【Aiden in English】
Viking River Cruises are quite the adult ones. They mainly have formal meals, bars for recreation, libraries, and lounges, which are very different from an ocean ship, targeting a younger age group. Therefore, this trip could not be complete without a large portion of alcohol. You know what? Wine isn't anything special. But wine is crushed grape juice with some voodoo liquid. However, stupid sounding or not, there is a much more powerful force than adults stopping me from consuming tons of wine at a time: the law. Yet, I do have a sneaking suspicion that Austria doesn't have a legal drinking age. Today's shore excursion took us to three hot spots in Austria: 11th-century magnificent Melk Abbey, 12th-century picturesque Dürnstein, and 15th-century medieval wine brewery Krems. They had their unique highlights, all with their symbolic sights. But Krems is set apart simply because of Gruner Veltliner and Riesling in Wachau Valley. Austria is quite famous for its wine due to the large production of grapes. It also has a lot of apricots, but that's a story for another time. Mom and I signed up for a wine-tasting tour, which makes no sense as I will most likely not taste anything worthwhile. But Mom insisted. 'Taste the culture!' Fine. However, upon arrival and our first wine, the hosting company provided me with a glass of grape juice produced at Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13. Since I have a general idea of what wine tastes like, the grape juice was comparable to actual wine due to the countless number of accidental occasions where a drop somehow ended up in my mouth. It is just way too undiluted and was too sweet. Nevertheless, I walked through the winemaking process through a guided lesson, including a 4D movie, viewing the various kinds of grapes, and pretending to drink alcohol. I am, however, surprised at the popularity of wine in a beer-drinking country. I guess booze is booze in any form you put it. The countryside, formerly dominated by medieval castles and ancient kings, is now controlled by the grapevines and farmers. Upon reaching a high point of the Wachau Valley, I saw the enormous amounts of grapes in production along the hillsides utilizing terraces. Like the Chinese style, the farmers carved long, long steps into the hillsides and then grew grapes using the flat area. Throughout the growth section, many grape bunches would have to be cut off the stems to create less competition for nutrients. After a few months, the fruits would be picked by hand, and those picked are the best. Instead of advertising the process, I will say that the grape juice tastes nice and is not something you should order when traveling halfway around the globe. And even though I thought the wine tasting wasn't meant for me, it was still a great 'taste of culture' in my flavor. 【红霞译】
一度中世纪城堡林立君主统治横行的乡村如今早已变成葡萄藤遍野农民当家作主的田园,我们爬上水塔河谷制高点,山坡丘陵上随处可见葡萄累累,与中国相似,老农开垦出一道道梯田并种植了一片片葡萄。葡萄生长过程中,为了避免僧多粥少减少营养浪费,很多葡萄枝被生生剪掉,历经几个月成熟之后再手工采摘果实,由此收获的葡萄才是上等极品。 眼下先别去搭理广告天花乱坠,我觉得这儿葡萄果汁味道不错,但千里迢迢登门拜访并非只图喝上一口,虽说当初我也不是冲着品酒来的,但身临其境“感受文化”确实令人受益匪浅。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Melk Abbey, Austria(奥地利梅尔克“牛奶”城修道院) 2016: The Channel Islands, UK(英国海峡群岛) 2016: Guernsey, the Donkey Island in UK(英国格西“绿”岛·倔驴之地)
2016: Guernsey over the English Channel, UK(英国英吉利海峡格西“绿”岛) 2014 World Cup—BRA vs. DEU(巴西对德国世界杯足球赛)
Viking Ingvi @ Melk Pier (海盗·丰饶神号停泊在牛奶河码头)
Aggsbach Vine-Clad (聚合溪镇·葡萄藤)
Rossatz-Arnsdorf @ L & Durnstein @ R (花环-聚合溪镇与干石镇)
Vine Terrace in Durnstein (干石镇·葡萄梯田)
Tausendeimerberg or Hill of A Thousand Buckets in Spitz (尖镇·千桶山)
Vineyard in Loiben (砾镇·葡萄园)
French Monument to commemorate the victory of the Austro-Russian troops against the Napoleonic troops in the battle of Dürnstein in 1805, Oberloiben (上砾镇·法国纪念碑——纪念1805年在干石战役中奥俄军队对拿破仑军队的胜利)
Holy Trinity Column in Krems (引火物市·三位一体圣柱)
Holy Trinity Column in Krems (引火物市·三位一体圣柱)
Cartoonmuseum in Krems (引火柴市·动漫博物馆)
Danube University Krems (引火柴市多瑙河大学)
Old Town of Krems (引火柴市·老城)
Pulverturm above Krems River (引火柴市河上火药塔)
Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂·十三号沙坑)
Vine-Clad in Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·葡萄藤 07-08-2017)
Wine Maker in the 'Tuscany of Austria' on the Danube, Krems (引火柴市·多瑙河“奥地利的托斯卡纳”酿酒师 07-08-2017)
Exhibition Hall, Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·展览厅 07-08-2017)
Exhibition Hall, Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·展览厅 07-08-2017)
Bottle Celler of Wine Treasure, Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·葡萄酒库瓶窖 07-08-2017)
Wine Treasure, Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·葡萄酒库存)
Stainless Steel Tank of Wine Celler, Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·酒窖不锈钢罐)
Oak Wine Barrel, Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 (引火柴酿酒厂十三号沙坑·橡木酒桶) Riesling Wine Growing (雷司令葡萄种植) Grüner Veltliner Wine Growing (绿化白葡萄种植) Austrian Country Dinner (奥地利乡间晚餐 07-08-2017)
Diary Time @ Library on Viking Ingvi (海盗·丰饶神号图书馆里写日记 07-08-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文): Austria(出游奥地利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |