2014-07-13 【Aiden in English】 The 2014 World Cup is coming to an end by having Argentina play against Germany. These two teams played in back-to-back World Cup Finals in 1986 and 1990. Both have won once against each other and today it looks like the tie-breaker for them. As soon as the game began, Germany attacked Argentina aggressively. Argentina responded with decisive lightning strikes. Both teams had their momentums in the 1st half, but no goals. Even so, Argentina had the upper hand. That call changed in the 2nd half. Germany continued attacking and had Argentina on the ropes for a while. Argentina just couldn't get a clear shot on Germany although it was able to hang in there. Finally, Mario Gotze in Germany scored in the 113th minute overtime. His left foot kicked the ball in midair with the perfect angle. What an amazing cross to Gotze and an amazing shot! Argentina could've won just as easily even though it had some chances but just didn't follow through.
It doesn't matter if you can create plays. They won't work if you can't follow them through.
2014年世界杯将以阿根廷对战德国而宣告结束,两队先后于1986年和1990年世界杯上两次相遇,结果平分秋色。对双方而言,今天这场比赛如同决胜局厮杀,非同寻常。 比赛一开始,德国队立刻发起猛烈进攻,阿根廷队积极应战迅速反击,上半场两队你争我夺互不相让,但谁都未能进球,尽管如此,阿根廷队总体上仍略占上风。到了下半场,形势骤变。德国队继续保持旺盛的斗志,让阿根廷队胆颤心惊士气锐减。在加时赛第113分钟时,德国队马里奥·戈策踢进一球,其左脚半空开弓角度刁钻,漂亮的传球配上极致的射门,终于打破僵局。阿根廷队本来也有可能轻松得分,但未能抓住机会。 不管你战术设计得多么精彩,如果不能进球得分,所有一切都是空头支票。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Drama Camp-3(戏剧夏令营之三)
Obstruction (抢断 05-10-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |