time and so far,neither the White House nor the Defense Department knows what to do about it。this is first and foremost a China story,they are our principal adversary in the world,they sent this big balloon over 60 000 feet in the air to spy on us,in particular to spy on our nuclear missile silos in Montana。but also there are key military bases with active nuclear missile wings in nearby Wyoming and North Dakota。and there are top secret military bases with deactivated missile wings also in North Dakota,and nearby South Dakota and Missouri。so this is no coincidence,this Chinese spy balloon started over the Aleutian Islands in Alaska with other sensitive military bases to spy on there and so far we have done think about any of this。the balloon is still up there,the semi paralyzed Biden administration has pulled, 《中国气球故事》正在主导新闻,这对美国来说是一个巨大的尴尬,它严重击溃了我们的国家安全,显然是提前知道的,到目前为止,白宫和国防部都不知道该怎么办。这首先是一个《中国的故事》,他们是我们在世界上的主要对手,他们把这个大气球送到了6万多英尺的高空监视我们,特别是监视我们在蒙大拿州的核导弹发射井。但也有一些关键的活跃的军事基地。 附近的怀俄明州和北达科他州的核导弹机翼。在北达科他州以及附近的南达科他州和密苏里州,也有带有已停用导弹机翼的绝密军事基地。所以这不是巧合,这个【中国间谍气球】从阿拉斯加的阿留申群岛上空开始,还有其他敏感的军事基地可以在那里进行监视,到目前为止,我们已经考虑过这些。气球还在上面,半瘫痪的拜登政府已经成为废物。 
Secretary State lincoln's China trip off the books,but that balloon is still up there spying on America,the Chinese Communist government is telling us not to worry,it's really a civilian weather balloon doing some kind of research kind of blown。off course,this of course is utter nonsense。 国务卿林肯的中国之行被公开宣传,但那个气球仍然在上面监视美国,中国共产党政府告诉我们不要担心,它真的是一个正在做一些研究的民用气象气球。当然,这当然是彻头彻尾的废话。 
first of all,all civilian aircraft in China is an oxymoron,it's all run by the government,it's all instrumentalities run by a Chinese Communist party。 second of all,it has nothing to do with the weather,unless you're terribly worried about the February weather in Montana,and not the secret military bases nearby。 首先,中国的所有民用飞机都是“军民两用”的,都是由政府运营的,都是由中国共产党运营的工具。 其次,这与天气无关,除非你非常担心蒙大拿州2月份的天气,而不是附近的秘密军事基地。 
but wait a minute,John Kerry our climates are is terribly worried about China and its climate policies which we know are virtually non existent,and he's been acting on his own to make some kind of climate deal with the Chinese communist。that no one knows about,we will have Republican House oversight chair。 但等一下,约翰·克里,我们的气候大使,非常担心中国及其气候政策,我们知道这些政策几乎不存在,他一直在独自采取行动,与中国共产党达成某种气候协议。没有人知道,我们将有共和党众议院监督主席进行监督。 
James Commer on to talk about this a bit later in the show,somebody's got a corral carry meanwhile this Chinese spine balloon is checking up on our land based nuclear defense missiles,located in silos under the ground。 詹姆斯·科默稍后在节目中谈到了这一点,有人有一个畜生栏,与此同时,这个中国间谍气球正在检查我们位于地下筒仓的陆基核防御导弹。 
remember america's triad defense against nuclear missiles land sea and air base you can't see the silos,but you might be able to see。I don't know,parking lots or little huts or gates,but it's mostly farmland。which is why I don't understand our defense department,it says it can't shoot the balloon down,because the debris would land on people on the ground, 记住美国海陆空三维对核导弹的防御,陆地、海上和空军基地,你看不到地下,但你也许能看到。我不知道,停车场、小木屋或大门,但主要是农田。这就是为什么我不明白我们的国防部,它说它不能把气球射下来,因为碎片会落在地上的人身上, 
but this is Montana,there isn't anyone on the ground,there's no speed limit,and you can drive for hours without seeing anybody,at all at least in the central and eastern parts of Montana which is where all this is going on。the US by the way,has the capacity to just capture the balloon and bring it down,but they're not doing that either。now for the first time,the Biden administration is paralyzed in its response to dictator let enemies。I'm assuming the Republican House going to start calling for retaliation against China ASAP and hopefully there'll be some bipartisan support for this。 但这里是蒙大拿州,地面上没有人,没有速度限制,你可以开车几个小时而看不到任何人,至少在蒙大拿州中部和东部,那里发生了这一切。顺便说一句,美国有能力捕获气球并将其带下来,但他们也没有这样做。现在,拜登政府首次瘫痪了对独裁者让敌人的反应。我假设共和党众议院将开始呼吁尽快对中国进行报复,并希望两党对此给予一些支持。 
but the Bidens,who started out relatively tough on China,more or less following Donald trump's legacy,lately have been talking about lifting tariffs on Chinese imports,even though the trade deficit is still close to 400 billion a year,we're still allowing the purchases of some Chinese semiconductor chips and other so called non strategic products,Biden met with Xi and never talked about China's origination of killer Covid。we don't have a clear policy regarding Taiwan,and in recent days,a top general has suggested Beijing will invade Taiwan in just a few years,also in recent days,the radical greenies in the Biden administration have done China a big favor,by ruling out the development of mining in minnesota's iron range,where valuable resources like lithium,copper and nickel,would be available for electric car batteries,so we don't have to buy everything from China,which is cornered the world's mineral supply,so you tell me folks,we can't even knock out a lousy spy balloon,do we look weak on the world stage,do we have a serious China policy right now,anyway those are my questions。 但拜登夫妇最初对中国相对强硬,或多或少是在唐纳德·特朗普的遗产之后,他们最近一直在谈论取消对中国进口商品的关税,尽管贸易赤字仍然接近每年4000亿美元,但我们仍然允许购买一些中国半导体芯片和其他所谓的非战略产品,