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作者:西岸 |
留言时间:2010-07-04 08:41:54 |
其实这是所谓的social status的体现,即满足不同的心理需求。 对于具有一定社会地位,但还不具备自己定义行为规则能力的人,即还不能以所谓的”圈子文化“作为生活内容的人来说,其social status是远远大于生命的,失去了,活着也没有意义。
如同任何一个事物都可以从两个方面评论一样,这种行为也可以有正反两种评价,但关键是看其最终社会效果,尤其是”社会“这两个字的含义。 从这个角度讲,这种行为符合维持社会的需求。
儒家文化其实也存在类似的反应social status的内容,但儒家文化在每一级都存在self contain的概念,又是纯粹的基于道德层次而不是有契约社会那种不得不基于信誉的生存需求,因此会出现自己可以定义行为准则的可能,只要在self contain的环境里有绝对的权利。因此social status失去了真正意义的”社会“的概念。 |
作者:pearl |
留言时间:2009-11-20 14:10:44 |
How to Be a Gentleman: A Timely Guide to Timeless Manners
不知道为什么,给我删掉了. |
作者:pearl |
留言时间:2009-11-20 13:57:24 |
同意博主说法.我觉得两样东西最能看出一个人的品格: 死亡和金钱.
冰海沉船一直都是我很喜欢的电影. 让妇孺先行也是史实.背后的动因,探讨起来是个大题目.首先是信仰问题,然后是人的品格问题,也就是绅士风度.我认为,这要占到很大的比重.
前些日子,在书店里看到这本书<How to Be a Gentleman: A Timely Guide to Timeless Manners>.已经再版多次.翻阅以后,大为感慨.这本书,我以为,不仅男士应读,女士也应读.什么是绅士风度,那是完美人性和品格的体现,是谦逊,体贴,低调,举重若轻.在大风浪前勇于承担.这些,应该是人类共有的.
中国的几千年礼仪,在解放后几十年后的运动里,被践踏得所剩无几.近些年才在逐渐恢复.法国人的三百年才培养出一个贵族,并非我们的目标.我想,真正迫在眉睫的是,是培养人最基本的品格. 如果能恢复到一定的程度,那么新疆火灾里的孩子们,也许就不会死.这件事,是中国人心灵上的一块创伤. |
作者:lgbman |
留言时间:2009-11-20 12:49:49 |
一名居住在布碌崙宾臣墟,现年31岁并怀有10周身孕的华裔女子费灵慧,竟然在上班途中于布碌崙太平洋地铁站月台準备转车至华尔街时,突然昏迷不醒跌入地铁轨道上方,所幸两名英勇的白人男子不顾自己的性命危险跳入轨道将费灵慧救起,否则后果不堪设想。 这个事件发生在上周五(13日)上午8时15分左右 .费灵慧说,「坦白说我只记得我在等M车时因为觉得热,并且有点轻微的头痛,我把外套的拉链解开并弄松脖子上的围巾,并从包包中取出水瓶喝了口水,当要把水瓶放回去时,我忽然觉得视线模糊,然后就一头栽下月台掉到铁轨上了」。
费灵慧转述当时在同一个月台候车的目击者丹尼斯(Denise Scalfani)的描述表示,两名白人男子在她坠入轨道上后,「像超人一样的脱下了他们的西装」然后英勇的跳入了铁轨上合力将她抬上月台后,才由其他在月台上候车的乘客一起将两人拉起来。 「我真的很感谢救我的那两名白人男子,以及包括丹尼斯在内后来在月台上陪我等候救护车的拿些人」,首次怀孕的费灵慧说「对中国人来说,怀孕仅10周是不应该让别人知道的,但是我真的很想知道究竟是谁救了我,所以希望透过这篇报导,帮助我找到那两位不顾自己性命危险救助我的那两个白人,让我可以好好谢谢他们,并且当面告诉他们,事实上他们是同时救了两条命呢」。 Any Chinese men there ????????????? |
作者:lgbman |
留言时间:2009-11-20 12:43:52 |
If this happened on a Chinese ship,i guess children ,women and old people will sink with the ship. |
作者:大清人 |
留言时间:2009-11-20 09:34:49 |
中国人讨论此话题是否有点不够资格?因为在中国人面前只有利益,连道德都不谈,还有资格谈风度?早的不说,看看昨天奥巴马离开中国抵达南韩时迎接他的是韩国民众高举“停止阿富汗战争”的牌子就说明了一切。在中国你们看到了吗?因为中国人是只讲利益,不讲道德的那么一群人。 |
作者:落基山人 |
留言时间:2009-11-20 08:55:21 |
谢谢诸位。中世纪的骑士精神,近代的绅士风度,其根基是基督教或天主教,本人没有异议。因为十字军东征时,骑士都是基督徒。船上的那些绅士也大多是基督徒。 |
作者:2012 |
留言时间:2009-11-19 20:57:56 |
John Harper was born to a pair of solid Christian parents on May 29th, 1872. It was on the last Sunday of March 1886, when he was thirteen years old that he received Jesus as the Lord of his life. He never knew what it was to “sow his wild oats.” He began to preach about four years later at the ripe old age of 17 years by going down to the streets of his village and pouring out his soul in earnest entreaty for men to be reconciled to God.
