今天中午接到一月六日华盛顿《为川普而战》大型集会纽约州组织的通知,要我作为纽约州的“华人”代表之一在大会发言。发言时间限两分钟。我的发言要点如下: 1、大选舞弊不可接受,我们要求公正、透明、完整的选举。 2、美国的联邦宪法是写在纸上的,无数事实证明,大选舞弊发上在机票系统、选票印刷、选票运输……等环节 3、大选舞弊剥夺了每一个美国公民的投票权。**** 4、此次大选舞弊案,必须彻底清查,惩治偷票罪犯。 5、建议美国政府迅速建立公正、透明、完整全国统一的选举投票系统,像银行保护钞票那样保护我们人民的选票,选票是美国公民的第二生命。****

•不要问你的国家能为你做些什么,而要问你能为国家做些什么。 ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. •全世界的公民伙伴们,不要问美国能为你们做些什么,而要问我们在一起能为人类的自由做些什么。 My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. ************************* 一)回复川普总统的来信: 人类最伟大总统,川普来鸿: Dear All, I received the below. Curtis Bowers is the fellow who created the Agenda movies. It seems pretty legitimate: I just got a message that says the president is requesting that every registered voter send him a snail mail letter to demand a full audit of all 50 states. SEND TO: President Donald J Trump, c/o The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500. He will use this as evidence to the supreme court. He is asking all of us to send him hardcopy letters as evidence we the people are demanding an audit. Please do this tomorrow. Have EVERY REGISTERED VOTER in your household send a separate letter. We need to swarm the White House mail room. Thank you. The above info was reported on Newsmax this evening: President Trump has been censored by Twitter Facebook etc., and even electronic mail. Thank you in advance for forwarding this to friends and family. Pass this on to all Trump supporters! God bless, Curtis Bowers 回信要求本人亲笔、手写,回信内容非常简单:作为川普总统的支持者,我要一次公平的选举。回信要求自备信封、邮票,寄到白宫指定地点。 写信的时候,我的心情非常非常激动,激动到什么程度很难形容,简言之,这辈子也没这么激动过!特别是亲笔签名的时候,为了模仿美国第一任总统Kelvin.Hancock的笔迹,我足足练了几十遍,才算大功告成。感觉自己特像阿Q,唯恐圈儿画不圆。 二)每月给川普总统捐款50$,打算一直坚持到川普总统不再需要捐款为止。 三)积极参加“廷川”集会,几乎每个星期都去参加。 四)祈祷,为川普连任顺利祈祷。 ~~~~~~~~~ 川普的队伍向太阳! 脚踏着美国的大地, 从不畏惧 绝不屈服 英勇战斗…… 直到把共产残余消灭干净 星条旗帜永远高高飘扬! ********** 公民权力:1、vote in a federal election。2、run a federal office 公民义务:1、vote in a federal election。2、serve on a jury **********