还好赶上,马黑的博文还没下架。评论多元话。有对爪四的捧场“涨姿势了,谢四哥”,当然也有眼尖手快的,如新天狱博,立马看出破绽。咱意犹未尽,愿意多几句嘴,为奥巴驴与左棍们接上一招。 爪四是引用半年前大嘴特朗普的图表(Trump's figures),两天前,爪四还说大嘴是中国的张铁生,现在却对”不读书“的奉之若神明,咱们不妨走进看看: The latest data comes from the FBI for 2014. This table contrasts Trump’s figures with the official ones. Trump Number FBI Number Error factor Blacks killed by whites 2% 8% 4 times Blacks killed by blacks 97% 90% Just a little off Whites killed by whites 16% 82% 5.4 times Whites killed by blacks 81% 15% 5.4 times The most glaring inaccuracies have to do with white homicide victims. Trump cast blacks as the primary killers of whites, but the exact opposite is true. By overwhelming percentages, whites tend to kill other whites. Similarly, blacks tend to kill other blacks. These trends have been observed for decades. 而当大嘴被Fox news 问到这数字从何而来时,有下面的对话: O’Reilly: When you tweet out a thing, and this bothered me, I gotta tell you. You tweeted out that whites killed by blacks, these were statistics you picked up from somewhere, at a rate of 81 percent. And that’s totally wrong. Whites killed by blacks is 15 percent, yet you tweeted it was 81 percent. Trump: Bill, I didn’t tweet, I retweeted somebody that was supposedly an expert, and it was also a radio show. O’Reilly: Why do you want to be in that zone? Trump: Hey, Bill, Bill, am I gonna check every statistic? I get millions and millions of people, @RealDonaldTrump, by the way. ”Somebody 或 Radio Show"? 大概不用多说了,半年前就被扔进垃圾箱的垃圾竟然还能被捡起来招摇,可见张铁生们是杀不绝的。咱们懒得回敬什么”右棍“或”右驴“了,引用一篇文字的标题是:特朗普的这种作法是:Pants on fire。这就也转送给爪四吧,没了裤子,写起黄段子反倒会更爽。 |