
【Aiden in English】
The beach becomes one of the best places to be during the summer. The cool water is perfect for a hot day. However, that was not the case when Dad and I visited the Ocean City, NJ beach. The water was freezing! It seemed like swimming in the Arctic Ocean. I didn't stay long since I was afraid to catch a cold, and today wasn't hot enough to swim in the Atlantic Ocean. We went to the boardwalk instead. Even though the ocean was cold, the day was a blast. Dad and I had some fantastic thin-crust pizza. It tasted nice and crunchy with ham and sausage sprinkled on top. Crispy curly fries accompanied the pizza on the side. After the feast, we roamed the amazing boardwalk covered with people. There was music, treats, games, and souvenir shops. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. I think that people were here for the atmosphere. Maybe having fun is more than doing the things you want. At the same time, it's also about being with people. 【红霞译】
海滨是夏季最好的去处之一,大热天泡在海水里纳凉太合时宜,不过今天我和爸爸深入新泽西(意译“新草”)州海洋城,尚未感到如此惬意爽快,水冻得要死﹗犹如置身北冰洋一般。我没法久留水中,不然非得感冒不可,此刻大西洋并非适合游泳。 我们起身前往海滨步行大道,尽管海水很冷,但心情大好,就地买了些好吃的薄饼皮萨,上面点缀火腿和香肠,味道香酥可口,外加脆皮炸薯条卷丝。 吃饱喝足之后我们加入人流大军,漫游于滨海大道,乐行、小吃店、礼品屋星罗棋布,人人兴致高涨。我想,前来光顾此地的游客一定喜欢这里的氛围,或许人生之乐就是做你想做的事情,同时你也热衷与人为伍。

Boogie Boarding (趴板冲浪) Crosslinks(相关博文):
5th Grade(小学五年级) |