昨日,朱利安尼来到亚利桑那州的凤凰城酒店,给亚利桑那州议会的共和党议员们开动员会,要求他们采取立法行动,阻止大选认证。与他召开动员会同时,在酒店不远处的一栋建筑里,共和党人州长Doug Ducey与民主党人州务卿Katie Hobbs在州最高法院法官见证下,认证州大选结果,把11张选举人票正式给予拜登。正当州长掏出笔来,准备签字认证时,突然他口袋里的手机响起来了,在场记者听出,那个手机铃声是乐曲“向总统致敬“Hail to the Chief 。州长以前曾经对记者们讲过,他与白宫总统有直接联系,他担心漏接总统电话,专门设定总统来电的手机铃声为乐曲”向总统致敬“。显然,认证仪式现场州长手机铃声响起时是总统来电。但州长当时掏出手机,没有接电话而是把它消音后放到一边,继续完成签字。总统来电,当然是劝阻他签字认证大选结果,而他也知道总统要讲什么,这应该不是总统第一次来电谈此事。朱利安尼也公开说过,他到亚利桑那州曾经想与州长直接会面谈大选认证,但也为州长拒绝。州长胆子不小,居然拒接总统电话,也不见总统大选律师团首席律师。
"In Arizona, we have some of the strongest election laws in the country, laws that prioritize accountability and clearly lay out procedures for conducting, canvassing, and even contesting the results of an election. We've got ID at the polls. We review EVERY signature (every single one) on early ballots — by hand — unlike other states that use computers. Prohibitions on ballot harvesting. Bipartisan poll observers. Clear deadlines, including no ballots allowed after Election Day."
Ducey also noted that in order to delay the certification -- as Trump insisted he should -- specific counties in the state would have to decline to certify their results. "ALL 15 counties in Arizona — counties run by both parties — certified their results," tweeted Ducey.