网络日志列表 【USA·New Jersey(美国·新泽西州)】 |
2024-08-06 International Scuba Day

【Sea Squid】 Nancy Anne Miller Capped like a nursery bonnet With tentacles streaming ties.
A missing tooth of the sea, &nbs |
2024-05-04 World Give Day 
【Stars at Tallapoosa (1922)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The lines are straight and swift between the stars. The night is not the cradle that they cry, The criers, undulating the deep-oceaned phrase. The lines are much too dark and much too sharp. &nbs |
2024-05-04 National Bird Day 
【Invective Against Swans (1923)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The soul, O ganders, flies beyond the parks And far beyond the discords of the wind. A bronze rain from the sun descending marks The death of summer, which that ti |
2024-05-04 Kentucky Derby 
【The Plot Against the Giant - Third Girl (1917)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Oh, la…le pauvre! I shall run before him, With a curious puffing. He will bend his ear then. I shall whisper H |
2023-08-30 National Toasted Marshmallow Day 16-Day|6-Port Canada-Greenland by Caribbean Princess
(“公主·勇者”号16天|6个景地之旅 08/14/2023—08/30/2023)
【Desiderata (1927)】 Max Ehrmann (1872-1945) (Stanza 9 of 9) With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. —— • —— • —— • |
2022-05-16 National Love A Tree Day

【The Man with the Blue Guitar·XXIX (1937)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) In the cathedral, I sat there, and read, Alone, a lean Review and said,
"These degustations in the vaults Oppose the past and the festival. &n |
2022-03-20 March Equinox 
【The Man with the Blue Guitar·V (1937)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Do not speak to us of the greatness of poetry, Of the torches wisping in the underground,
Of the structure of vaults upon a point of light. There are no shadows in our sun |
2021-11-28 Red Planet Day

【Nostalgis (1972)】 Guangzhong Yu (1928—2017) When I was young, Nostalgia was a tiny stamp, Me on this side, Mother on the other side. &nbs |
2021-10-09 International Beer and Pizza Day

【The Soul of the Sunflower (1881)】 Sarah O. Jewett (1849—1909) The warm sun kissed the earth To consecrate thy birth, And from his close embrace Thy radiant face &nbs |

【Aiden in English】
I still remember walking into that summer camp without hopes of having fun—a dreary, rainy day with no inkling of sunlight. Then, I picked up a yo-yo. I can’t say I was impressed or interested in having a long-term contract with the yo-yo culture, but the people convinced me to join the yet-to-be-formed club. It’s a sad day for all, although I can’t say it wasn’t |

【Aiden in English】
"The sunset is magnificent as dusk is approaching." The older you get, the more valuable life is. Life at this point isn’t just about living with happiness but keeping the quality with a strong, courageous heart as the ending creeps closer daily. In contrast, we are immature, like young, naive kids, and think life is long and tedious. However, when another year goes by, it seems shorter than before. |

【Aiden in English】
Today, I just went to a piano audition for the Golden Key Music Festival of USA in Princeton, NJ, where I played Sonata in G Major, Op—49 No. 2 1st Movement by Beethoven. I didn’t write about it because there wasn’t much to mention. I was nervous, and my judge took forever to write her comments about the previous performance. But I don’t want to talk about it, in case of jinxing me. Afte |

【Aiden in English】
I have never thought much about the future and just let it happen. Yet today, when Dad took me to Princeton University, I began thinking about what I would become in ten years. Where will I be in the future? Dad showed me one of the many places I could be growing up. Princeton Univ. seems to be around the corner near home simultaneously. Before going to Princeton, the closest thi |

【Aiden in English】
The beach becomes one of the best places to be during the summer. The cool water is perfect for a hot day. However, that was not the case when Dad and I visited the Ocean City, NJ beach. The water was freezing! It seemed like swimming in the Arctic Ocean. I didn't stay long since I was afraid to catch a cold, and today wasn't hot enough to swim in the Atlantic Ocean. We went to the boardwalk instead. Eve |
距离秋季开学还有最后一个周末,已经享受两个半月夏令生活的孩子们丝毫没有放缓脚步的念头,相反他们卯足力气,试图抓紧现有机会跟时间赛跑。虽说放假是玩,上学也是玩,但玩的范围受到极大限制,玩的级别亦从全职转向业余,心中难免有点失落,因此在迎接新学年到来之际,信步“三万里河东入海”,跋涉“五千仞岳上摩天”,游山玩水显得别有意义。 闺蜜家蒙蒙和浩浩继续朝美国中西部红色州大齿杨山(Aspen Mtn, Colorado)腹内地进发,落 |

的确,无论从内景设计还是就活动空间来说,探险水族馆非常适宜婴幼年儿童智力发育,深受三、四岁以下孩子们的欢迎。再加上宾州冬季寒冷,岁月显得特别漫长,常常给户外活动 |
宾州东部夹在新泽西“草”州、特拉华“好战”州之间,只有很小的地盘与大西洋接壤,完全不及其它两个州有诸多像模像样的海滨沙滩,任你春来赏雾,夏来玩海,秋来戏潮,冬来观浪,因此每逢孩子放假之际,我们忍不住上窜下跳,不惜驱车一、两个钟头,变着法子赶去邻州海边聊解心头夙愿。 就拿我们熟悉的新州来说,大西洋沿岸各处海边多由带有障壁作用的堰洲岛组成,狭长的砂岩体凸出水面,并沿着海岸平行延伸。堰洲岛内侧形成海岸泻湖的水道平缓,嗜盐植被繁衍兴旺,成为鸟禽 |