" believe in AMERICA。As President of the United States I will always put America
FIRST." -President Trump
and the Mocking Hill media were making fun of me for having a failed amendment,I want to say this true success comes through failure and there's one thing that needs to be pointed out about our new Republican majority。we are much different than Republican majorities of the past,we aren't afraid of conflict of disagreement in the
public side,we have already proven that what all of us are afraid…
《Speaker McCarthy Heated Exchange on House Intelligence Committee Assignments》
okay let me be very clear and respectful to you,you ask me a question when answer it it's the answer to your question,you don't get to determine whether I answer your question or not,okay in all respect thank you,no no let's answer her question,you just raised a question,I'm going to be very clear with you,the Intel Committee is different,you know why,because what happens in the Intel Committee,you don't know what happens in the Intel Committee,although the secrets are going on in the world,other members of Congress don't know what did Adam Schiff do as the chairman of the Intel Committee,what Adam Schiff did use his power as a chairman and lie to the American public,even the Inspector General said it,when Devin Nunez put out a memo he said it was false,when we had a laptop,he used it before an election to be politics and say that it was false,and said it was the
Russians,when he knew different when he knew the Intel,if you talked to John
Radcliffe DNI,he came out ahead of time and savs there's no Intel to prove that and he used his position as chairman