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【欧洲之声】请看清中共(ZT) 2021-02-24 18:01:07


文/林培瑞 Perry Link 中文翻译/廖天琪














在美国的支持下,中国于2001年加入世界贸易组织,并获得了世界银行数十亿美元的贷款,帮助其经济进一步飞跃。2005年,美国副国务卿罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)发表的讲话广为流传,他说中共可能成为世界体系中「负责任的利益伙伴」。对于中国持不同政见者来说,这次演讲更多地显示了美国的天真,而不是对中共有所期望。

不幸的是,佐利克在西方人中并不罕见。在大西洋两岸的首都中,人们越来越相信「他们会变得像我们一样」。在2008年壮观的北京奥运会上,长期以来一直支持中共「参与」的咨询公司基辛格商会(Kissinger Associates)的一位约书亚·拉莫(Joshua Ramo)预测中国是「一个能将火箭点燃的火柴国家」。他没有提到成千上万的平民百姓,被迫离开家园,以确保伟大的奥林匹克尽善尽美,让中共赢得巨大礼赞。在中国持不同政见者中总体形象良好的欧巴马在2015年公开表示,中共的脱贫计划是「人类史上最杰出的成就之一」。他不承认1959年至1962年的大跃进农业灾难,导致上亿人口堕入极度贫困 (令至少三千万人死亡),中共政策直接造成的贫困,后来必须逐步清除。

几十年来,美国方面处理中美关系的工作,一直由一小撮政府和学术界专家组成, 民主党和共和党政府在操作上中都惊人地相似。他们的第一个原则是,「关系」必须守住,关系的「另一端」仅限于其正式的对话者,也就是中共那边责任在身的代理人。这些专家发表演讲,其中「中国」或「中国观点」之类的词,专门指政权高层中的极少数人。美国专家确实对那些精英做了研究,但对汉语、文化和社会的理解并不深广。北京知道如何利用这些美国人来强加自己的观点,即美国必须尊重「中国的核心利益」(直接或间接影响中共权力的利益),否则这种关系将受到威胁。只有美国,而不是中共有可能危及它。

川普轻视这些中国政策精英,是中国持不同政见者青睐他的原因之一。川普在国务院用了余茂春、白宫用了博明(Matthew Pottinger)等为中国顾问,似乎美国政府终于开始了解中共了。博明来自波士顿,1990年代中期学中文,十分优异。1998年至2005年他成为路透社和《华尔街日报》的中国特派记者,很快掌握了共产党是怎么回事。2005年,他加入了海军陆战队五年,被派往伊拉克和阿富汗。2017年,他在白宫国家安全委员会工作,他既在中国政策上参与,又能完成工作,而不致被(川普)解僱,由此可见他有多么的聪敏。(他于1月7日辞职,作为对国会大厦受到袭击的回应)。




大约十年前,「白左」这个词出现在中国互联网上。这高度的贬义词的意思是「无意间背叛了西方文明左派的白人」。1950年代访问过中国的让·保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)是一个早期的例子。萨特谴责西方帝国主义,并书写他在毛泽东统治下的中国,所感知的「美」,虽然那时千百万中国人正在遭受荼毒。到现在,「白左」思想能否说明西方人为何仍然看不透中共?为什么当美国人振振有词地谴责自己国家侵犯了人权,而在自称「社会主义」国家中发生滥权时,却采用不同的标准呢?

中国人对「白左」的批评并非一贯严厉。来自台湾的美籍华人蒋慧娜(Louisa Chiang)与大陆持不同政见者紧密合作了数十年,给我的信中说:









西方媒体的读者,无论是否意识到,反正都已经看到了这类专业的例子。在2008年北京奥运会前夕,新华社的英文媒体开始频繁使用「lifted from poverty」(从贫困擡起了)一词。意思就是说「中国」(意为中共)为亿万中国人所做的大事。世界各地的媒体,例如《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、路透社、半岛电视台、共同社、BBC以及许多其他媒体,都采用了这个词组,西方政治家们,不论左派或右派也都选用这个词组。世界银行在官方报告中也使用了。简而言之,这些话在取得预期的效果方面非常成功:全世界开始相信中共成就了伟大的擡起事业。

但实际情况并不是这样子的。 中国经济发展史,从1980年代以来,要是更透明地说,是这样:中共对中国老百姓局部放开了经济管制,让他们几十年来第一次能够自己赚钱;数以亿计的工人于是拿低工资而超长时间地努力工作,没有工会,没有劳保,没有新闻自由或独立司法的保护;的确,他们赚了很多钱,自己脱贫了,同时也将高居他们头顶之上的中共精英,推上巅峰,让他们获得了炫目的财富。

简而言之,「擡起」一词需要分析,到底谁擡起了谁。在世界各地阅读到「中国人被擡起」的读者通常不会想到这个问题。有了这些句子的语法,再加上「中国=中共」(China = CCP)的公式,就不需要再提问了。这个文字工程是故意的吗?任何对此有怀疑的人都应注意,中共媒体在英语、法语、德语和其他外语出版物中使用「中国人被擡起」一词,但在本国的中文媒体中不使用。这是有道理的。如果中共开始对自己的老百姓说「我们擡起了你们」,会怎么样呢?人们心里很清楚,双方都心知肚明。做出这样的断言可能会产生不良的「社会效果」,例如会有更多的示威、罢工、静坐、路障,以及公安部标记为「群众事件」。最近每年已经有数万起。




林培瑞(Perry Link)是加州大学河滨分校跨学科的校长特聘讲座教授。他最近的着作包括《剖析中国:节奏,隐喻,政治》,以及中国天体物理学家方励之回忆录的译本《中国最想要的人:从科学家到国家敌人的旅程》。


The New York Review
February 11, 2021issue
Seeing the CCP Clearly
Author:Perry Link

For Chinese dissidents, the end of Washington’s deference to Beijing has been a long time coming.

In a speech at the Republican National Convention last August, Chen Guangcheng, a blind, iron-willed human rights lawyer and dissident from China whom the Obama administration brought to the United States in 2012, said:
Standing up to tyranny is not easy. I know. When I spoke out against China’s One Child Policy and other injustices, I was persecuted, beaten, sent to prison, and put under house arrest….
The CCP [Chinese Communist Party] is an enemy of humanity. It is terrorizing its own people and it is threatening the well-being of the world…. The United States must use its values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law to gather a coalition of other democracies to stop CCP’s aggression. President Trump has led on this, and we need the other countries to join him in this fight—a fight for our future.
Within hours, Teng Biao, an old friend of Chen’s who is also a Chinese human rights lawyer based in the US, tweeted, “I completely oppose what he is doing.” Teng, too, is a veteran of persecution, beating, and imprisonment at the hands of the CCP, and he would not disagree with what Chen said about the CCP. What he opposed was Chen’s bow to Donald Trump. “For Chinese human rights defenders, there is zero logical consistency to supporting Trump,” Teng tweeted.
The split between the two friends is a small example of a wider disagreement between “Trump boosters” and “Trump critics” in the Chinese dissident community. The rift is plainly visible both inside and outside China and is likely to persist in one form or another into the Biden years.
Its causes have little to do with basic value judgments. Neither side approves of putting Uighurs into concentration camps in Xinjiang, of crushing democracy in Hong Kong, of installing hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras across China, or of any other of the many symptoms of the CCP’s obsession with power. And neither side sees much to distinguish in the political instincts of Trump and Xi Jinping. Xi controls the press in his country and Trump would if he could; each labels his critics “enemies of the people”; both imagine (and Xi succeeds in) locking up opponents; each contemplates (and Xi achieves) setting aside term limits for himself; both demand loyalty from subordinates; and both surround themselves with yes-men. One online wit in China, using indirection that is common on the Chinese Internet, noted that Trump had, however barely, been voted into office in the US while Xi, in China, had not, and then offered the arch observation that the most crucial similarity between the two men is that neither is the elected representative of China.
Trump critics in China include the distinguished legal scholars He Weifang and Zhang Qianfan, who have a sophisticated grasp of why much of his behavior is intrinsically antidemocratic and how it damages both US democracy and prospects for democracy elsewhere in the world. But among dissidents generally, both inside and outside China, Trump supporters outnumber Trump critics, and it is important to understand why. It is not because they are a far-right fringe. In ideological terms, they are closer to classic liberals on a US political spectrum.
They are “pro-Trump” because they feel that for decades US administrations have been naive about the CCP, and they see Trump as the first US president to stand up to it. His tariffs on Chinese goods, imposed in mid-2018 in retaliation for what he saw as unfair trade practices, appear to have sprung from a blunt “America first” impulse, not from an intention to weaken the CCP domestically, as dissidents would have preferred. Still, he imposed them, which marks a clear contrast to George H.W. Bush’s tolerance of the Tiananmen massacre of June 4, 1989, for the sake of “the relationship”; Bill Clinton’s about-face in separating trade from human rights; George W. Bush’s ushering China into the World Trade Organization; Barack Obama’s launch of his China policy with the assurance that human rights would not “interfere” with trade, climate change, or security; and other examples of US government indulgence of the CCP. Standing up to the Chinese government for any reason seemed to dissidents a long-awaited turn of events, and enough to outweigh all the drawbacks of Trump’s character and other policies.
In late October Yu Jie, a well-known Chinese dissident who now lives in the US, published the names of ninety-seven critics of the CCP from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and overseas whom he judged, by what they had said publicly, to be either critics or boosters of Trump. In supplementing Yu’s list with some inquiries of my own, I was surprised to find how many Chinese freethinkers were pro-Trump.

In addition to Chen Guangcheng and Yu Jie himself, they include some remarkable figures. Cai Xia is a retired professor of CCP ideology at the Central Party School in Beijing who, because of her criticisms of Xi Jinping, left the upper levels of the CCP and now lives in exile in the US. She told an online chat group that she found ordinary Americans ingenuously truthful, and “that, of course, is a good thing. But it also has its negative side: Americans are simple and just don’t grasp the evil of the CCP regime.” Wang Dan, a prominent student leader of the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations, has noted that the recent imprisonment of the dissident publishing magnate Jimmy Lai and other CCP resisters in Hong Kong is likely a test of the Biden administration: a lack of response will be a sign of a return to pre-Trump appeasement policies.
He Qinglian, whose first book on the Chinese economy Liu Binyan and I reviewed in these pages,and Liao Yiwu, who has also been reviewed, published, and interviewed here, are both Trump supporters. So are Li Jianglin, author of the splendid book Tibet in Agony; Liu Junning, a major figure in the Charter 08 movement; Liu Suli, manager of All Saints Book Grove, Beijing’s beloved (and precariously surviving) bookstore; Hu Ping and Su Xiaokang, distinguished critics who have lived in US exile for decades; and Shi Tao, a poet from Hunan who in 2004 had forwarded to friends in New York a government order to make no public mention of the fifteenth anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. He was charged with “revealing state secrets” and sent to prison for eight and a half years after Yahoo revealed his identity to the CCP.
In short, it would be a mistake to write off dissident Chinese Trump boosters as poorly educated or ill informed. They are not, and their views on the reluctance of Western democracies to stand up to dictatorships have roots that go much deeper than the Trump presidency.
Fifteen years ago Liu Xiaobo, the winner of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize, wrote a set of articles that he called “The Four Big Mistakes of the Free Countries in the Twentieth Century.” How, asked Liu, who died a prisoner in 2017, could Western intellectuals in the 1930s have been enamored of Stalin? Why did Britain and France compromise so easily with dictators in Germany and Italy? After World War II, why did America and Britain concede so much to the Soviet Union? In the 1960s and 1970s, how could leading European intellectuals have caught “Mao Zedong fever,” and how could that fever have lasted so long?
Especially galling to Liu was the claim of Western intellectuals to be speaking, through Mao, for ordinary people—the downtrodden, the underdogs, “the masses.” In fact they were doing the very opposite: they were siding with the oppressors. In 1989, when the Soviet empire collapsed, the West heaved a sigh that “the cold war is over.” Over? What about China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? Why does the West not see some parts of the world?
US policy has not just overlooked dictatorship in China; it has aided the growth of CCP power. Within days of the Tiananmen massacre, despite international sanctions on Beijing, President Bush secretly sent emissaries to assure CCP leaders that he wanted to maintain good relations. While Congress was extracting its annual human rights concessions from Beijing in return for “most favored nation” trade terms in the early 1990s, President Clinton, under pressure from Wall Street, abruptly “de-linked” trade and human rights in 1994. US capital and technology (some of it purloined) began to drive a boom in Chinese manufacturing for export.
With US support, China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001 and secured billions in World Bank loans, helping its economy to take another leap. In 2005 Robert Zoellick, a US deputy secretary of state, gave a widely reported speech in which he said that the CCP might become a “responsible stakeholder” in the world system. To Chinese dissidents, the speech revealed more about American naiveté than about what could be expected of the CCP.
Unfortunately, Zoellick was not unusual among westerners. In capitals on both sides of the Atlantic, a faith grew that “they will come to be like us.” At the spectacular Beijing Olympics in 2008, Joshua Ramo of the consulting firm Kissinger Associates, which was long a proponent of “engagement” with the CCP, predicted that China was “a nation about to put a match to the fuse of a rocket.” He made no mention of the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who had been forced from their homes to assure that the great Olympic salute to the CCP looked as perfect as possible. Barack Obama, whose image among Chinese dissidents was generally good, said publicly in 2015 that the CCP’s antipoverty program was “one of the most remarkable achievements in human history.” He did not acknowledge that the Great Leap agricultural disaster of 1959–1962, which thrust hundreds of millions of people into dire poverty (and killed at least 30 million), was a direct result of CCP policies as well as the most direct cause of the poverty that later needed to be alleviated.

For decades the work of managing the US relationship with China fell on the US side to a small group of specialists in government and academia, whose approach was remarkably consistent across both Democratic and Republican administrations. Their first principle was that “the relationship” must survive, and “the other side” in the relationship was limited to their formal interlocutors, who were duty-bound representatives of the CCP. These experts gave speeches in which terms like “China” or “the Chinese view” referred exclusively to a very few people at the top of the regime. The Americans were indeed expert in the study of that elite but not well versed in Chinese language, culture, and society more broadly. Beijing knew how to use these Americans to impose its view that the US must respect the “core interests of China” (that is, interests that directly or indirectly affected the CCP’s power), failing which the relationship would be in jeopardy. Only the US, not the CCP, could endanger it.
Trump’s demotion of this China policy elite is one reason why Chinese dissidents have come to favor him. Under Trump, with China advisers like Miles Yu at the State Department and Matthew Pottinger at the White House, it seemed that people in the US government were finally beginning to understand the CCP. Pottinger, who is from Boston, learned Chinese unusually well in the mid-1990s and, as a China correspondent for Reuters and The Wall Street Journal from 1998 to 2005, was a quick study in how the CCP goes about things. In 2005 he joined the marines for five years and was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan; in 2017 he joined the National Security staff at the White House, where his intelligence showed not only in China policy but in his ability to get things done without getting fired (he resigned on January 7, in response to the attack on the Capitol).
Yu left China in 1985 at age twenty-three to study at Swarthmore and then got a Ph.D. in history at Berkeley. After the 1989 massacre, he began editing a newsletter called China Forum that exposed the methods of the CCP as trenchantly as any publication I have seen before or since. He is a professor of history at the Naval Academy, from which he took leave to serve in the State Department.
In an interview with Voice of America on November 16, 2020, Yu pointed out three departures in China policy that the Trump State Department had launched. One was to stop using “CCP” and “China” as synonyms. The point was not to stick fingers in Beijing’s eyes at a linguistic level; it was to wean Americans from the bad habit of thinking of China and the CCP as the same thing. Only when the distinction is clear can one begin to understand the damage that the CCP has done to China. A second change concerned “engagement,” the name of a strategy that the China-expert group had long promoted. According to the engagement theory, exchange in commerce, education, tourism, and other areas would induce the CCP to adopt international norms, but the result was that considerable influence began flowing in the opposite direction. The CCP has made inroads in Western media, industry, finance, research, education, personal data collection, and other areas, and that sort of engagement had to be opposed.
Third, agreements with the CCP needed to be “results oriented.” For many years, the CCP had been using the negotiating tactic of shelving urgent questions, like North Korean denuclearization or Iran sanctions, by saying they needed more study, more consultation, and more time—until the US finally grew tired of waiting and just accepted the result that there would be no result. We don’t do that anymore, Yu said.
Puzzled Chinese democrats have wondered why US policymakers have indulged the CCP to the extent that they have over the years. For the business community, the reasons are not hard to understand. A large, inexpensive, and captive labor force was naturally attractive to American manufacturers, as was the lure of potentially huge markets. Cross the CCP and these prizes might disappear. But why, Chinese democrats ask, is it so easy to set political ideals aside? Is there something that prevents westerners from seeing that the CCP resembles their own mafias more than it does their governments? Why should Western liberals show respect for a thuggish regime? Do the pretty labels “socialist” and “People’s” fool them?
About a decade ago the word baizuo appeared on the Chinese Internet. Highly derogatory, it means literally “white people on the left” who unwittingly betray the ideals of Western civilization. Jean-Paul Sartre, who visited China in the 1950s, was an early example. Sartre excoriated Western imperialism and wrote about the beauty he perceived in Mao’s China even as Mao was tyrannizing millions. Does baizuo thinking, some have wondered, help to explain why Westerners still can’t see the CCP for what it is? Why do Americans, who are eloquent when they denounce human rights abuses in their own country, apply different standards when abuses happen in countries that call themselves “socialist”?
Chinese critics of baizuo are not uniformly harsh. Louisa Chiang, an American from Taiwan who has worked closely with mainland dissidents for decades, wrote to me:
A lot [of baizuo thinking] is well-intentioned, and liberals are just as entitled to the kind interpretation and allowances that all should receive. But this is to remind them that their power can do even more good, and that they could gain even more insights, if they were to truly heed third-world voices. Open their hearts and listen hard. It might advance their domestic agenda and make unexpected international accomplishments in their fight against any and all imperialism.
Chiang and others are annoyed when they see Western liberals condescend to Chinese victims, whom they assume are less qualified to make political judgments than they themselves are.
Chen Guangcheng came to the US in 2012 with the help of both the law program at New York University and a Christian group in Texas called ChinaAid. He brought with him a formidable record of making his own political decisions, and yet somehow people in both his host groups expected him to accept their tutelage in how to behave politically in the US. Later, when Chen turned out to be a Trump booster, some observers became even more confident that what he most needed was political guidance: Chinese people have grown up in a repressive society, after all, where awareness of rights is weak, so it is understandable that they are easy prey for charlatans like Trump. But in viewing matters this way, Americans in effect attribute greater powers of judgment to CCP leaders than to CCP critics. While the critics apparently need advice in choosing between Democrats and Republicans, CCP bosses like Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping, when given the choice to join the world as “responsible stakeholders,” can be trusted to make the right decision (until, it turns out, they do not).
Up to a point, dissidents can accept this sort of criticism from Western liberals; struggles with the toxin of authoritarian thinking have often been part of their own experience. Liu Xiaobo wrote in 2003 that “it may take me a lifetime to rid myself of the poison.” After they survive the ordeal, however, they emerge with an understanding that is deeper than that of the leisured bystanders who mean them well. They need no pity. They find it strange that veteran dissidents like Liu Binyan, Fang Lizhi, Hu Ping, and Su Xiaokang, who could have been of immense help to Washington in understanding the CCP, lived in the US for decades without ever being consulted.
Many have told me they find it hard to understand how the price their nation has paid, and continues to pay, goes largely unnoticed in the West. Why are the lessons the West has learned opposing dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin so difficult to apply to China? Will things be different now that the CCP is shifting its power grabs outward? Will the West be ready? Or is the West already trending in an authoritarian direction? A friend inside China asked me—jokingly, but with a serious point—if the censors working for Twitter were Chinese immigrants. “They have the expertise,” she quipped, and added, “When a person in the US says something not politically correct, the response to him seems to be not only to reject it automatically but to begin examining his motive. How Maoist!”
Freedom of expression has been a major issue between supporters and critics of Trump. Xiao Shu, a journalist who has long struggled, mostly in vain, for media freedom in China, cringes to hear a US president refer to the press as the “enemy of the people.” Does he know how those words have been used elsewhere in the world—or care? Wang Tiancheng, the author of a book on how China can transition to democracy, writes that China’s Trump boosters present “a huge problem: they put passing policy advantages ahead of principles of democratic constitutionalism.”
Pro-Trumpers can concede some of these points and still say that things must be kept in perspective. New, perhaps short-lived improvements in Washington’s China policy are better than no improvements at all, which is what we have been living with for decades, and a US-style democracy, even if damaged, is immeasurably better than what China has. Take the question of lying. Does Trump lie? Yes. Does the CCP’s Department of Propaganda (later renamed the Department of Publicity) lie? Su Xiaokang gently told me that the question is naive. The CCP system, he explained, has an entirely different way of measuring the value of statements. Truth and falsity are incidental. A statement is valuable if its “social effects” are “good,” and the effects count as good if they support the power interests of the CCP. (For politically innocuous matters like weather reports or basketball scores, support of the party does not apply, but avoidance of harm to the party still does.) Hence a “good” statement might be true, half-true, or untrue—that is beside the point.
A tendency toward including truth does become relevant when someone judges that a statement will influence people more effectively if a bit of verisimilitude is supplied. But truth is never the first criterion, and in that sense neither is lying. American democracy’s headache with a president who lies is a fundamentally different problem from China’s living under the CCP’s propaganda apparatus, whose roots date from the 1940s and whose experts by now are very good at what they do.
Readers of the Western press, whether aware of it or not, have seen examples of that expertise. In the run-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the international wing of the Xinhua News Agency instituted frequent use of the phrase “lifted from poverty.” This was what “China” (meaning the CCP) had done for hundreds of millions of Chinese people. The world’s media—The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Al Jazeera, Kyodo News, the BBC, and many others—picked up the phrase, as did Western politicians on both the left and the right. The World Bank used it in official reports. Those words were, in short, highly successful in achieving the intended effect: the world came to believe that the CCP was doing great good.
A more transparent account of what it had done, beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, is that it released its controls on the Chinese people so that, for the first time in decades, they could make money for themselves; hundreds of millions responded by working long hours at low wages without the protection of labor unions, workers’ compensation insurance, a free press, or independent courts; and, yes, they made great amounts of money, escaping poverty for themselves and simultaneously catapulting the CCP elite, who still rode high above them, to truly spectacular wealth.
In short, the word “lifted” begs analysis of who lifted whom. That question did not normally occur to people around the world who read the words “China lifted.” The grammar of such sentences, combined with the formula China = CCP, left no need for a question. Was this word-engineering deliberate? Anyone who doubts that it was should note that CCP media used the “China lifted” phrase in publications in English, French, German, and other foreign languages but not in Chinese-language media at home. That made good sense. What would happen if the CCP started telling the Chinese people that “we lifted you”? The people would know better. Both sides know better. To make such an assertion might generate unfortunate “social effects,” such as a greater number of demonstrations, strikes, sit-ins, roadblocks, and other examples of what the Ministry of Public Security labels “masses incidents” and counts in the tens of thousands per year.
When debate between Chinese Trump critics and Trump boosters heats up, attention sometimes shifts (although not really more than in political debates elsewhere) away from issues and toward personal attacks. The boosters say the critics are too close to Western liberals, from whom they have learned their anti-Trump talking points, and that this shows an inappropriate subordination of China’s struggles to the political battles in America. They further claim that the Trump critics exert a gentle form of moral blackmail that says, essentially, “If you people don’t denounce Trump you must be racist, fascist, and misogynist.” That pressure, they say, again conjures the Mao era, when people were asked to search their souls and examine their thoughts until they arrived at public expression of “correct” views.
As Trump leaves the scene and Biden forms his foreign policy team, how realistic will its grasp of the CCP be? It would be not just a gesture of bipartisanship but a brilliant inoculation against backsliding into naiveté if Biden were to recall Yu or Pottinger or both to service in his administration. Yet it’s hard to see that happening. At stake is not just the question of US policy toward China but the logically prior question of whether the CCP is accurately seen for what it is.
—January 13, 2021
China’s New Censorship
September 5, 2017
The Passion of Liu Xiaobo
July 13, 2017

