2014-08-26 【Aiden in English】
Today, I discovered a whole new level of Chinese Yo-Yo at the Guanghua Chinese School (GHCS) Summer Camp. Previously, I was focused only on spinning it. But now, I can toss and catch it. As much as you learn how to manage to lift and drop motion with two sticks, you'll make significant progress and enjoy playing it over and over again. Some kids didn't even know how to spin Yo-Yo this morning. Next thing you know, they're turning them as if they've been spinning Yo-Yo all their life. Yo-Yo also has many fun games. Other than how long you can spin it, there are the following: How fast can it go in 10 seconds? How high can you toss and catch it successfully (not recommended on hard surfaces)? There are many skills to do with Yo-Yo and many more than you think. So why not give it a try? You never know. 【红霞译】
抖空竹也有很多好玩的游戏,除了较量旋转时间长短之外,还有在十秒钟内旋转速度如何﹖上抛高度以及接住空竹的成功率﹖(最好不要在硬地上练习。) 抖空竹需要很多技巧,比你想像得多,因此不妨亲自实践,否则你对它一无所知。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2009: 夏令营(Summer Camp)
Chinese Calligraphy (毛笔书法 08-26-2014)
YoYo (空竹 08-27-2014)
YoYo (空竹 08-27-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |