阿拉斯加的老朋友传送过来这个视频,看了以后很感动。网络真是把全人类更紧密地连接在一起了。这是一个由来自12个国家的185 合唱者在网络上进行的大合唱。大家通过视频链接在网络世界里,从地球上不同的地点,看着视频里的指挥,一起高歌吟唱Lux Aurumque (Light and Gold)。老朋友说,如果有一天全世界的人都可以通过这样的方式去高唱贝多芬的《欢乐颂》,我们的子孙后代就将会生活在一个没有战争的美好世界里。
Lux, Lux Lux, Lux Lux Lux Calida Calida Gravis que Gravis que Gravis que Pura Pura velut aurum canunt et canunt et canunt
Light, Light Light, Light Light, Light Warm Warm and heavy/loaded/pregnant/deep/dignified* and heavy/loaded/pregnant/deep/dignified* and heavy/loaded/pregnant/deep/dignified* Pure Pure as if gold (They) sing/prophesy and (they) sing/prophesy and (they) sing/prophesy.
*'Gravis que' is actually written and said as one word, Gravisque, meaning "and [definition]. There are so many words listed because it actually means all of those, in a poetic sense that is difficult to capture in one word in English.