Perry Link
Perry Link is Chancellorial Chair for Teaching Across Disciplines at the University of California at Riverside. His recent books include An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics and a translation of the memoirs of the Chinese astrophysicist Fang Lizhi, The Most Wanted Man in China: My Journey from Scientist to Enemy of the State. (February 2021)

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来自: 台湾人無聊上來找同胞聊一聊
注册日期: 2014-11-19
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· 11月美國大選,川普、拜登誰贏?
· 馬習會目前只統戰戲碼?和平統一
· 馬習二會,馬:要相信習近平,習
· 鐵幕降臨!中俄伊軸心形成,歐美
· 台灣為什麼要獨立?統一如何達成
· 台灣地震災情現況,请大家尽己力
· 馬習會?馬英九歷史定位中毒者還
· 11月美國大選,川普、拜登誰贏?
· 馬習會目前只統戰戲碼?和平統一
· 馬習二會,馬:要相信習近平,習
· 鐵幕降臨!中俄伊軸心形成,歐美
· 台灣為什麼要獨立?統一如何達成
· 台灣地震災情現況,请大家尽己力
· 馬習會?馬英九歷史定位中毒者還
· 小粉紅被洗腦、奴化真可憐?请大
· 中共現狀和平統一台灣無望?请大
· 獨裁者謊言治國毀中國、世界,崛
· 拜登稱中國定時炸彈:壞傢伙遇麻
· 有人说:中国人需要管,那是啥世
· 何為司法民主?夏威夷野火進入司
· 中國經濟及政治本就問題很大,中
· 由涿州人祸、台独主张、大一统思
· 保雄安!保習近平!洩洪造成大淹
· 有人說:习共攻台可能大幅提前?有
· 河北水災後,給習近平及中共最後
· 涿州、河北老百姓鬥不過老天,應
· 河北惨剧,中国人你为什麽不生气
· 咬人的狗不叫,習近平不知死活,
· 中共大忽悠,剛與普丁講百年大變
· 中共威嚇鄰國,美國乘機威嚇中共
· 印太战略初见成效,中俄被孤立,
· 中共懼怕洋大人及一邊打壓一邊暗
· 寶馬雪糕事件,教訓德國外交部長
· 許多大陸人民受苦,轉而期待兩蔣
· 龍應台投書紐時:兩岸和解,被罵
· 星際大戰翻版?日本擴軍威懾!美
· 不是只有劉亞洲,還有許多中下階
· 馬英九、李敖到中共國就變了?可
· 不是馬英九能雄起,而是中共孬了
· 平庸的邪恶,常用假道学的反战、
· 蔡訪美,馬訪中,對比之下,可能
· 美日挑起中印衝突,準備代理人戰
· 中共其實更怕國民黨反攻大陸,曾
· 馬英九訪陸牽制蔡英文訪美,更重
· 中國人民曾經踴躍支持習大撒幣上
· 習共獨不准替秦檜翻案,怕甚麼?
· 另类观点,台湾还是有和平统一的
· 中国革命100多年走回专制原点,
· 中国专制持续2000多年,靠暴力洗
· 新冷战下,仍然证明民主优于专制
· 间谍气球事件为何闹这麽大?中共
· 满江红等电影确实是为政治宣传洗
· 历史会证明张艺谋满江红是思想脑
· 别以为习近平消停了,文革2.0还
· 满江红与流浪地球2突破不了中共
· 中共故意宣传煽动东西方比较,散
· 有关双重标准与文明巨人基督精神
· 人说富不过叁代,洗脑、愚民也是
· 给乐观的中国正在抗争民众都点个
· 专制非文明国家的悲哀,生命如草
· 世界该防的不是中国人,而是极权
· 震惊,白纸革命可能是中共自导自
· 别小看中共,丧事喜办是中共传统
· 习躺平「中华病毒伟大复兴」、人
· 方舟子骂错了,人命关天,张文宏
· 当下中共会不会打台湾?或是放弃
· 中国清零造成集体创伤,疫情反扑
· 世界盃梅西、刘晓波 VS 中国清零
· 【白纸革命】习近平怕了!?A4证
· 白纸革命,中国梦被人民拒绝,纽
· A4白纸革命留名青史,历史从54、
· 听选票说话!台湾地方选举绿营怎
· 台湾蓝营大胜,蒋介石曾孙蒋万安
· 美期中选举「红潮」未现原因,民
· 迎接习皇帝新中国:一、文字狱,
· 习终身执政、拜登选举小胜,拜习
· 习近平处境类似七十年前的蒋介石
· 20大后改革开放结束,你准备好面
· 普丁让北约活过来,习近平让美国
· 黄河水倒流了,20大最大输家是邓
· 法兰西斯福山:俄国与中国尽显大
· 中共二十大惊人一幕!胡锦涛被强
· 胡锦涛哪想得到自己有这一天,韭
· 胡锦涛「被身体不适」,习近平又
· 习近平二十大报告了无新意,都是
· 习近平20大连任前:中国人与西方
· 美国炸毁台积电是最后手段,是中
· 一开战,台积电将会被美国摧毁?
· 习近平被软禁传言始末,如美国是
· 拜登表态美将保卫台湾!美预告俄
· 台湾政策法效应,习匆匆中亚行,
· 俄入侵乌克兰,中共威胁台湾,有
· 台湾政策法桉美国参议院外委会高
· 中俄反法西斯起家,却走上轴心国
· 毛泽东及徒弟吹牛响彻云霄,结果
· 专制者进化了,钢铁没机会炼成,
· 比佩洛西更具实质杀伤力的美国政
· 中共军演,台湾更安全吗?中共二
· 俄罗斯国师杜金求仁得仁付出悲惨
· 奇怪的大陆观点,怎都不敢讨论中
· 大陆军演常态化,台湾人到底担不
· 共产破产,替代品中国式奴隶韭菜
· 佩洛西不惜损失大笔中共特许利益
· 裴洛西旋风,增加台湾国际地位,
· 佩洛西旋风,从心理学、医学诊治
· 以中共的恶习,佩罗西来台可能是
· 二舅问题在哪?会笑掉国外、海外
· 毛泽东的徒子徒孙又出来学毛泽东
· 明居正:裴洛西访台,打台湾牌施
· 放心,彭姵奥如果选上总统,中共
· 大陆人民目前困难只是重演起初,
· 安倍被刺杀身亡,日本年轻人也开
· 胡耀邦、赵紫阳等爱国其实不民主
· 为安倍死叫好,专制必愚民、洗脑
· 千里马倪匡遇不到伯乐,还要流亡
· 美国堕胎自由与尊重生命争议,掀
· 中俄开始忌惮日本?美让皇军再起
· 中国黑社会主义化,极权监控及贫
· 上行下效,中国最黑是警察、共产
· 唐山桉诡异操作,中共精准示范让
· 唐山打人该整顿治安,尤其要公安
· 中国警匪一家亲,中共会不知道?
· 唐山女事件登外媒 CNN:中国仍是
· 唐山打人桉/张雅琴爆「包庇内幕
