【The Doom of Beauty】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) Choice soul, in whom, as in a glass, we see, Mirrored in thy pure form and delicate, What beauties heaven and nature can create, The paragon of all their works to be! Fair soul, in whom love, pity, piety, Have found a home, as from thy outward state We clearly read, and are so rare and great That they adorn none other like to thee! Love takes me captive; beauty binds my soul; Pity and mercy with their gentle eyes Wake in my heart a hope that cannot cheat. What law, what destiny, what fell control, What cruelty, or late or soon, denies That death should spare perfection so complete? —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《艺术家的工作》】 米开朗基罗•博那罗蒂(1475生—1564卒) 夫人,什么是某些人长期劳作的结晶? 为什么用粗石雕成的形象, 比它创造者的寿命更长, 而曾几何时,艺术家却化为灰烬? 什么事都有它的成因; 艺术战胜自然,显得更加辉煌。 我致力于雕塑,对此心里雪亮: 艺术超越时间和死亡,万古常青。 因此我能使我们俩不朽, 努力使你的脸和我追求的一模一样, 不管用的是石块,还是色彩。 过了千百年之后, 人们看到的是你的美丽和我的忧伤, ——我没有辜负对你的热爱。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Pisa, the Leaning Tower of Italy(意大利比萨·斜塔)
2017: Braubach, Marksburg Castle of Germany(德国布劳巴赫·马克城堡)
2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-2(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之二)
Piazza di Santa Croce (圣十字广场 07-19-2018)
Basilica di Santa Croce & Dante Statue (圣十字教堂与但丁塑像 07-19-2018)
Pazzi Chapel of Santa Croce Abbey & Natl Central Library (圣十字教堂修道院·疯狂礼拜堂与国家图书馆)
Pazzi Chapel (疯狂礼拜堂 07-19-2018)
Courtyard (花园)
The Nave (主经堂 07-19-2018)
Altar & Crucifix (祭坛与十字架 07-19-2018) Stained Glass Windows (彩色玻璃窗) Ceiling (天蓬 07-19-2018) Chapel (礼拜堂)
Agnolo Gaddi's Fresco (画家加迪壁画)
Dome of Pazzi Chapel (疯狂礼拜堂·圆拱顶)
Gravetomb (墓碑) Santa Maria Novella, Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit (新圣母教堂──三位一体──圣灵)
Temple of Italian Glories (意大利荣耀神庙 07-19-2018) Tomb of Giovanni Battista Niccolini Statue of Liberty (人民胜利自由女神像墓 07-19-2018) Tomb of Galileo (伽利略之墓 07-19-2018)
Tomb of Galileo (伽利略之墓) Tomb of Dante Alighieri (诗人但丁墓)
Tomb of Michelangelo (米开朗基罗之墓)
Tomb of Michelangelo (米开朗基罗之墓)
Cavalcanti Altar, Donatello's Annunciation (骑手祭坛《神赐报喜》)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |