女律师鲍威尔Sidney Powell,被赶出川普律师团队后,自吹手中握有可以颠覆大选结果的证据,这些证据具有女妖(the Kraken)般威力的震撼性毁灭性,她已经在法庭上放出了女妖。
她与另外一个律师林伍德(Lin Wood,此人民主党人曾经两次捐款给奥巴马),一共在四个州法庭提出了对2020大选的法律诉讼。这四个州是:密西根,威斯康星,佐治亚,和亚利桑那。
以下这个向密西根法庭递交的文件把DISTRICT 拼写成DISTRCT, 两处文字之间应该有间隔却没有间隔:
以下这个向佐治亚法庭提交的文件,在最重要的文件标题中把DISTRICT拼错两次:DISTRICCT 和D I S T R C O I C T。
The document Edison County was mentioned in was the declaration of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia in one of Sidney Powell’s lawsuits.
Edison County, Michigan is mentioned on page seven. The declaration says “Vice President Biden received more than 100% of the votes at 5:59 PM EST on November 4, 2020 and again he received 99.61% of the votes at 2:23 PM EST on November 5, 2020. These distributions are cause for concern and indicate fraud.” Edison County is the only specific county mentioned in the declaration.
However, a list of Michigan’s counties shows that there is no Edison County. In fact, there are only two counties in Michigan that start with E -- Eaton and Emmet. There are only three counties in Michigan that end in -SON -- Mason, Dickinson and Jackson.
在向威斯康星法庭起诉的文件中,他们要求法庭下令曾经作为选举投票站的TCF 中心立即提供选举前后48小时各个房间的录像记录,但是TCF 中心不在威斯康星,而是在密西根的底特律。
the suit asks for a judge to order the “immediate production of 48 hours of security camera recording of all rooms used in the voting process at the TCF Center.” But the TCF Center is not in Wisconsin. It is in Detroit, and was the center of other election-related conspiracy theories.
至少两次,他们在法律文件中没有得到别人的同意就以别人的名义发起诉讼。在提交给威斯康星法庭的文件中,他们把一个叫Derrick Van Orden的共和党人列为原告,但那人说此事根本没有经过我同意。
在向佐治亚法庭提交的文件中,他们把另一个共和党人Jason Shepherd 列为被告,那人也说完全不知此事,虽然最后她同意了。
At least twice, Powell has sued on behalf of a party that did not agree to be a part of the case. In a filing in Wisconsin, Powell included Derrick Van Orden, a Republican candidate who narrowly lost to Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.), as a plaintiff. But Van Orden said he had nothing to do with the suit in a statement on Twitter.
“I learned through social media today that my name was included in a lawsuit without my permission,” he tweeted on Tuesday. “To be clear, I am not involved in the lawsuit seeking to overturn the election in Wisconsin.” Van Orden, who could not be reached by POLITICO, told the AP that he had spoken with someone in Powell’s office about the case but had not given permission to be added to it, and he tried calling her to ask to have his name removed but couldn’t get through.
It was the second time Powell had done this. In a suit in Georgia, she listed Cobb County Republican Party Chair Jason Shepherd as a plaintiff, acting on behalf of the local party. Shepherd initially put out a statement saying she had done so preemptively and without his final sign-off, though Shepherd and the county party then agreed to stay on the suit.
