【Aiden in English】
I recently wrote a small paragraph as an example for my 2020 summer writing class. It went like this. I’ve always had this heavy question weighing down my conscience: Where do our boogers go? As children, we constantly excavated the tunnels, cleansing them of gold and other nuggets of inhaled particles; however, as teenagers, such meticulous cleaning occurs much less. This tendency raises the question: Where do our boogers go? Do they disappear? That can’t be true. They must go somewhere. Do they burrow into the pores, never to be seen again? That also can’t be true because such behavior would likely harm our health, and doctors would encourage people to search for jewels like brushing their teeth. This is indeed a mystery for the ages. Only the wise and powerful Google can solve this very scientific inquiry. Of course, this paragraph was meant to be educational only to the writing department (I’ve edited the language and removed any intentional errors I placed as a part of the lesson); however, I enjoyed writing about this topic. It’s funny, at least to a young audience, but I can easily see John Mulaney performing stand-up with a similar theme, using a 1950s voice and rocking a 1960s suit. The topic of this blog (thank you for reaching this point) is how I recently discovered an innate nature of humor. Although many of us have reached this conclusion subconsciously at a very young age, perhaps even in preschool, I’ve never put the thought into words. Humor is found at the edge of knowledge. Stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve watched countless stand-up specials, from the hilarious and fluffy Gabriel Iglesias to the equally as hilarious but much more straightforward Pete Davidson. It amazed me how well the crowd followed their thoughts: one used a childish accent to set moods and characters, and the other invoked a saltine-cracker-level of dryness that had me rolling in fits. Yet, in both instances, the comedians always seemed to be on the audience's knowledge level. So, back to my point on my lesson for the class. The humor within the paragraph would’ve quickly been extinguished with an efficient search on Google (though your friendly FBI/NSA agent would be given quite the surprise). Instead, I approached the topic as an unknowing student, much like my audience's. While normal people might not find such writing funny, I was able to draw laughter from my class of immature 13-year-olds. A doctor would’ve quickly shot down my inquiry with a simple response, but what’s the fun in that? Looking back on every stand-up, it appears each has taken the stance not to know any more than their respective watchers. This way, when a scenario is developed, the comedian holds equal views as a generic audience member. When we were all kids, the funny class clown (because there often are not-funny clowns) always had a knack for making everyone laugh. In my case, the designated humor figure was a part of the gifted program, but he always displayed intentional signs of averageness. It wasn’t until middle school that I realized that there was no way that humor could be achieved from the perspective of a brilliant comedian, and it wasn’t until now that I could put this idea into words. 【红霞译】 最近我为自己开设的2020年夏令班写了如下作文范例。
鼻衄消失了?肯定不对,它们一定呆在什么地方,难道躲进鼻孔藏了起来?肯定也不对,这样势必危害到我们的健康,而医生免不了鼓励大家像保护牙齿一样保护身体。 这确实是千古之谜,唯有神通广大的谷歌才能解决如此科学的问题。
医生本来可以用简约答复即刻回绝我的质疑,但这么做乐趣何在。回顾每场单口秀,似乎人人都对幽默小品没有过多了解,因此当节目进行到一定程度,喜剧主持人会像普通观众那样体验相同感受。 小的时候,班上滑稽小丑(因为常有无趣小丑)总有让人开怀大笑的诀窍;在我的特例中,颇具代表性的幽默人物来自资优班,他总是喜欢用鄙俗的风调来表现诙谐。长到初中,我开始意识到幽默没法仅靠聪明的喜剧演员单方面努力。直到现在,我才能将思想转化成语言。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2019: Nanjing—Ever Cry, Never Life(南京—话别无长夜) 2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-3(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之三)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2020 Free Summer English Writing Class(暑期免费英文写作班) 11th Grade(高中三年级) |