As John Harper’s life unfolded, one thing was apparent…he was consumed by the word of God. When asked by various ministers what his doctrine consisted of, he was known to reply “The Word of God!” After five or six years of toiling on street corners preaching the gospel and working in the mill during the day, Harper was taken in by Rev. E. A. Carter of Baptist Pioneer Mission in London, England. This set Harper free to devote his whole time of energy to the work so dear to his heart. Soon, John Harper started his own church in September of 1896. (Now known as the Harper Memorial Church). This church which John Harper had started with just 25 members, had grown to over 500 members when he left 13 years later. During this time he had gotten married, but was shortly there after widowed. However brief the marriage, God did bless John Harper with a beautiful little girl named Nana.
Ironically, John Harper almost drowned several times during his life. When he was two and a half years of age, he almost drowned when he fell into a well but was resuscitated by his mother. At the age of twenty-six, he was swept out to sea by a reverse current and barely survived, and at thirty-two he faced death on a leaking ship in the Mediterranean. Perhaps, God used these experiences to prepare this servant for what he faced next…….
It was the night of April 14, 1912. The RMS Titanic sailed swiftly on the bitterly cold ocean waters heading unknowingly into the pages of history. On board this luxurious ocean liner were many rich and famous people. At the time of the ship’s launch, it was the world’s largest man-made moveable object. At 11:40 p.m. on that fateful night, an iceberg scraped the ship’s starboard side, showering the decks with ice and ripping open six watertight compartments. The sea poured in.
On board the ship that night was John Harper and his much-beloved six-year-old daughter Nana. According to documented reports, as soon as it was apparent that the ship was going to sink, John Harper immediately took his daughter to a lifeboat. It is reasonable to assume that this widowed preacher could have easily gotten on board this boat to safety; however, it never seems to have crossed his mind. He bent down and kissed his precious little girl; looking into her eyes he told her that she would see him again someday. The flares going off in the dark sky above reflected the tears on his face as he turned and headed towards the crowd of desperate humanity on the sinking ocean liner. As the rear of the huge ship began to lurch upwards, it was reported that Harper was seen making his way up the deck yelling “Women, children and unsaved into the lifeboats!” It was only minutes later that the Titanic began to rumble deep within. Most people thought it was an explosion; actually the gargantuan ship was literally breaking in half. At this point, many people jumped off the decks and into the icy, dark waters below. John Harper was one of these people.
That night 1528 people went into the frigid waters. John Harper was seen swimming frantically to people in the water leading them to Jesus before the hypothermia became fatal. Mr. Harper swam up to one young man who had climbed up on a piece of debris. Rev. Harper asked him between breaths, “Are you saved?” The young man replied that he was not.
Harper then tried to lead him to Christ only to have the young man who was near shock, reply no. John Harper then took off his life jacket and threw it to the man and said “Here then, you need this more than I do…” and swam away to other people. A few minutes later Harper swam back to the young man and succeeded in leading him to salvation. Of the 1528 people that went into the water that night, six were rescued by the lifeboats. One of them was this young man on the debris. Four years later, at a survivors meeting, this young man stood up and in tears recounted how John Harper had led him to Christ. Mr. Harper had tried to swim back to help other people, yet because of the intense cold, had grown too weak to swim. His last words before going under in the frigid waters were “Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.”
Does Hollywood remember this man? No. Oh well, no matter. This servant of God did what he had to do. While other people were trying to buy their way onto the lifeboats and selfishly trying to save their own lives, John Harper gave up his life so that others could be saved.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends…” John Harper was truly the hero of the Titanic!
Read more at http://www.turnbacktogod.com/story-the-titanics-last-hero/#ixzz0XNA9UxHm |
作者:好同学 |
留言时间:2009-11-19 20:21:15 |
真是胡说八道。什么绅士风度,在船沉没的前夕,三等舱的人都被铁栏杆锁死,死的大多是穷人。 |
作者:要管3721 |
留言时间:2009-11-19 18:27:59 |
您非要把信仰归结为“绅士风度”,我只好:唉!死亡从来与风度无关,更遑论“绅士”。 |
作者:2012 |
留言时间:2009-11-19 18:03:17 |
所谓的绅士其实是虔诚的基督徒.他们的身份已经核实. |
作者:落基山人 |
留言时间:2009-11-19 16:19:21 |
这好像不是同情弱者的问题。在生死关头能表现出来的,那一定是浸透了心灵的价值观的体现。当年中国新疆的那场大火,死了300多孩子,先走的是领导,然后是老师,最后是孩子,这是中国的价值观。中国人,电影中没有,是一些历史记录中说的,包括各国表现的比拼,也是历史的记录。 |
作者:枫苑梦客 |
留言时间:2009-11-19 12:58:10 |
泰坦尼克号沉没事件也是我常想到、常用到一个例证。从中不仅可以看出西方文化中同情弱者的传统,也可以看出西方的绅士风度在危难时刻是如何表现出来的。绅士风度不一定和家庭出身有必然联系,这也是那部电影要表现的主题之一。你说中国人表现的很差,有何根据?电影中好像没有出现中国人的形象呀? |