· 从丰县到唐山:是系统性性别暴力
· 从64至乌克兰一成不变,独裁以钱
· 上海「牆国」还需洋人治,中俄同
· 精神的贫穷、不文明才是人类最大
· 习近平大位难保?中共二十大已无
· 不文明的意识形态者,处于弱势易
· 哥大黎安友解读上海封城抗争,中
· 乌克兰、香港等战争事件,造成左
· 德国,西方的东方,中国、日本学
· 俄乌战争的快乐第叁人因中共继续
· 上海等地被封遭难,碰上总加速师
· 上海封城引发飢饿之际,中共官媒
· 上海封城掐死经济,政治挂帅自残
· 俄乌战争核武攻击威胁,全球核扩
· 丞相起风了,俄乌战争蝴蝶效应之
· 软极权主义正席捲西方世界,极权
· 乌俄战争蝴蝶效应,改变地缘政治
· 王丹遇「鬆饼抢劫」,美国的病根
· 2022年度风云人物乌克兰哲连斯基
· 美国狂甩动钓竿等中共大鱼上钩,
· 乌俄战争,美国及俄罗斯战略目标
· 小粉红跪舔恶爹,大翻译运动帮推
· 乌俄战争,台湾前空军副司令中将
· 乌俄战,俄军工吹嘘幻灭,美独霸
· 美国不出兵,就可以搞死中俄,新
· 苏联真理报再现:迎接俄军的不是
· 习误判带衰普丁,也误判乌克兰喜
· 习近平与普丁形成独裁者联盟,俄
· 乌克兰开战会如何收尾?国际预测
· 乌克兰, 一个曾满手好牌,却左
· 欧洲再现新铁幕,欧美将力挺乌克
· 铁链女事件民众精彩评论,遭遇悽
· 徐州八孩母背后法律问题和妇女权
· 徐州锁链女,耶稣说:那锁住的、
· 华裔运动员动辄得咎?是地缘政治
· 为何海外华人屡次被质疑忠诚度?
· 中国人要问自己:百年改革为何不
· 中国刘邦、曹操、毛泽东腹黑兴起
· 向权力说真话,北大退休教授郑也
· 方芳、姚明是中华文化薰陶的精緻
· 柏杨-丑陋的中国人:中国传统文化
· 柏杨-丑陋的中国人:五四已百年,
· 柏杨-丑陋的中国人:酱缸国病人不
· 春节,中共又利用台湾明星统战,
· 小国夹在大国之间生存之道,弱国
· 中国及纳粹御用文人的恶是一种什
· 林语堂:中国最底阶层, 利益每天
· 中共军事提升大外宣,刺激美、日
· 明居正:中共对美国、日本毫无办
· 中华文化就是专制奴化文化,让你
· 王力宏事件近尾声,一场豪门、高
· 从女性主义观点,看王力宏离婚一
· 王力宏从龙的传人一夕之间人人喊
· 中国文化逻辑:灾难没有降临自己
· 颜纯钩: 我们这一代,或许看得到
· 反驳:专制是中国人民的需要一文
· 习近平大撒币缺钱缺疯了,割韭菜
· 为何中共尊称苏联为俄爹?历史上
· 中共信仰破产,共产与民族主义学
· 中美避免热战,却避不开意识形态
· 彭帅事件为何掀轩然大波?冬奥来
· 拜登:美国不支持台湾改国号独立
· 拜习会谈结果与内幕评析,双方都
· 拜习会谈之际,美国会议员拜访台
· 中共黑道化催生社会恶质化,社会
· 拜习会11月中旬一触即发,美国出
· 美军驻台不是问题,说出来才伤中
· 民主是选举数人头,拜登为民调及
· 拜登组合拳求战?CNN突专访蔡英文
· 中共庆祝入联50年,美国泼冷水,
· 拜登美国会防卫台湾,说给中共听
· 要讨论嫖娼,就全面讨论,别抓小
· 拜登出招:美国必会保卫台湾,全
· 普丁说中共国没能源储备怎打仗?
· 中共封杀歌手黄明志,反激发黄明
· 海峡两岸分治、对峙,可能战争,
· 十一国庆爆发能源等危机,内外交
· 孟晚舟获释成中共爱国洗脑题材
· 德国变天,欧洲与英美基督教文化
· 中国式阶级斗争,独尊毛、习外,
· 孟晚舟、马克思、中国传统孙子兵
· 中共洗脑术,内外有别,在国外孟
· 中国为何就是赢不了美国?中国共
· 拜登联合国演说:不寻求与中国冷
· 国民党的价值胜过塔利班,中共会
· 张亚中等统派掌权国民党及台湾,
· 习共富,只是学习毛泽东,甚至薄
· 阿富汗撤退、河南水灾,深思国家
· 从清末至河南水灾,观察中国专制
· 阿富汗局势未定,普丁也出手了,
· 习近平只锁国?要以西藏、新疆模
· 阿富汗是中共国恶梦?一带一路成
· 中共炒作阿富汗撤军及弃台论,引
· 学爱国五毛爱美国:评析美国阿富
· 中共炒作阿富汗反美事件有三招,
· 阿富汗人民选择塔利班,如中国人
· 小S事件,证明小粉红直属中南海?
· 奥运中华千年专制文化发威,天朝
· 小S、孙大午等人失败证明中国千
· 小S挺台湾国手遭出征封杀,再次
· 中共举国体制制造体育机器,距离
· 习近平挟中概股肉票、韭菜,裹胁
· 近代乌托邦共产主义演变成灾祸,
· 为何在中国好人没好报?对比西方
· 郑州水灾,证明专制比民主有效率
· 中华专制文化怪圈,贪官污民财,
· 习近平的我将无我,抄袭李登辉,
· 百年中共,台湾盟友统派联合报劝
· 百年党庆难解中共灰暗危局,中南
· 中国文化的内核就是欺骗,中共是
· 香港苹果日报熄灯,升高中共与民
· 从「小平」到「躺平」,改革开放
· 中共建党百年回顾,不是共产主义
· 中共国安部副部长董经纬携大量资
· 习近平与小粉红、红卫兵2.0的现
· 病毒改变世界格局,目前是第三次
· 六四前夕,王丹:记忆抗中共,吾
· 六四前夕,张杰:直面「八九六四
· 六四前夕,苏晓康:坦克碾过的中
· 美国与中共的关系,不只是中共骗
· 中国野蛮崛起前 「后邓小平」时
· 温家宝对批评他的人宽容吗?朱镕
· 美国科技战略竞争的前沿与边界,
· 戴琪:美国需要新贸易法律工具,
· 台湾及中华民国为何成为中美斗争
· 中国又成类清末极权锁国之势,台
· 反习势力中共20大决战,习近平中
· 地表最危险地区上演的三角恋情,
· 中共犯台比照克里米亚,时间冬奥
· 红三代赵婷说真话伤了中国玻璃心
· 中国用行动证明赵婷说的话是真的
· 封杀左派电影无依之地,证明中共
· 美国「一中政策」开始松动,台湾
· 美参院通过战略竞争抗中法案,政
· 大陆不是没有人才,千里马却常淹
· 外交老手拜登上台百日新政组合拳
· 亚裔抗议运动为何「黑命贵」组织
· 中共煽动民族主义情绪,以商逼政
· 「新疆棉」风波怎么回事?北京「
· 中共建党100年,倒退演120年前闹
· 中共国教育类法西斯、红卫兵,残
· 习近平是毛二世治国,他的举动及
· 北京战略藐视对手&制造冲突升高
· 美中阿拉斯加激烈交锋,因习皇帝
· 为何中共惹祸,演变成华人亚裔挡
· 人有公义的能力使民主成为可能,
· 中共百年只见暴政野蛮生长,不见
· 21世纪独裁、集权政府将成过去式
· 中共禁台湾凤梨,为何国民党比民
· 中共要求美国尊重核心利益,却又
· 共产党靠笔桿子起家,对无知、单
· 要人说我是中国人,如同欺负阿Q