最大的一个错误是把话说反了。法庭文件中这样写到:投票机器Dominion Voting Systems的一种算法错误,把2.5%投给拜登的票投给川普了。这个意思就是川普偷了拜登的票。它本来想说的是反过来的话:算法错误导致2.5%投给川普的变成投拜登了。真搞笑。
machine-controlled algorithms deliberately run by Dominion Voting Systems ... generally took more than 2.5% of the votes from Mr. Biden and flipped them to Mr. Trump for a more than 5% fraudulent vote increase for Mr. Bide
他证言中说,当天中午12点他开车来到一栋办公大楼后面,州务卿临时办公室号码为210后门处,看到一辆州务卿办公室的黑色Van 停在那里。有几个爱国者也与他同在此处观察。
到了12点57分,有一辆更大的Van 开到210号后面旁边停着,然后他与另一个爱国者john赶紧开始录像他们在装卸什么东西。司机和另外一个人用纸板挡住了我们的视线。他们没有录下他们装卸的东西。他们听见好像是在卸下一些带有轮子的东西。
他凌晨4点来到州务卿办公室的选举仓库。4点26分,一个垃圾车进入这个办公楼建筑的入口。大约有50多个垃圾桶,但垃圾车只拉走了一个垃圾桶,说明这是一次特别的拉垃圾任务。他一直呆到5点55分。他遇到一个叫Kyle 的同伙,他们有分工,他观察前面,Kyle观察后面,他一直在车里呆着观察进口。他们什么也没有看到。
下午1点44分他看到有两辆县警警车从他前面经过,去了建筑后面。有一个带了拖斗的开车开到州务卿仓库处装卸了一些东西,他们观察装卸的东西,大家都在猜测究竟在装卸什么呢?有一对名字叫John 和Valerie 的夫妻决定去跟踪卡车。。。。。
以下这个证言是一个工程师做的。他说有一个投票机器的code 可能被骇客了。但他个人不能提供任何证据,这只是他的一个猜测怀疑。
密西根州联邦法官Linda V. Parker: 原告要求本法庭无视为挑战选举而建立的法定机制,无视数百万选民的意愿, 这是本法庭不能也不会做的。
“Plaintiffs ask this court to ignore the orderly statutory scheme established to challenge elections and to ignore the will of millions of voters,” U.S. District Judge Linda V. Parker said in a ruling Monday denying Powell’s emergency motion to block election certification and force inspections of voting machines, software and security footage of polling places. “This, the court cannot, and will not, do.”
Powell’s claims that foreign agents from Iran and China conspired with Democratic officials and poll workers to infiltrate voting machines and switch votes from Trump to President-elect Joe Biden were “an amalgamation of theories, conjecture, and speculation” that did not merit the drastic order sought, Parker said.
“他们寻求的法律救济究其范围以及深度而言,非常惊人” “如果获得批准,他们要求的法律救济将剥夺超过550万密西根州公民的投票权,还有他们参加2020年大选的尊严,希望和发言权。”
“They seek relief that is stunning in its scope and breathtaking in its reach,” Parker wrote. “If granted, the relief would disenfranchise the votes of the more than 5.5 million Michigan citizens who, with dignity, hope, and a promise of a voice, participated in the 2020 General Election.”
“In fact, this lawsuit seems to be less about achieving the relief Plaintiffs seek -- as much of that relief is beyond the power of this Court -- and more about the impact of their allegations on people’s faith in the democratic process and their trust in our government.”
“如果原告对选举机器和软件有合理的担心,他们本可以在2020年大选之前提起诉讼,但他们还是坐了下来,什么也没做,”法官说。 “当原告推迟时,选票已经投下; 计票了; 结果得到认证。”
Parker ruled Powell had waited much too long to file her Nov. 25 Michigan complaint, noting the suit alleges irregularities existed before Election Day, with some claims about voting-machines dating back more than a decade.
“If Plaintiffs had legitimate concerns about the election machines and software, they could have filed this lawsuit well before the 2020 General Election -- yet they sat back and did nothing,” the judge said. “While plaintiffs delayed, the ballots were cast; the votes were counted; and the results were certified.”
鲍威尔提交的证言中,有人说看见选举工作人员有不当行为,证人在证言使用的了不少这样的词:“我相信”,“可能”等等这类的词。但“信念不是证据。” Parker also pointed out that Trump voters who claim to have witnessed vote-switching or counting of improper ballots by poll workers and whose affidavits Powell submitted as evidence used words like “believe” and “may” to equivocate.
“A belief is not evidence,” the judge said. 佐治亚联邦法官Timothy Batten:
“They want this court to substitute its judgment for the 2.5 million voters who voted for Biden,” US district judge Timothy Batten said of the lawsuit. “This I’m unwilling to do.”
亚州选举确认仪式上州长拒接总统来电 川普颠覆大选结果最后一口气 川普2020大选法庭诉讼盘点 川普的小桌子/联邦第三巡回/状告选举欺诈被告 川普2020大选法律诉讼简介