
【Dante】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) WHAT should be said of him cannot be said; By too great splendor is his name attended; To blame is easier than those who him offended, Than reach the faintest glory round him shed. This man descended to the doomed and dead For our instruction; then to God ascended; Heaven opened wide to him its portals splendid, Who from his country's closed against him, fled. Ungrateful land! To its own prejudice Nurse of his fortunes; and this showeth well That the most perfect most of grief shall see. Among a thousand proofs let one suffice, That as his exile hath no parallel, Ne'er walked the earth a greater man than he. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《致光明的使者》】 米开朗基罗•博那罗蒂(1475生—1564卒) 由你的慧眼, 我看到为我的盲目不能看到的光明。 你的足助我担荷负重, 为我瘦瘘的足所不能支撑的。 由你的精神, 我感到往天上飞升。 我的意志全包括在你的意志中, 我的思想在你的心中形成, 我的言语在你喘息中吐露。 孤独的时候, 我如月亮一般, 只有在太阳照射它时才能见到。 被爱情控制着的灵魂在呻吟中挣扎: 我哭,我燃烧, 我磨难自己,我的心痛苦死了 你带走了我生的欢乐。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Pisa, the Leaning Tower of Italy(意大利比萨·斜塔)
2017: Braubach, Marksburg Castle of Germany(德国布劳巴赫·马克城堡)
2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-2(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之二) 
Fountain of Neptune (海王星喷泉) 
Equestrian Monument of Cosimo I (美王一世骑马纪念碑) 
Fountains of the Marine Monsters (海怪喷泉) 
Sculpture of Dietrofront (雕像《前后》) 
Piazza di Santa Croce_Fountain (圣十字广场喷泉) 
L: Hercules & Cactus (半神大力士与怪兽仙人掌) R: Abundance (丰满) 
L: Judith and Holofernes (犹太女人和亚述将军) R: Perseus w/ the Head of Medusa (手握守护神女妖头的珀尔修斯) 
Uffizi Gallery (办公室美术馆) 
Dante Alighieri (但丁·阿利基耶里) 
Francesco Petrarca (弗兰齐斯科·彼特拉克) 
Leonardo da Vinci (莱昂纳多·达·芬奇) 
Michelangelo Buonarroti (米开朗基罗·博那罗蒂) 
Michelangelo's Statue David (米开朗基罗雕像《大卫》) 
Monument to Dante Alighieri (但丁·阿利吉耶里纪念碑) 
Temple of Italian Glories (意大利荣耀神庙) 
Flower in Hand (手持鲜花)
2016: Paris—Public Arts, France(法国巴黎公共艺术) Italy(出游意大利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |