《清平乐》川普总统 掌上一圣经,心中千万民,眼底世界风雨,口中有雷声。唤醒人间正义,扫除邪焰孽火,谈笑斩黄龙。春满人间世,日照大旗红。 舒慷慨、写选战、记国风。随身起舞,舞出自由之豪情。细检《美国简史》,详查人类文明,未有此鹰风。人民登山唱,流韵壮西风。 ~~~~~~~~~~
大陆未来,中国韭菜。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 自从盘古开天地,中国人民无逻辑。
三皇五帝到如今,中国人民死相拼。 ****************************** 《满江红》十四亿苍蝇碰壁 小小寰球,十四亿苍蝇碰壁。嗡嗡叫,壁内凄厉,壁外抽泣。蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。正川风落叶扫中国,飞鸣鸡。 多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。美国翻腾红州怒,世界震荡川风疾。要消灭所有共产党,全无敌。 **********************************
“中国”从土匪、流氓到破鞋,很大程度或者主要原因在美国, 在美国几十年来的“对华接触”的错误政策。 美国正在以摧枯拉朽、迅雷不及掩耳之势,“纠正”这一错误。 人类前途光明。 左右世界局势、人类命运的永远是美利坚合众国。 中国一直、还会、始终是“聋子的耳朵”—配搭儿。
8/31 世卫组织在盖茨基金会、洛克菲勒基金会的资助下,开始着手推广全球数字疫苗证。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 9/2 DiscloseTV: 塔利班发言人扎比胡拉-穆贾希德(Zabihullah Mujahid)说:"中国是我们最重要的合作伙伴,"他认为阿富汗有可能成为新丝绸之路倡议的一部分(共和国报)。 ~~~~~~

Endorsement of Burt Jones State Senator Burt Jones is a Conservative warrior running for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. No one has fought harder for Election Integrity than Burt, and no state needs it more. A businessman and Patriot, Burt will always stand for America First, and will help bring back Energy Independence, a Strong Border, Low Taxes, Great Education, and Safe Cities. He will also get to the bottom of the Nov. 3 Presidential Election Scam. Burt Jones has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not let the great people of Georgia down!
Endorsement of Burt Jones State Senator Burt Jones is a Conservative warrior running for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. No one has fought harder for Election Integrity than Burt, and no state needs it more. A businessman and Patriot, Burt will always stand for America First, and will help bring back Energy Independence, a Strong Border, Low Taxes, Great Education, and Safe Cities. He will also get to the bottom of the Nov. 3 Presidential Election Scam. Burt Jones has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not let the great people of Georgia down!
Endorsement of @HerschelWaIker Herschel Walker is a friend, a Patriot, and an outstanding American who is going to be a GREAT United States Senator. He embodies “America First” and the winning spirit of Georgia. Herschel is tough on Crime and Borders, and he will always stand in support of Law Enforcement, Military, and our Vets. He will fight hard for our Second Amendment and Voter Integrity. Herschel Walker will never let you down. He was a great football player and will be an even better U.S. Senator—if that is even possible. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
《华盛顿州选举诚信联合团》是一个身在深蓝州却全力跟舞弊的华州各郡选举监事会战斗的独立组织。 总监Tamborine Borrelli曾经是Bernie Sanders的支持者,对于华州舞弊把Bernie踢出非常选举线非常气愤,曾经拍片曝料该州的选举舞弊。 下面这个视频,是华州8/15大选审计聚会上Tamborine对于关于起诉华州几个郡2020大选舞弊的部分演讲,她的演讲声音饱满,内容激昂,非常鼓舞斗志。尤其是当她讲到

没有什么能够阻止我们,我们的腹中有火,心中有决心,上帝在强大我们的脊梁,可以越过任何敌人, 挽救我们的国家, 挽救我们的孩子, 挽救美国的原则和灵魂: “Liberty & Freedom”! 身在华州的朋友,如果你们愿意跟随她一起让华州变得伟大,可以去WeiCU的网站 (http://weicu.org ),以自己的方式,帮助他们为选举诚信而战斗!
