【Aiden in English】
In the northeast of San Cristobal Island, we lined up on the deck for a chance to see kicker Rock in an odd form. It was a remnant of a vertical tuff formation, abruptly rising almost 500 ft/152 meters from the Pacific Ocean. Kicker Rock looked sharp and massive, and nearly bare pieces of rocks protruded out of the ocean. Only the birds seemed to be able to scale the sides. Even though there was little chance from slim to none, erosion had split the rock and presented it in the emblematic shape like a shoe, its original name being Kicker Rock or a sleeping sea lion. The rock was divided into two parts, forming a channel beyond my imagination. Our cruise from one side of this tuff cone formation gave us a close-up view of sea birds along the cliffs. Late afternoon, I decided to swim on the Coast of San Cristobal Island. Before I could jump into the water, Mom commanded, well, told me, but it sounded like a command to explore a long and wide white coral sand beach of Witch Hill, one of the first sites visited by Charles Darwin in 1835. Due to the hot weather, we didn't see much fauna except for a sea lion, a brown pelican, ghost crabs, and a marine iguana or Imp of Darkness sunbathing on the rocks. After being bitten painfully by the horseflies, I finally splashed among the people of our cruise ship in the warm water. After a delightful swim, I heard a little whimpering. I turned around and saw a baby sealion barking on the cove. The pup sounded hungry. Their mother probably went foraging. At that moment, the pup started to look for three other females for milk on the sandy shore. Unfortunately, the pup didn't get anything but a lot of yells. The sea lion mother seemed only to nurture her offspring by instinct in the Galapagos. The pup was wandering around the beach and anxiously awaiting its mother's return. We gazed upon the natural beauty of Witch Hill beach, where animal life was vivid, and Kicker Rock was situated in the backdrop. 【红霞译】
睡狮岩又尖又大,光秃秃地伫立汪洋大海之中,恐怕只有飞禽动物才可以“爬”上岩顶,尽管概率极小,睡狮岩最终还是被风化成两半,形如一只鞋,或像一只睡狮,其本名“鞋石”和别名“睡狮岩”集中反映了这些特征。两部分岩石中间形成水道,实在超出我的想象。游轮沿凝灰岩锥一侧航行,双岸青山从眼前相对而出,让我们有机会与飞檐走壁的海鸟近距离接触。 傍晚前,我决定去基督使者岛海滨游泳,未等下水,妈妈要求我先去女巫岭又长又宽的白珊瑚沙滩感受一下“烟波不动影沉沉,碧色全无翠色深”自然风光,1835年查尔斯•达尔文成为最早涉足此地的先驱者之一。因为高温天气,我们并没有看到很多动物,唯有海狮、棕鹈鹕、鬼蟹、海鬣蜥(黑暗恶魔)躺在礁石上晒着太阳,尽情享受“澄泓湛凝绿,物影巧相况”之美景,痛苦地经历了马蝇血咬之后,我终于可以跟同船来的伙伴们一起泡在暖和和的海边共度快乐时光。 好好洗过海澡之后,我听到轻轻的呜咽声,循声望去只见一只海狮幼子正在水湾吠叫,它好像饿了,小家伙的妈妈可能出海觅食,撇下它嗷嗷待哺。正在此时,小家伙开始从身边寻找乳妈义工,试过三只母海狮,都被毫不留情地骂了回来,看来巨龟群岛母海狮本能上仅养育自己亲生子女,没辙儿,小家伙只好浪迹天涯,焦急地等待妈妈早点归来。 与睡狮岩遥遥相对,“上下天光,一碧万顷”的女巫岭海滩因为生机盎然而彰显自然之美。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Frigatebird Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔军舰鸟山)
2012: 三年级春假(Third-Grade Spring Break) 2011: 埃及纸莎草纸画(Papyrus Painting, Egypt) 2011: 埃及孟斐斯和萨卡拉(Memphis & Saqqara, Egypt) 2011: 埃及吉萨金字塔(Giza Necropolis, Egypt)
San Cristobal Island (基督使者岛)
Kicker Rock Silhouette (睡狮岩剪影)
Kicker Rock (睡狮岩 04-05-2013) Kicker Rock, the Vertical Cliffs about 500-ft/152-m (睡狮岩·海拔约500英尺/152米)
Water Channel through the Tuff Cone (灰岩锥间水道)
Erosive Rocks (风化的岩石)
Sea Birds along the Cliffs (海鸟飞檐走壁)
Witch Hill (女巫岭 04-05-2013)
One of the Visited Sites by Charles Darwin (达尔文成为最早涉足此地的先驱者之一 04-05-2013)
Natural Trail @ Witch Hill
(女巫岭·自然步道 04-05-2013)
White Coral Sand Beach @ Witch Hill
(女巫岭·白珊瑚沙滩 04-05-2013)
Walk along w/ Marine Iguana @ Witch Hill (女巫岭·与海鬣蜥同行 04-05-2013)
Marine Iguana (海鬣蜥)
Marine Iguana & Fur Seal (海鬣蜥与海狗)
Sun-Bathing Fur Seal (海狗晒太阳 04-05-2013)
Fur Seal Family (海狗一家)
Fur Seal (海狗)
Fur Seal (海狗)
Lost Pup (走失的小海狗 04-05-2013)
Lost Pup (走失的小海狗)
Lonely Pup (单蹦 04-05-2013)
Kids from Chicago and CA (来自芝加哥和加州的同龄人 04-05-2013)
Natural Beauty of Witch Hill (上下天光一碧万顷 04-05-2013)
Ghost Crab (沙蟹)
Horsefly (马蝇)
King Angelfish (雀点刺蝶鱼)
American Avocet (美洲反嘴鹬)
Cacaotillo Shrub (罗宾逊野牡丹 04-05-2013)
Opuntia (神仙掌)
Purslane (马齿苋)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔十字架岛)
2013: N.Seymour, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔北黑暗岛)
2013: Bachas Beach, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔驳船海滩) 2013: Bartolome Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔农夫之子岛) 2013: Sullivan Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛黑眼睛湾) 2013: Isabella Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔献身上帝岛) 2013: Rabida Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔野蛮岛) 2013: James Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛追随者湾) Ecuador(出游厄瓜多尔)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |