举手之劳,替您老省点时间: CBC 报道的 Destination Canada 的声明 -- 链接:http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/destination-canada-censorship-china-1.3740154 Destination Canada confirmed in an e-mailed statement to CBC News on Monday that it partnered with Ctrip, the largest travel agency in China, to craft four online advertising videos to help reach potential travellers in China and "inspire them to visit Canada." "As a client of Ctrip, Destination Canada can suggest changes to the videos that are produced," the statement said. "Destination Canada made recommendations to ensure a focus on Canadian tourism, and these suggestions were accepted by the production company." TV program a 'paid editorial': tourism agencyGao denied Sunday that Destination Canada was in any way involved in the production of his program. "The changes and removals Destination Canada demanded account for up to 20 minutes. Even if we had a contract, which we don't, the harm to the episode would be unacceptable," he posted on Sina Weibo. But Destination Canada contradicted Gao's claim Monday, calling its relationship with Gao and iQiyi.com, which produces Gao's show, a "paid editorial." "Destination Canada's programs in China focus on working with Chinese travel companies who have access to celebrities to tell the story of travel in Canada. In advance of production, Destination Canada provides a briefing and guidelines; [it] respects the tone and manner of our content partners," the spokesperson said. 有人因为“Destination Canada”是Crown Company 而故意将其等同于“X宣部”一类的政府机构,为什么不看看这个呢? “Crown corporations are wholly owned federal or provincial organizations structured like private or independent companies. Among them are important enterprises such as the Canadian Broadcasting Coporation, VIA Rail , Canada Post, and the Bank of Canada, as well as various provincial electric utilities. Crown corporations have greater freedom from direct political control than government departments and, as long as crown corporations have existed, there has been debate about their structure, accountability and role in the economy.” 链接:http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/crown-corporation/ 在美国、加拿大住过再多年,也未必能接受美加的社会价值观,用自己的老眼光来看问题么,那就只能是那样的立场和结论了! |