上月二十五日,纽约时报披露这一消息之后, 通用电器发言人马上发表声明, 说“We are committed to complying with tax rules and paying all legally obliged taxes;At the same time, we have a responsibility to our shareholders to legally minimize our costs.” 也就是说,GE认为自己所做的一切都是在法律许可的范围内,没有任何“出格”的地方。
那么GE是怎样成功地将高达一百四十亿的全球盈利“忽略不计”呢?首先,这要"归功于”过去两年中GE Financial因为全球金融危机而引起的巨大亏损-- 要知道,今天的通用“电器”早就不是以制造业为主体的公司了,它早在前CEO Jack Welch 的领导下, 完成了从“制造为主体”的企业到“知识型企业”的转化; 今天,它的销售额的30%来自GE Financial,而曾经是其“旗舰产品”的家用电器只占区区6%的份额(其他的新产业, 比如飞机引擎,医疗器械等工业机械则总共占其销售额的50%); 它的金融业务在08-09年间亏损了将近$30 billion--而按照美国税法, 这些亏损是可以carry over 到后面的年度来抵税的--因此,过去两年的这些巨额亏损, 现在却给总公司带来了高达 $3.25billion 的“tax credit”。
如果我们把 GE已经付过的pre-payment算进去的话, 它2010 年的实际联邦税率(effective tax r应该是7.4%, 而不是0%(GEs "effective tax rate" for the federal corporate tax in 2007 was 15%, in 2008 it was 5.3%)。; 即便这样, 相对于最高公司收入税率(35%), 也是相当低的了--福布斯杂志在纽约时报发表上面那篇文章后对其他一些盈利最高的大公司的税额做了一个调查, 发现该年度盈利最高的20个大公司的平均公司税率是25%, 其中五百强第一名的沃尔玛在2010 年revenue 共缴纳 $7.1 billion的税款,其中$1.2 billion 是海外收入的税金; 实际税率为其pre-tax income的34%). 所以,即便在类似的大公司中, GE 的税率也是非常少见的。
谢谢补充! 其实我也不太清楚这个税率(7.4%) 是怎么算出来的。福布斯的文章是这样说的:“Contrary to what many in the public seem to think, the conglomerate did pay taxes in 2010. It reported $2.7 billion in cash tax payments during the year, and on its income statement lists a provision for income taxes of $1.05 billion. Considering GE's pretax income of $14.2 billion, that makes for a tax rate of just 7.4%.所以它用的是这个$1.05billion 的 “provision for income taxes ”, 而不是$2.7 billion 的已交税款.
我的理解,这个$2.7billion 是pre-payment, 也就是像我们个人税上面的“预付”(withholding based on projection),但在真正报税的时候是要“多退少补”的; 而 eventually if GE 报了$3.25billion 的 “tax credit or benefit ”的话,那么就 more than 抵销了它已经交的taxes。所以从这个角度讲,NYT 和ABC 说GE 今年没有交“联邦收入税”就是对的?
昭君,是儿子十五岁开公司,小屁孩,瞎乱玩,去bestbuy 找summer job,人不要他,他就自己开了个公司,还在市政府注了册,给人做 home and small business network services。。。就是帮人家里装个wireless router,修修计算机什么的,还真是挣了好多线,可他的公司吃我的,用我的,去顾客家工作,我还要用我的车(不属于他公司的车)接送,汽油,mileage 也是我来出,他用的手机,计算机也都是我用税后钱给他“公司”买,就连公司几十元的注册费,都是我的“税后钱”。。。今天看来,这都是business expenses,要deduct的,但我是一分都没deduct,你说是不是290...只要把我名字也放他的公司里,这养儿子的钱不知道能省出来多少呢。
In general lower tax rates = more foreign investments = more jobs, which is why people who accuse governments of favoring big businesses should also consider the other side of the equation.
Jobs are scarce; countries from China to Ireland to Canada to America are all furiously trying to create jobs, even if it means 恶性竞争.
Tax-loss and tax credit carryforward 和 intercompany transfer pricing (ITP) 是跨国企业最常用的“避税”策略。ITP allows subsidiaries of foreign companies to manipulate profits and hence taxes payable. Through ITP,profits are channeled to low-tax jurisdictions.
It's so complex the average citizen would not understand it, and so these companies get away with it legally, although it clearly does not pass the “smell test”.
It is a huge problem with higher tax jurisdictions like Canada, which is why Canada has been furiously reducing corporate tax rates to stay competitive.
国际企业税收协定 (International Corporate Tax Treaty)和国际税收标准协议是解决这个问题的方法,但是在几乎所有的国家都互相争取跨国企业的投资和就业机会的情况下,我怀疑我们将很快看到这个协定。