· 华人没有说"我不是中国人&q
· 亲共人士向华强、黄安及李敖、李
· 缅甸政变让中共被迫与拜登政府、
· 【欧洲之声】请看清中共(ZT)
· 中国在世界四通八达又四面楚歌
· 川下拜上,两岸牌烽火至少平息4
· 习近平新年身体不佳、心力交瘁要
· 福山:西方民主面对中国极权挑战
· 钢琴诗人傅聪仍死于中共病毒,暴
· 福山:川普崛起基础是全球化不平
· 川普快要离开白宫,但很多人心中
· 战狼充满矛盾,互不干涉却连思想
· 继停电外,还有经济停滞失业,均
· 中共挟洋自重,只它能卖国当狗求
· 拜登及民主党暂赢川普,能兑现竞
· 中共先抓民运、后人权律师,再私
· 美国大选乱象与川普剩余时间行动
· 马云等首富在中共眼中就是待宰的
· 中共传承真理部谎言共和国,不怕
· 先有习式中国与世界脱钩,再有美
· 拜登上台如兑现竞选承诺,中美关
· 如拜登上台,美国重回多边迂迴战
· 习近平想重振天朝,却动了美国及
· 中天撤照是言论新闻自由案例,自
· 韩战及抗日都是国民党的国军打的
· 文革破除几千年来剥削阶级四旧,
· 美国总统大选,在华文世界引起了
· 中共扫除传统文化立新失败,现要
· 韩战是北韩发动的野蛮可耻战争,
· 看美国总统辩论,美国是最伟大的
· 民国反传统风潮,中共藉机夺权成
· 中国人民为专制君主奴隶,奴役日
· 孙中山说:中国人民素为专制君主
· 邪恶中共,宁让百姓缺粮,都要大
· 坐着家里向共产党要饭的五毛,嘲
· 中共像暴发户土豪,台湾是端茶小
· 好莱坞虚伪现形,如同官场现形记
· 内蒙文化灭绝,蒙古国不敢表态,
· 韩国人是学中国人?中国人才是剽
· 中国人适合民主吗?台中网路论战
· 中共只是统治集团,位阶低于主权
· 一位台湾高二生论文:民主与极权-
· 习近平5项绝不答应,继续伟光正
· 全面崩溃中的「一中原则」,美中
· 中美对峙新冷战大环境,持续至少
· 美国大选重回左右之争,资本主义
· 中共侵台是豪赌,美国不参战也必
· 马英九不小心说出真话,背后捅中
· 微信是中共软实力、柏林墙、监狱
· 马英九智库警告台湾别当自干五,
· 马英九危言耸听,美国一定保台湾
· 蔡英文打脸马英九,台湾战机挂弹
· 纽时:港区国安法为在港置产中共
· 为何马英九执政后国民党崩盘?台
· 回顾蔡英文白玫瑰、总统、连任等
· 刘晓波暴露中共法西斯的非人狠性
· 中共和港台冲突越来越大的真正原
· 从刘晓波之死见自由民主可贵
· 习近平大刘晓波2岁一样失学,不
· 刘晓波死后,中共迈向第二纳粹之
· 刘晓波先生讣告(国际板) Obituar
· 蔡英文致敬:实现刘晓波「民主」
· 习近平高压激起台独、分裂,中共
· 中国电竞队在台遭辱,未来两岸关
· 刘晓波《大国沉沦》
· 我们都是美国人:给远离群体暴力
· 跟共匪签约是傻子,土匪只怕围打
· 成也肃贪,败也肃贪,64将平反?
· 王丹:”中共会放刘晓波出国吗?”
· 中国外交部无契约精神是中国文化
· 中国外交部宣布一国二制(92共识)
· 末代皇帝的恐惧:刘晓波死了,朕
· 刘晓波证明共匪不把人民当人,为
· 党组织五毛、爱国贼与红卫兵,红
· 刘晓波与世界独裁政权,历史一再
· 刘晓波罹癌,春蚕到死丝方尽,对
· 刘晓波被关到肝癌的零八宪章-血
· 诺贝尔和平奖刘晓波肝癌末期,保
· 政治高明骗术:不主张台独就不会
· 美国像白道、中共是黑道,都收保
· 嘴炮台独派的根基-美国的一中各
· 巴中建交有好处?屁民看热闹,内
· 王丹台独不流血嘴炮论的对与错-
· 王丹台独不流血嘴砲论依据:美国
· 王丹真话引发台湾网路巨大“回响”
· 王丹离台给台湾民主社会的建议(
· 解决台湾问题最近道路是美国,屡
· 王丹离台给台湾民主社会的建议(
· 王丹离台给台湾民主社会的建议(
· 64成为世界认识中国(共党)的重要
· 举报国台办发言人马晓光主张台独
· 探讨中国爱国贼本质-你眼中神圣
· 杨舒平其实是辱共,辱华是爱国贼
· 中国军事与美国的差距-真相总是
· 习川友好,毛左尴尬,反扑?不只
· 中国奇迹: 居然同情贪官而嘲笑清
· 中國,不講理、沒邏輯的野蠻大國
· 假日好歌邓丽君 - 微风细雨,世
· 王岐山家族也贪腐,还正气凛然抓
· 也来跟风《人民的名义》,看不看
· 余志坚与毛泽东
· 台湾政治庇护资格,张向忠不符今
· 近代中国民族主义与自由主义的演
· 联航溅血,亚裔屡遭歧视,是误解
· 联航:歧视,还有表达自由,乖乖
· 川普研究:看习大大如何被川普耍
· 大陆需要文明进程表,非两岸统一
· 台湾人李明哲被捕,对比中国法治
· 中国人被剥夺正当防卫权-于欢案
· 秦晖:中国左右派区分及知识分子
· 反韩闹剧是中国文化的无逻辑显现
· 特习会的面子问题,习大伤神
· 中国也不是权贵资本主义国家
· 南韩也在怀念邓小平(不只中国有
· 纪念邓小平系列-64开枪为何还要
· 纪念邓小平系列-韬光养晦得失盘
· 邓小平逝世20周年功过评说
· 毛左要的是权利争夺,不是真毛泽
· 右撇子连家务事都可盖高楼
· 赵小兰也是文革受难家属,却没斯
· 纪念南京屠杀80周年,准备打台湾
· 中国空气污染比想象更严重
· 盼武统台湾?还是盼望破局?
· 西方观点:希特勒等同毛泽东、蒋
· 台湾长老教会反对蒋经国(同为基
· 北京的底线不是一中原则,而是一
· 陈破空:与台湾总统通话,川普是
· 川菜门后,台湾前途看涨?
· 川普胃口大,北京难满足,好戏4
· 解析冯小刚我不是潘金莲,中国政
· 中國人「己所不欲,勿施于人」的
· 川普当选看美国人的阴暗面,黎明
· 常熟童工或让中国成为最大的赢家
· 美国真希望中国强大吗?(你会希
· 中国没普世价值,就没普世企业,
· 马英九下台后才发现92共识是骗局
· 唐代儒家变阿Q,中国已不中国,
· 川普未来以经济战为主,除非中、
· 台灣人分析川普當選的影響
· 中共如囚犯嘲笑外面自由世界(美
· 川普奇迹,川普学正紅,研究川普
· 川普当选,世界变天,多极世界,
· 基督徒如何面对高涨的同性恋运动
· 韩国人在愤怒什么?(朴槿惠丑闻)
· 大陆网民赞美国民主选举,微博点
· 习近平真的成为“核心”了吗?
· 纪念汉奸红军十万里逃命80周年
· 反驳「全球民主退潮」说
· 中国未来的几种可能方式
· 从中国式感恩看中国文化不能普世
· 陈破空:美大选今显民主制度的长
· 美国忙大选,中国忙抹黑洗脑
· 邓小平不否定毛泽东之谜—邓也是
· 蒋介石含笑九泉,不再死不瞑目
· 厘清日渐风起云涌的两岸关系
· 洪习会11月初登场,习近平亲自出
· 李安成功之道:拍电影挑战自我,
· 中共「五毛党2.0」进化版
· 本拉登说中国是世界上唯一惹不起
· 蔡英文打太极,应对中国压力
· 蔡英文与柯林顿一样,伤了中共玻
· 玩中国特色,却要国际一视同仁?-
· 别把中国问题推给共产主义
· 百年中国,上还是皇帝,下还是义
· 美国大选民调政治学研究
· 中国禁书:杨猛《陌生的中国人》
· 开水龙头爱国是愚民政策成果
· 中共异见者的反思
· 宁可贿选,也比不选好
· 中国目前是专制资本主义国家
· 习意识形态治国,偏离邓小平路线
· 中共崩盘前夕中国民众自救行动
· 中国越来越堕落,嫌贫爱富现象
· 专制极权让选举贿选诱因更膨胀
· G20现代朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨?
· 中国G20的特殊国内需要,共党优
· G20高调铺张,彰显卑微暴发户心
· 文革是暴力、不文明、反民主运动
· 中国问题,如没有病识感的病人,
· 文革过后一样有清洗,只是一贯遮
· 徐玉玉之死,谈诈骗防制
· 矛盾中国,又自卑又自傲的天朝
· 为当前中国抓脉,以历史重演论
· 从郎平叛国说,再看爱国主义
· 中国第三波移民浪潮
· 王宝强离婚爆炒是言论管制苦果
· 谈巴西奥运会最有内涵的文章
· 郎平被戴汉奸帽,还有更惨的奥运
· 支持黄雯、马蓉,王宝强吃鳖吧
· 连台湾人都受教的台湾游记
· 傅园慧現象是对当局假话的宣泄、
· 北京最反人权希拉里,结合川普次
· 台湾革命党王拓的故事
· 台湾人也喜欢傅圆慧
· 在中国,影响力只属于有权力的人
· 邪恶的平庸性才是最可怕、难以理
· 孫楊、马家军禁药傳闻与提倡全民
· 从戴立忍风波,看大陆官民舆论走
· 中共学习新加坡,新加坡却在学美
· 統派:习马会写下历史,马英九为
· 了解真正中国的100个常识
· 中国民族主义是自卑,不是民族自
· 预言:「汉奸」打败共产党等政权
· 怪哉,中共不左,左派也不左,右
· 戴立忍风波左右不分,假共党不左
· 大陆廉价的爱国热情为何一再泛滥
· 北京微博号召捐款,“捐你妹”收了
· 《杭州,为你羞耻》中国公务员丢
· 民主中国能成为世界第一强国?
· 神州梦游-肯德鸡与戴立忍事件
· 共产是虚假,帝制封建奴役才是真
· 文革互相揭发斗争仍在中国(考拉
· 中国外交险境20年前已注定
· 封杀戴立忍者,才是促进台独成功
· 南海,打赢美国是我们的,打输我
· 中国(经济外交等)危机在于心灵、
· 美国是文化流氓,中共是地痞流氓
· 习近平下台理由又多一条-南海仲
· 五四、文革、中国梦-中国还要绕
· 中国水利腐败与媒体监督
· 英国脱欧的启示
· 独裁者如何控制中国人民
· 误射?来了解一下台湾飞弹
· 外媒:谁是台海的麻烦制造者?
· 视频:了解大陆为何掀起民国热
· 马克思主义只剩下历史研究价值
· 渐被淘汰的马克思名词概念
· 高智晟-法西斯统治下的人权斗士
· 绑架、酷刑是中共法西斯化证据
· 马英九初尝境管、流亡滋味
· 文革是一场文化革命吗?
· 东方价值说:含七不讲及网络长城?
· 杨绛盖棺论定的论战进行曲
· 美国沈大伟:「中国崛起」隐藏内
· 北京正对台湾大玩心理战
· 21富士康与19马克思
· 蔡英文六四发言(脸书发表): 愿与
· 「六四」,又来了!(台湾观点)
· 台湾人看”杨绛百年孤独”
· 习近平续高压64等异议人士
· 越共可以,中共不行?
· 研究:蔡英文崛起相关视频
· 30年内是台湾生死存亡关键
· 解析习近平等知青一代人格特质
· 文革极致骗术:以造反方式效忠
· 蔡英文就职典礼及表演活动
· 中共党性VS法国邪教及俄国紅色食
· 毛粉:反毛即汉奸,汉奸就该打该
· 別忘了馬英九,卸任前馬自我搞笑
· 文革,个人崇拜的精神病群体案例
· 文革50年,伤痕潜藏在潜意识里
· 雷洋因环保事件被预谋杀害?
· 文革50年,告别红太阳(毛泽东思
· 中国打压,重蹈李登辉获高票支持
· 魏则西之死,绝对权力绝对腐化
· 文革50年,谁在为文革招魂?
· 问责制突消失?魏则西之死究责
· 魏则西是独裁体制又一牺牲者
· 美智库-北京击打,台湾成「压不
· 习近平专封蛇洞,还需要引蛇出洞
· 习近平从论文作假到专讲骗话
· 要大家讲真话,不打棍子,真是笑
· 为何大家不相信习近平?
· 这样作中国人如何光荣?
· 北京花大钱请国际公关改善形象
· 袁腾飞的历史课
· 袁腾飞谈中国人宗教信仰
· 历史虚无主义与戚本禹回忆录
· 目前台海两岸现状分析
· 海峡两岸的诈骗竞赛
· 中国撒钱外交背后涵义与问题
· 与被压迫者站在一起
· 中国司法是个大问题
· 几分钟搞懂肯亚台人遣中案
· 巴拿马文件揭露贪腐为何不抓?
· 长歌行过美丽岛,写给年轻的你
· 「巴拿马报告」重挫习反贪腐威信
· 走向帝制:习近平与他的中国梦
· 五四北大的自由传统到台湾
· 驳大陆清明祭黄帝提及马习会
· 台湾立法院拒绝一中92共识
· 中国全民不信任运动
· 最近中国政治分析
· 福山谈川普:我不投他,但他确实
· 李察吉尔:中国政府最怕的事就是
· 言论自由能让社会进步吗?
· 蒋介石铜像偶像废物利用
· 如何认识几大宗教文明
· 北京、台湾谁更想维持现状?
· 評12国在联合国谴责中共迫害人权
· 袁红冰预知:倒习第一枪?
· 台湾民心离中国越来越远
· 党媒射向习近平的第一枪
· 坚持一个中国不利中国复兴
· 台独大师分析九二共识地动山摇?
· 「大说谎家」习近平与李克强
· 台湾不只有鼎泰丰、阿里山
· 回中国内地四年轻人致香港青年的
· 文革研究: ”洗你的脑,其实不难”
· 中国爆发「第二次文革」的可能性
· 大陆目前现状还不够「绝望」
· 党媒姓党,是高招还是愚着
· 习核心学毛抓紧枪杆与笔杆子
· 挺梁大游行成功的多种意义
· 习近平问学生:为何成了基督徒
· 美国打朝鲜,大陆打台湾
· 蔡英文、习近平与美国各自打算
· 修正对中国民主化乐观看法
· 台湾在地缘政治的处境
· 中国教科书比日本教科书更害惨中
· 號外:共产党要推行民主选举了
· 台湾想回归满清,却不愿回归中共
· 马家军禁药丑闻与提倡全民体育
· 习核心为打压未來人民不满作准备
· 2016习核心仍在迫害维权份子
· 中国农村老人自杀现象是真的吗?
· 美舰驶入中建岛网民反应
· 无神论国度崩壞是改革困難宿命
· 帝吧小粉紅远征背后思想教育剖析
· 帝吧出征翻墙,中共先准后禁
· 马英九南海行燃烧最后光芒
· 习近平隔海指定蔡英文内阁人事
· 大陆民主后两岸统一不是鬼话
· 呼吁两岸统一从网络开始,开放两
· 中國国台办失误,毁掉统派马英九
· 两岸网友统独观念的差别(对话)
· 台湾人在生气什么(周子瑜事件)?
· 中国网民撇责洗白周子瑜事件
· 走出秦始皇大一统酱缸复兴中华
· 周子瑜事件最大影响在立法委员选
· 在蔡英文背后的男人
· 外媒:中国将邀请蔡英文访问大陆
· 周子瑜事件是蔡英文大胜一大助力
· 周子瑜被封杀道歉,全台湾沸腾
· 黄安意外喊出国王没有穿新衣
· 习近平的三个情人
· 黄安举报马英九为台独艺人
· 铜锣湾书店事件不是第一起案例
· 中国血统被強迫为社会主义奋斗终
· 毛泽东巨雕被中国当局神秘地拆除
· 军改是打貪腐后习近平另一大考验
· (中国人)国人历史观的几个笑柄
· 中国墙会像柏林围墙倒塌吗?
· 《老炮儿》是高竿的政治倡导影片
· 兴起毛泽东热潮是对执政当局不满
· 美国不是一些中国探亲老人的伤心
· 洪秀柱是被淡水阿嬷换掉的?
· 九二共识是国民党败选原因
· 总统大选辩论的程序比内容重要(
· 经典的宗教与科学之专家论述
· 孔子变成应召女郎,召之即来挥之
· 台湾反空污游行歌曲:圣诞老公公
· 評润涛阎:宗教VS科学---平衡于
· 蔣經國:會給大陸13億人及歷史一
· 官二代领袖楷模蒋经国纪念影片
· 观高伐林:”无量金钱无量血,可怜
· 共產教紅衛兵吸食過量的多巴胺興
· 龙应台北京大学演讲:《文明的力
· 徐明死亡揭发薄案、依法治国与反
· 中国海协会会长陈德铭在台湾出洋
· 中国海协会会长陈德铭在台湾出洋
· 不知他们为何恨 反恐越反越恐
· 炭火,请堆在他的头上,不要堆在
· 雾霾中国 专家吁中共敬畏自然
· 胡耀邦已经成为一种政治符号(中
· 臺灣大選前夕:陆生的体验(改变:
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· 恐怖份子为何无法禁绝?源头在哪
· 新十字军战争再起!
· 马习会败在何处?
· 几点评论马习会
· 本人暫時休息不寫博文公告
· 习近平访美开启中国改革开放2.0?
· 李嘉诚跑了,中共慌了,怎办?
· 中国及亚洲难民何处去?(叙利亚难
· 美国与中国难跨意识型态鸿沟(習
· 国民党这楼又要塌了吗?
· 打脸王岐山中共的合法性(兼论用
· 也谈全球价值观逻辑混乱等问题(
· 中共是法西斯政权吗?(大阅兵專題
· 大阅兵后新加坡部长︰幸好不是中
· 大阅兵纪念六四大屠杀胜利27年
· 北京奥运丑闻再版?及曲線救國論
· 国际媒体已定论中国抗战真相
· 改写假史引发中共统治正当性危机
· 党主立宪制度是中国最好出路?
· 探讨为何出现台独?及老台湾人的
· 台湾人眼中的总统、领导、总书记
· 宋楚瑜參選让台湾政治有了安全阀
· 宋楚瑜与蓝营恩怨及弃保效应
· 當代中國人為何找氣功大師,真正
· 为何洪秀柱会代表国民党选总统?
· 宋楚瑜参选总统宣言全文
· 台湾课纲调整要洗谁的头脑及政党
· 中国三政党谁最会操控青年学生?
· 反课纲自杀学生遗文及母亲反省文
· 扫荡律师后还有人相信习近平吗?
· 依法「抓律师」治国的泱泱大国
· 法律人看扫荡维权律师事件
· 扫荡维权律师犹如台湾「美丽岛」
· 洪秀柱第二次危机(国民党分裂)
· 洪秀柱的第一次危机(学历事件)
· 外国人眼中的蔡英文与洪秀柱
· 洪秀柱的奋斗旅程之沙盘推演
· 分析洪秀柱选总统之优劣
· 中國輿論的民主討論(目前可以接
· 中国大使要13亿人投票考试蔡英文
· 中国人必须下大决心铲除儒家传统
· 两岸的国籍焦虑症(聂隐娘得奖事
· 宋楚瑜有关海峡两岸未来的谈话,
· 满清爱新觉罗氏复仇2016消灭国民
· 熊焱探亲人权与中共自信
· 習大大: 西方言论自由是形式上,
· 记者高瑜被重判,对习的国际形象
· 海外华人:老毕是私下说了实话才
· 李光耀成功是一群人的团队,非一
· 光耀一生,狱满天下
· 别忘了李光耀独裁的代价,后面还
· 新加坡,冷气机式国家
· 不需假民主形式的务实李光耀
· 邓小平当年感谢李光耀支持北京处
· 李光耀去世后,探讨新加坡模式
· 评估习近平搞个人崇拜对中国未来
· 分享大陆禁歌【我爱台妹】及【脱
· 推荐歌曲:安雅-平安夜 Silent Ni
· 分享大陸禁歌太陽花主題歌曲:島
· 推薦新年聽好歌--楊芳儀 &
· 穹顶之下是愚民還是順民之我見
· 推荐台湾學者评论柴静雾霾片的一
· 从柴静雾霾片引发的后续官民反应
· 从柴静雾霾片谈到中国人形象与歧
· 马英九、释昭慧法师,奇怪耶你们
· 内战是民选,习近平是包子、泽东
· 中国发生文化大革命是因为「儒祸
· 「儒」之为祸,大矣!
· 儒祸来袭
· 台湾新儒家价值之改进与批判
· 苏联笑话6
· 苏联笑话5
· 幾則蘇聯笑話4
· 幾則蘇聯笑話3
· 幾則蘇聯笑話2
· 幾則蘇聯笑話
· 海外华人评论习近平四个全面
· 打假国际政客假斗戏码与省思中国
· 打假国际政客假斗戏码与省思中国
· 中共又一次為維穩卖掉全中华民族
· 试论网络肉搜等民间正义申张之我
· 孙文: 中国以四千年之文明乃无一
· 张学良宁愿老死异乡,不愿被中共
· 还原柯文哲:被殖民最久却最进步
· 台湾人打假台独神话
· 马英九与蒋经国的差别到底在哪?
· 别忘记我马英九还是总统(别想架
· 观习大大反贪打老虎,也看台湾反
· 马英九的无能妄为,催生柯文哲(P
· 为何美国欢迎司马南,美国全球第
· 习大大应召回女儿习明泽返大陆加
· 习王越抓贪官掌声越小,不新鲜了
· 披着民族复兴羊皮的中华民族汉奸
· 转贴:柴玲丈夫谈妻子被强暴事件
· 现代毛泽东、邓小平穿越剧:步步
· 中国人素质低吗(真的爱挤吗)?
· 台灣沒有的藍色恐怖
· 白人的富裕沾上屠殺掠奪少數民族
· 中國人在美國人權問題上應勇於發
· 金正恩有膽子就去聯合國提案糾正
· 中國反貪腐成敗關鍵
· 彭丽媛下臺後的身影是否依然好看
· 中國反貪腐成敗關鍵
· 彭丽媛下臺後的身影是否依然好看
· 「儒」之为祸,大矣!
· 中国发生文化大革命是因为「儒祸
· 中国发生文化大革命是因为「儒祸
· 年度总结:建议万维网定期开各个
· 现代毛泽东、邓小平穿越剧:步步
· 民主选举及共产主义优劣的两岸对
· 民主选举及共产主义优劣的两岸对
· 評論右撇子:海外华人是乞丐吗?
· 評論格致夫:中共上将“武统台湾”
· 整理臺灣九合一選舉個人評論摘錄
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